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Discussion in 'General News' started by snebbers, Mar 17, 2010.

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  1. nex26

    nex26 Well-Known Member

    Yes usually, most cannabis is smoked in joint form which includes tobacco.
  2. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    no-one I know smokes it with tobacco.
  3. vegas223

    vegas223 Member

    IDGAF what any of you say, i still love drugs, infact tonite im poppin some dank ass rolls and droppin 2 tabs, candyflippin tonite kiddies, peace, thizz in peace!
  4. MessoMesso

    MessoMesso Well-Known Member

    ...Sure. You go have fun with that.

    Do you live in California? Please decrease traffic for me!
  5. vegas223

    vegas223 Member

    why would you ask if i live in cali man? and decrease traffic how?
  6. MessoMesso

    MessoMesso Well-Known Member

    If you died of an overdose and lived in California you wouldn't be driving on the road, right? So less traffic, yay!
  7. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Knowing how people and drugs work...it'll more likly cause a traffic jam because of a car crash.

    ...you may go enjoy your drugs, but don't preach it, it's the sign of a moron who hasn't learnt anything, the people I know who taken drugs (well one I used to be friends with)never preached it, everyone knew and they'd say why when asked, but they won't encourage other's to do so.

    To say you love it means your ethier underage or you yet to have life screw you over, so keep your preaching elsewhere, after all-there are kids here watching your post...

    [me=hYpNoS]kicks little brother out of room just incase[/me]
  8. vegas223

    vegas223 Member

    You obviously have never had a good psychadelic trip, im not underage(is there an age minumum for doing drugs??) im actually 21, i have had life screw me over and i still continue my psychadelic drug use, its people without an open mind like you and the rest of the straight edge faggot fucks on this website that try to label us in the same category as a junkie or crackhead, i DO love my drugs and i will preach the use of psychadelics in everyday life untill i roll over and die so if you dont like it suck my big fat cokc bitch. tahts all i have to say about that, duece bitch.
  9. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Yup...you have the same metality of a drugie...your name calling means nothing.

    My drug is gaming-when my eyes are sore from on screen graphics and I go straight to sleep with the gameplay in my mind that's the trip I'd want, knowing how I think I'd believe I'd go on some sort of psycotic rampage (due to my anger issues-just me behind the wheel of a car is bad enough, add drugs or even just playing a game before hand and it's destruction derby when my mood is in rage).

    So what do you see, some petty little colours swirling, the walls melting...how boring.

    I may be a game addict, but I don't preech how good being an addict/over user is.

    Also this is a pg13 site...preeching drugs where kids roam could get (possibly) some underage users onto it from your praise, we can discuss subjects like this as adults, or we can start calling each other names like immature kids...

    Also as note-I may not be one but "fagots" don't like name calling so do think before you type, for who knows how people will view your post towards me and my straight edge thinking.
  10. 1prinnydood

    1prinnydood Guest

    Why is everyone talking about Methadrone but the topic is Methadone.

    No most joints do not include tobacco, seen it done a few times myself but it is rare, a joint is usually pure grass, and if hash is being smoked it is almost always used in a pipe with no admixture. I guess mixing tobacco into a joint would be of little consequence to a group of tobacco smokers but it would make non-smokers feel awfully sick. Hardly an ideal situation if your wanting to share a nice bud.
  11. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    ...I didn't notice a differance between the 2...took 10 mins to realise the r in methadrone :(
  12. rock91

    rock91 Well-Known Member

    Ok so they give an antidote that kills coke addicts?
  13. nex26

    nex26 Well-Known Member

    [quote author=1prinnydood]
    Why is everyone talking about Methadrone but the topic is Methadone.
    No most joints do not include tobacco, seen it done a few times myself but it is rare[...][/quote]
    the topic was named methadrone, but was changed at one point.

    there lies the confusion, i was talking about the resin/crumble stuff as thats what is smoked usually around my area, so thats what I automaticaly think of when someone mentions cannabis and the likes.
  14. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Prevention is better than cure, so I'd rather more education...and people to actually take note.

    And by your wording...an antidote that KILLS coke addicts...LOL!
  15. rock91

    rock91 Well-Known Member

    hahaha...Well that's the case XD ...It's like giving Sugar based insuline to diabetes peoples
  16. Lysergic420

    Lysergic420 Active Member

    It really depends on where you live and what you are used to doing. The majority of people in my area mix tobacco into their joints as it will burn better with a little tobacco.
  17. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    yep same here.
    ive seen 1000s of joints smoked, resin and weed and all had tobacco in.
    seen people do bongs though that dont have tobacco
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