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Metroid other m- thoughts (and future of metroid)

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by mds64, Sep 7, 2010.

  1. Usoppu

    Usoppu Well-Known Member

    I think this game should of just been a full 2D side scroller, it might as well be with that silly auto aiming anyway. Moving Samus around 3D environments using the D-pad feels awkward, i have no idea why they decided to ditch the nunchuck.

    The back-story is soo lame, i don't care! i wish you could skips those parts or at least mute the voices... if that's the true Samus, i didn't want to know. Seeing her kiss up to Adam is embarrassing, i agree with ultra somewhat, she should be putting that little ass in his place, what's the reason she left him in the first place?

    I'm trying my best to compare the game to Fusion only. Even though the story elements are similar, in Fusion they were as a side not a focus, listening to her thoughts while waiting on the lift etc. then it got right back into the action, it's way too drawn out in this game.
    The action in this game doesn't feel to good, half due to the controls but i'm trying to get used to them.

    Not too impressed with this atm.

    I also started with Prime 1 and it's definitely my fave. It was the most immersive thanks to the perfect 3D transition, and the atmosphere/music was a cut above the rest imo. Super is a close second.
    You haven't finished this yet?
  2. SoulSin

    SoulSin Well-Known Member

    I am so waiting for that...

    I just can't get into the 3D stuff on this game...
  3. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member


    ...still I'll have to look into this.

    From a vid i watched from the nintendo channel, it was to kep it simple without the need for complex button movements.

    I got used to it, sure it's 3-D but it's not like you need to be pixel perfect fro jumps, the game is forgiving enough to use a d-pad in a 3-D space...least for me :)

    And no, I dropped off metroid prime 3 because at the time I had 3 other games...and I realised I didn't like fps games on the wii unless on rails, still I do need to make an effort.
    Post Merge: [time]1284184050[/time]
    Ok, i just tried the demo of that remake of metroid 2...



    All you fought was wild critters and metroids...I hope it was for display purposes, otherwise not bad :)

    Also it's a pc game, not a game hack, so it won't work on my psp :(
  4. Usoppu

    Usoppu Well-Known Member

    That's because they had to put in handicaps, like preventing you from falling off edges/platforms, also that stupid auto aim.
    It's still annoying when fighting the tougher enemies, they can move in any direction they want, while you're stuck with only four.

    I am liking the boss battles. All the other enemies are just a boring chore.

    The story is definitely the worst thing about this game. And i still think it's dumb needing authorisation for every goddamn thing
    "oh!, i see you've been burning to death for quite a while now Samus. I suppose i'll let you use your heat protection upgrade now"...WTF.
  5. Yutrzenika

    Yutrzenika Well-Known Member

    As an actual fan of Metroid I gotta say I really enjoyed the story, finding out more about Samus' past, about Adam, and especially about Samus' personality. I'm glad she wasn't portrayed as some emotionless badass, she has human emotions, and while it's not mentioned at all in the game, Samus does suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in the game. I can't wait until they have a sequel of Fusion. I really hope it's a side scroller, haven't had one of those in awhile.
  6. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    I agree except the bold...

    You have 8 movement directions, you know in between the cross.

    It's more than enough to take on bosses.

    Same, side scrolling metroid good :)

    One like new super mario bros would be nice ;)
  7. ultra

    ultra Guest


    who would want to play another metroid game after this?!
  8. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    I love how it's all opinions. And you for bringing it up. 3/10, don't quit your day job.
  9. trimbletown

    trimbletown Well-Known Member

    IGN said that it destroyed our previous image of Samus as a super confident badass space chick, but i haven't played it yet so...
  10. sonicfanboy

    sonicfanboy Well-Known Member

    damn pegi what kind of a rating is a 16 i mean prime 3 was a twelve and this no more violent. and this is why i hate being 13
  11. Yutrzenika

    Yutrzenika Well-Known Member

    Also, that's IGN...
    And once again, it's people just bitching because Samus is a 3D character, not some 2D character like Marcus Fenix who's only emotions are anger and hate.