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Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by 1prinnydood, Dec 1, 2009.

  1. EntropicKitty

    EntropicKitty Well-Known Member

    I use cheats in some for the first time through, like fighting fantasy, that game is so lame without cheats on. haha. Most are better to play all the way through once then use cheats, but some people like to use cheats all the time.
  2. MindFever

    MindFever Well-Known Member

    Oh,that reminds me: is there a cheat for Black Sigil to make the character have LESS random battles? (i dont mean that there should be NONE in the map...just toned down a notch) Also,Final Fantasy IV has outrageous random battles too ... and Nostalgia...

    Oh man,i hope somebody patches them with some custom-crap-code or whatever,to tone down random battles...

    And did you hear INFINITE SPACE does definitely have alot of random battles? Christ,why dont they make rpgs more like Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles?

    Anyway,good tip... cheat in a game that is lame without it.Not a bad idea... not dishonest ,just tactical.
  3. EntropicKitty

    EntropicKitty Well-Known Member

    Haha, you can get the "no random battles" cheats that generally have an "instant battle" option where you press a button or combination of buttons to make a battle occur when you want one to... I do that. =]

    I hate random battle games, they bug me.
  4. MindFever

    MindFever Well-Known Member

    Ah i see...well,it would be a bit unfair to make you choose when the battle begins though.I dont think your character would level up as much as the game intended.Or maybe ...well,this wouldnt work for lazy people .I will try it definitely ;)

    Indeed... but still,random battles would be allright if they didnt happen every 10 seconds,you know? Why dont they make something like a few invisible areas,so when you pass them a battle occurs.You cant possibly know where they are,because they could change the patter in every game (random pattern),but that it would be consistent you know ? It sucks that the GAME ITSELF decides when you must battle...i wanna have the impression i can "skip" the battle if i moove in different areas (okay,so basicaly in woods there would be more battles as in the plains...).Anyway long story short: I was disappointed when i heard Infinite Space (upcoming big tittle) has this system (random battles).This sucks major ass!
  5. 88007287

    88007287 Member

    Thanks prinnydood, You helped me a lot with the link. ;D
  6. jldcat

    jldcat Well-Known Member

    Just in case someone is looking, the pre-patched version on page 5 of this topic works fine on my DSTT 1.17a12.

    Also, can you use cheats on ROMS for the DSTT or are they just for the PC Emulators?
  7. MindFever

    MindFever Well-Known Member

    As far as i know, every flashcart can use cheats. So it is not a PC exclusive function :) Enjoy your cheats !
  8. jldcat

    jldcat Well-Known Member

    Thanks MindFever, now all I have to do is find a FAQ on how to use cheats and where to go to find them....Oh, the life of a non-techie....
  9. tool86

    tool86 Active Member

    works fine on AKAIO 1.5.1! thanks a lot guys!
  10. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Get the latest cheats database from http://cheats.gbatemp.net/ . Use the USRCHEAT.DAT database.
  11. dude man23

    dude man23 New Member

    I've renamed the file to xpa-mmch.nds and i've extracted all the files onto my r4 theyre all in the same folder but it dosent work im using r4 1.18 by the way
  12. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    You need to patch the ROM with the patch. Run the .bat file.
  13. Afro_Stud

    Afro_Stud New Member

    I'm attempting to play the European version of the game and there's the same problem during the loading stage (it won't go any further than a black screen after the Capy logo appears). I'm using AceKard 2i with AKAIO 1.5.1. I know I could just play the patched American version to get around this problem, but I'd rather play the European one. As the European one has only recently been released is it just a matter of waiting for it to be patched or is there something which could fix the problem now?
  14. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    There's a patch for it. http://anandjones.romulation.net/files/ds/patches/mmcohe.rar
  15. Afro_Stud

    Afro_Stud New Member

    Those crack files turn it into the US version of the game but in either French, German, Italian or Spanish. The Readme file claims that with the newest AKAIO and the latest loader no crack is needed. However, this doesn't seem to be the case for me.
  16. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Yes it forces the primary language in the ROM. If you want English, they suggest you play the (U) version. Make sure you've updated your loaders from http://akaio.gbatemp.net/nloaders/
  17. van.nguyen1

    van.nguyen1 New Member

    thank you Xenophobia for the hard coding work...
  18. pizzaman888

    pizzaman888 New Member

    I'm using an Acekard 2 and the shit is still not working for me even after patching it and even after updating.
  19. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Use AKAIO 1.5.1 and update your loaders. http://akaio.gbatemp.net/nloaders/ Use a clean ROM.
  20. pizzaman888

    pizzaman888 New Member

    ahh I was still using a patched rom. I'll see if that works thanks

    nvm worked like a charm thanks again