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Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by 1prinnydood, Dec 1, 2009.

  1. BlackSakura69

    BlackSakura69 Member

    Thank you So very much for this! Works on my R4 so far just to let you know!
  2. haseoTOD

    haseoTOD Guest

    Pre-patched ROM for the lazy would be nice, and appreciated.
  3. Jtran_12

    Jtran_12 Member

    Just Pre-patched the ROM and post the link here. It's better for all the lazy people =P
  4. darkmaeg

    darkmaeg New Member

    I had to patch the game manually, the batch file that comes with the crack does not work (well for me anyway)...
    Works fine now using RDS...
  5. Jtran_12

    Jtran_12 Member

    By RDS you mean? R4 Revolution? If so plz post a link for it =o!
  6. fiear

    fiear New Member

    I understand that many people are techno illiterate, and so they want help converting etc, but you people claiming oh im lazy help me, im a sloth. what if all the people developing the patches to allow us to play our backups said, sorry brothers and sisters, for I am to lazy to code, and if I do code, I am far to lazy to post it for you all to enjoy.

    Common people the least we can do is properly apply the patches without whining that we are so damn lazy we cant even help ourselves


    Also, Works great here on R4 with YsMenu, just remember to copy over the patched file with crack added to its name, and not the original rom you started the patching with and it should work wonderfully. Thanks to the coders who got this backup playing! :D
  7. oettam

    oettam Member

    alright it works on R4
  8. iwantndsroms

    iwantndsroms Well-Known Member

    I am techno noob and i cant get it to work even though ihave read this whole thread.I have downloaded a file that has a folder with 4 rar files in it 3 with 4,883 kb and one with 3'968kb.there is also a file called xdelta another called xpa-mmck.crack another called xpammch.nds(32,768kb)another called xpa-mmch-cracked(0kb) one called xpa-mmck(ms dos file 1kb) and msinfo document file called xpa-mmck whci will not open.
    i have unzipped the xpa-mmch rar file renamed it xpa-mmch.nds as it says in this thread lots of times and put it in the folder with all these other files above and clicked on the msdos batch file this opens a black box up and says:
    might and magic:clash of heroes crack by xenophobia
    xdelta.exe:eek:pen xpa-mmch.ndsfailed:no such file or directory
    press any key to continue...
    so what am i doing wrong im not lazy just uneducated in pc usage its getting on my nerves and im frustrated as to why it wont work but everyone else seems to have it working.can someone please tell me step by step what to do, yes im a spaz lol

    also i dont have a xpa-mmck.rar file as described below by darkrudus
    extract the files
    have the rom in the same folder
    name your rom "xpa-mmch.nds"
    extract "xpa-mmck.rar"
    then double click on "xpa-mmck.bat"

    « Last Edit: Thursday December 03, 2009, 09:34:35 PM by darkcrudus »
  9. sorandor

    sorandor New Member

    I can confirm the rar from this site works on EDGE.

    I dled it, ran patch - At first i made a mistake as many have here - i ran the Romulation BAT file, and it didnt work.

    After re-reading the posts i saw my mistake. Theres enough walkthroughs on this topic to get it working, heres how i did it.

    Dl from Romulation.
    Extract game and contents of xpa.mmck to same folder.
    Rename rom file to xpa-mmch.nds
    Ran patch (Not the Romu one)
    * You'll know if its right by how you have a 24meg rom file after.
    Transfer to card
    Post on forum a message of thanks :)
  10. Downloaddsgames

    Downloaddsgames New Member

    this was very helpful, thx guys ;D
  11. FacePoppies

    FacePoppies Active Member

    Can somebody please upload a pre-patched rom? I'm on a mac and can't run .exe and .bat files.
  12. danielwerner

    danielwerner New Member

    Yeah, same thing here. It would be very much appreciated.
  13. 1prinnydood

    1prinnydood Guest

    Buy a real computer :p Only kidding here you go http://plunder.com/61978c3160
  14. iwantndsroms

    iwantndsroms Well-Known Member

    EXCELLENT well done for the link prinnydude! dude its spot on and well done xenophobia for cracking the piracy.the link is to an unzipped file too so no need to even unzip it!
  15. endo is cursed

    endo is cursed New Member

    yo thanks for the link prinnydude. i appreciate the help alot
  16. dave51541

    dave51541 New Member

    Thanks alot 1prinnydude. Big help
  17. TheMadDuck

    TheMadDuck New Member

    Another Mac guy here. Thanks for the help. Been looking forward to this game a lot.
  18. kaiuz

    kaiuz New Member

    one million thanks dude you are the best!!!!
  19. icyredraven

    icyredraven New Member

    When I try to run the cracked version of this game on my no$gba 2.6 emulator it gives this error:

    Sorry, no$gba needs a copy of the original GBA BIOS to execute BIOS sound functions.

    What does that mean? >_>
  20. bryontan

    bryontan New Member

    erm how to patch who can teach me i just a newbie