Fuck you, Christopher Columbus. I want my shit. Why we celebrate a guy who didn't do shit but invade the America's, I don't know.
The last days I have so much to do... for school, at home, for the scouts.... whaaaa... It is way to hard to keep track what doing first and what doing later. Like today. I must babysit my niece and I had to take my notes for the following day with me. And I was so busy this morning I forgot to take them... now I must to the course without my notes... So I hope I can get it out of my system now.
I fucking hate the USPS with a passion. Oh, and christ, the DMV. It honestly feels like they were designed to annoy the customer as much as they could, but offer just enough service to get their money.
Oh well I waited in line for about an hour and a half. Just to not get a purchase I waited a few months for.