I'm certain it takes more effort to spell every word wrong than to spell every word correctly. Facebook drives me insane with this. I'm blocking roughly 75% of my wall posts.
I love Facebook. It's the only place I can lurk and watch couples fighting over durian-flavored condoms.
I hate my Japanese program! Its not the language, its the program! Its the way it trys to make me repeat the same thing over and over(even if I got it perfect) in a points system, which is annoying as turd. Then theres the fact where some slut and some faggot scream Japanese in your ear, "HIYAEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAFJPAOKOFAKDAKF{PA" "UHAGH!? SUKIIMAFAGGOT!!!!" I just HAD to let that steam of rage out -.-
...Im know Im an ass, but people turn on me...I warn them I can be an ass without knowing... YOU CANNOT CHANGE THE MAN WHO CAN'T SEE THE ISSUES-least Im not calling people names >_>
Nat is a slut. Nat is a slut. Nat is a slut. Nat is a slut. Nat is a slut. Nat is a slut. Nat is a slut. Nat is a slut. Nat is a slut. Nat is a slut. Nat is a slut. Nat is a slut. Nat is a slut. Nat is a slut. Nat is a slut. Nat is a slut. Nat is a slut. Nat is a slut. Nat is a slut. Nat is a slut. Nat is a slut. Nat is a slut. Nat is a slut. Nat is a slut. Nat is a slut. Nat is a slut. Nat is a slut. Nat is a slut. Nat is a slut. Nat is a slut. Nat is a slut. Nat is a slut. Nat is a slut. Nat is a slut. Nat is a slut. Nat is a slut. Nat is a slut. Nat is a slut. Nat is a slut. Nat is a slut. Nat is a slut. Nat is a slut. Nat is a slut. Nat is a slut. Nat is a slut. Nat is a slut. Nat is a slut. Nat is a slut. Nat is a slut. Nat is a slut. Nat is a slut. Nat is a slut. Nat is a slut. Nat is a slut. Nat is a slut. Nat is a slut. Nat is a slut. Nat is a slut. Nat is a slut. Nat is a slut. Nat is a slut. Nat is a slut. Nat is a slut. Nat is a slut. Nat is a slut. Nat is a slut. Nat is a slut. Nat is a slut. I fucking hate public transportation, but it's the only way to get around fast at my age.
Its not that, its the way it tries to use the point system. Maybe after 2 times I can remember something, but it wants me to do it 20 more times in order to just be able to get to the last part? And its like just 1 word too.
Only if I can still be a slut. I wish I can burn down my place of work with all the part timers in it.
My rant is I officially hate iTunes. Whoever designed that at Apple can kiss my ass. Seriously, whoever thought Syncing your files to your iphone was better than just simply dragging and dropping files is rediculously stupid. And the best bit is if you delete music from your PC, the next time you sync from your iphone, the same song will be deleted from your iphone. I mean, don't we have portable music devices so we don't have to keep them on our PC's HDD!? Good luck to anyone that has to format their PC. LOL [/rant]