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Microsoft Gives Up on Vista

Discussion in 'Computers & Modding' started by Patton, Apr 29, 2008.

  1. SCK

    SCK Member

    Aww c'mon people, I love my little vista :D
    Windows Seven huh? I heard of it already long time ago, even though back then the name was "Vienna".
    Too bad this one has to die D:
  2. monter

    monter Guest

    Why I like them
  3. Patton

    Patton Guest

    I know, I was joking =)

    But still, Vista = Boo.

    I would rather have a Mac rather then Vista.
  4. monter

    monter Guest

    I think they should work on the bugs on vista and not release a new windows.
  5. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    they should trash vista and improve windows 2003 cos it is almost perfect to start with.
  6. fallenleader

    fallenleader Guest

    i knew to avoid vista. :) i prefer as small a footprint as I can get, far as I knew vista was more of a "pretty" operating system. I use programs to cut all of the fat out of xp. I think my best, cut the footprint almost in half. ;)
  7. kanakacheek

    kanakacheek Well-Known Member

    WOw thank god I didn't pay 200+ and hardware updates to install vista...
  8. marcy

    marcy Guest

    The only thing Vista is good for is slowing down computers and eating up RAM.
  9. 9NineBreaker9

    9NineBreaker9 Well-Known Member


    Bill Gate's reaction to Vista.
  10. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    in the last 2 years let's compare how many times I have crashed my XP Pro (I've only had my laptop for two years) and how many times I have crashed Vista Home.

    XP Pro = 1 (got a blue screen for ending a process that I shouldn't have)
    Vista = 7 (4 of which, wiped my data) blue screens, black screens + strange beeping noises and crazy fan "seizures"

    and whaddya know, installing XP on the one with vista just screws the internet settings so I have an XP with no internet.
  11. kamage

    kamage Well-Known Member

    I'm glad Vista's dying, it has too much accesories, runs slow, bad gameplay, crashes often, very prone to viruses, crashes often...I hate vista. :D
  12. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    i also love how it assumes that you are a complete retard that has been living in a cave for your entire life span.

    do you want to do this? are you sure? are you positively sure? are you HIV positive?

    Even disabling that screws up other things like recognizing printers and installing some software.
  13. kanakacheek

    kanakacheek Well-Known Member

    I wonder if Microsoft will do something about Vista before 2008 is over... I mean if it takes them another year to fix something and god knows how many years for a new upgrade, I think i'll just get a mac
  14. jc_106

    jc_106 Well-Known Member

    I love this thread. First, it gave me a good laugh (some replies bring down the house, dudes). Second, I love the fact that Vista is over.

    Seriously, man.

    Waste of Money.

    Waste of Space.

    Waste of Time.

    Waste of Speed.

    Waste of Money.

    God dammit, could it be worse?

    A hint: NO.

    If Win7 doesn't compensate XP a lot, I'll be thinking about Mac OS X.

    And I know how to wait.

    (PS: if i am using too many paragraphs, let me know)
  15. Patton

    Patton Guest

    Microsoft needs to:

    Offer a free CD to anyone who requests it, which is:

    A free downgrade from vista, to XP (actually more of an upgrade, hehe)
  16. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    Make that XP Pro, a CD and a valid key :p (volume license for both :p)
  17. razielleonhart

    razielleonhart Well-Known Member

    It's about time i work on computers it has taken me hours to look for drivers and stuff like that. Vista is not bad if you have a great running rig and know how to fix computers. I only liked a few things about Vista and that is the Game Folder and the Side Bar. If Microsoft makes those into XP I think XP would be better that it is.
  18. lilblkridinhood

    lilblkridinhood Well-Known Member

    to me vista, is actually working fast, and it works well with my games, but thats my opinion, but it's probably cause i have 4 processors, or whatever their called. only thing i don't like is the GODDAMN security. When you have a gay dad who thinks theirs virusis everywhere=to securtiy when you want to install something, SO DAMN GAY. ;D BUt what would be cool, is if they took away evrything from vista, and put the Xp stuff, except the screen design of Vista, keep that, but with Xp software.(if only)
  19. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    so basically what you just said was scrap vista and make xp with a screen design? already got that done on my computer.
    i have custom skins/icons/backgrounds and whatnot, even ff7/8 sounds.

    when i bring up a window and minimize it, it plays the first 6 beats of aerith's theme song.
    3 beats up, 3 beats down.

    4 processors is a little much, but on a xp 64 bit that would be godly.

    on vista it is just "fast" not wickedly fast, just fast.
  20. lilblkridinhood

    lilblkridinhood Well-Known Member

    haha insane well guess my dad was high when he bought my comp, and just bought the 4 prcessoer XD AND SICK you can do that hehe, o well vista came with my computer, in im happy with it except all the security. but then to om to think about it XP can be wicked fast on my computer. F*** $@!#@$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!