A lot of people celebrate something on the 25th, even if people were allowed to work that day, would they even show up? Probably not, and just how productive can you be when you're the only one there? And it's a holiday, no one's expecting you to go out an celebrate it, it's a day off. I don't see why someone should be complaining about a mandatory day off, it's a fucking day off, you work for most the week, what's another day? And hell, you get paid 50% more on the day before and after it.
Believe in pedobear! Belief is all you need! You don't hafta celebrate. Take that money, stay in the basement and watch Monty Python with a glass of coke.
There's a sure fire way around that. I'll tell you over some wiskey sours. Spoiler It's only a date if she thinks it's one, make her believe the only thing you want is support, not affection
Oh no no, already let her know I was interested, and now any future requests for private interaction is sure to be seen through. She does have valid reason not to want to date, but damn, take over my mind less so I can tolerate that decision more.
Ah. Well once she smells interest, it becomes more 'difficult' to convince her of anything else. If something happened in her past,... No forget where I was going with that. I'm not supposed to use conversion psych anymore. As for your mind being enveloped with her, you're still in school, so plenty of chances to roast yourself over an open fire. *My rant is that they need to quit making those energy drink/alcohol hybrid drinks.* Red Bull and Vodka, Rum and Coffee, Green+Black+Gold(?, never knew of gold tea)tea + Bacardi Gold topped with Skye 100 Proof. And no, these were the femms drinking this swill. The gents just had a G&T. I heard a dame though of this idea in the first place, with the Vodka plus Red Bull fusion. Figures [end rant]my ass[/end rant]
I would think nothing of it if the interest hadn't lasted every day for the nearly four months I've known her. It doesn't even feel like how infatuation is associated, so I really dunno. Too confusing. Alcohol sucks anyways. I don't condone it and never want to actively or even occasionally associate myself with it in anyway.
Simple formula chap. Lust>Love. Basically where you're at now. Also. With that whole 'I don't condone alcohol' line, you sound like an elitist prick. And I am shocked and dismayed at that.....NAH, you can screw any one of my ex girlfriends. I'd suggest the Asian first. Man she sounded so good when she cried in...
Nah, I have personal reasons for hating alcohol. Nothing against those who like it, I just don't like that you like it. Not gonna be one of those douches who tells you off because you like to drink. Lust is love in high school. I can't think of any other emotion that could be felt that one could mistake for love in high school.
I actually am not a earthen spirit fan myself. Both my grandfathers were long dead before I was even born. Both drank themselves to death. One was so intoxicated, he was hit by a van, dragged twenty two feet, then was still combative as they were trying to load him up into the ambulance. He died a week later after being in a coma. The other one just drank until his liver failed. I drank a bottle of 151, and 100 proof vodka one night, hoping to fade out from this world. All I did was sleep for five hours and wake up. No throwing up, no hangover. I am not a drinker..however I do have the alcoholic gene in my cells. Good point on the lust issue. It takes many a years to figure out ones self, before trying to figure out another. Ashame not everyone knows that, the abortion rate is climbing again.
I want to try and figure out another to a point that I can truly appreciate them, but it is just so damn difficult to learn as a high school student. Not exactly an elective you can take.
That being said, he lived 5 hours away from me for nearly 2 years. u jelly? Sounds like a rough night, feel better please. I forgot what else I was going to say.
I'm jelly of pretty much anybody in a remotely successful relationship, as every time I try, I get shut down pretty damn hard.
Drake. No, Ethan. This is Dan talking to you for the moment. Stop what you're doing. Don't do what I did, putting women on a pedestal. I did just that, shit, at one time I was a romantic who believed chilivary stood for something. It doesn't. Figuring out women is something in life you're actually better off not doing at all. Enjoy your days as a high schooler, put that shit on hold till college at best. Your heart will always lead you down a path your mind has already told you to avoid. Please avoid it.
I just want to experience a really good relationship once in my high school life. I've only tried for a small handful of women that I felt were actually worth my attention on that level. Something completely out of my control always gets in the way. I'll be nice to those that deserve it, and not so much to those that don't. I do have this incessant niceness about me that I can't seem to shake being who I am, but I try my hardest not to make females a priority or to place them on a pedestal in my mind. I compared trying to figure out how to read females to attempting to read the Chinese translation of Moby Dick with no prior experience. You have no chance and shouldn't even really try. That won't stop some from attempting though, as we can see clearly illustrated in the world we all inhabit.
Trying is the first step to failure, failure is the only step to real success. Being the nice guy means finishing last, or so I am told. Well to be honest I'd rather finish last, than to never have qualified for the big race, know what I mean Keep your nice guy ways man. You can be nice and still get the job done, and it's harder to change your interior values and modify who you are at the core, than it is to just feign a pseudo character change. I've met(be it in real life, or even online) 34 crappy women, the 35th was someone like Nat. In the end, it's not about who dances with who on this dance floor of life, it's about who's driving her home as the dance concludes. If you want to be the last words she hears before she closes her door for the night(and trust me, you do) then stay the same. He who inmates evil, often goes beyond the example set, yet he who inmates good always falls short. Thanks nat. Stay safe, I got reports to file, and a day shift ahead of me tomorrow. Take care Mr. Drake, and to the one MILF that will stand the test of time.