You must shower me with your sexiness. This is vital. Also, I will feel all sexy like regardless. It's in my DNA and shit. Yeah, my sexy like feeling is overflowing in such a way, it exits out of me through my rear exit.
This thread took a turn for the hilarious and then to the fuckweird and then back to kind of awesome I love you guys.
My heating bill is going to bigger than a romu trolls ego. The heating has been on constantly since saturday afternoon
I hate that our community production of willy wonka has guys kissing. Especially since it's a big fat gay guy (playing grandpa joe) kissing this 12 year old kid (playing Charlie). ON THE LIPS. ...I don't think I could be happier with my part of a cook with no lines or reactions. Also, I hate how yet another meme has started not too long after I finally decided to follow the kamina one. Now I'm out of date and uncool. where the hell is that cat....
I hate it, but it's only a fleeting hate, so to speak. There's a lot worse shit on my plate than that.
I hate it when somebody predicts that the kamina shades were going to be put on the cat eventually and actually end up being right. On that note, I'm pretty sure it was Suis that said it, so screw you Suis.
This should have no bearing on you showering me with your sexiness. Actually on topic, my birthday this year is probably gonna be rather uneventful and will probably suck. Bah.