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Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by 1prinnydood, Dec 1, 2009.

  1. darkcrudus

    darkcrudus Member

    works with akaio 1.5 acekard 2i

    what i wanna know is why xpa have been puttin them screens on their patches.. i kinda find em annoying
  2. xXDuskXx

    xXDuskXx New Member

    How exactly do I apply the patch?
  3. Quake90

    Quake90 Well-Known Member

    does someone know how to apply the patch

    or simply how to use it ? :)
  4. darkcrudus

    darkcrudus Member

    if ya'll used the links i posted you have to

    extract the files
    have the rom in the same folder
    name your rom "xpa-mmch.nds"
    extract "xpa-mmck.rar"
    then double click on "xpa-mmck.bat"
  5. buchichu

    buchichu Well-Known Member

    hrm...keeps failing for me...says no such file or directory exists even though it's right there. Ideas?
  6. Flaccus

    Flaccus New Member

    ---- name your rom "xpa-mmch.nds" ----
  7. buchichu

    buchichu Well-Known Member

    I had done that, but n/m - the Romulation patched worked fine

    thanks for the hard work, everyone :)

    edit: still getting black screen though, patched looked like it had worked.
  8. numinis

    numinis Member

    yup same here, but cheering at all the hard work
  9. eleventy

    eleventy New Member

    When there's a final crack, would somebody mind uploading a prepatched? I have a Mac, and I don't feel like running boot camp.
  10. pouky28

    pouky28 Well-Known Member

    work great on R4
  11. iPortal

    iPortal Member

    Just returned to my DS, happy this roms out AND the fix
    *Cheers aswell whilst downloading greedly*
  12. Zero1919

    Zero1919 Member

    Used the RomU patch and it doesn't seem to work, just the same old black screen. This was with a TTDS (Or DSTT).

    Edit: I tried using the other patch, the xpa-mmck one and it indeed did work. It comes with the download of the game on RomU, just don't use the RomU file, but instead rename the original ROM to xpa-mmch.nds (It SHOULD be renamed to xpa-mmck, but for some strange reason they typo'd it for the .bat to work, so xpa-mmch it is) and run the xpa-mmck.bat file. Everything should be fine.
  13. MikauBodom

    MikauBodom New Member

    Don't work with the patch in M3 Real ._."
  14. Flaccus

    Flaccus New Member

    It works on M3 Real
  15. jpm83160

    jpm83160 Well-Known Member

    SWEET! works on acekard 2i.....the romfixing gods were kind to those involved.......thanks a million to all involved and god bless 8) :)
  16. Dannysikth

    Dannysikth Well-Known Member

    I have one question. Since the normal filesize is 32Mb and the cracked (which works) filesize is 24Mb, is the entire game there?
  17. MikauBodom

    MikauBodom New Member

    Which firmware do you use?
  18. monkatx

    monkatx New Member

    Linux/Mac OSX commands

    Step 1: Install XDelta
    Step 2: Move all files (rom, patch, etc.) to the same folder
    Step 3: Open up the terminal and navigate to the folder (cd = change directory, in contect "cd Desktop/kittens" means go to /home/$/Desktop/kittens" - case matters)
    Step 4: run the following command in the terminal:

    Just note that the .bat file doesn't actually do anything except print two statements and run that command in windows with a .exe on the end of the command.
  19. Akamatsu

    Akamatsu Active Member

    The patched rom works fine on a CycloDS Evo (1.56 Beta 4).
  20. Griswold77

    Griswold77 Active Member

    no such file or directory exists even though it's right there

    This is the only way I got it to work. I was also getting Buchichu`s same problem. If you are having the same issue try this. When you rename the rom don`t add the .nds to it. (Doing that made my file name xpa-mmch.nds.nds) Its already an nds file and doing so gives you the "no such file or directory exists error. Just rename it to xpa-mmch I`m using an R4 V1.18 + YS Menu.