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Discussion in 'General News' started by snebbers, Mar 17, 2010.

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  1. Miminari

    Miminari Well-Known Member

    Re: Methadrone

    People who succumb to addiction to certain drugs have no willpower, anyways...
  2. MessoMesso

    MessoMesso Well-Known Member

    Re: Methadrone

    Your knowledge of the subject perturbs me somewhat...
  3. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    Re: Methadrone

    I'm actually somewhat inclined to agree up to a certain point. Alcoholism and other addictions, once you're off of it 'for good' you're not allowed to ever use it again. Why is that? That's not actually a cure, that's totally avoiding it. But seriously, it's the only way.

    Around your area sureeeeeeeee.

    It's common knowledge.
  4. MessoMesso

    MessoMesso Well-Known Member

    Re: Methadrone

    I'm a disgrace as a teenager.

  5. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    Re: Methadrone

    i see drugs every week, seen them regularly since i was 14 and ive tried pretty much everything except crack(different to cocaine that you snort) and heroin.
    I havent done anything for a long time, im a health freak and i get drug tested before fights.
  6. snebbers

    snebbers Well-Known Member

    Re: Methadrone

    Your damn right that's the cure.
  7. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    Re: Methadrone

    just seen this on yahoo. but it does say that - Although at this time it cannot be determined whether mephedrone is present within the deceased's system or whether the drug played any part in her death.

  8. crimson089

    crimson089 Well-Known Member

    Re: Methadrone

    I like what you said there loony, and I completely agree with this.
  9. klaimore

    klaimore Well-Known Member

    Re: Methadrone

    Really. They make all these b/s TVshows like Border Security and Customs, but really, do they rip peoples bags apart and stuff just if he looks suspicious and stuff? Seriously, people wouldn't care less. There's an X-ray thing anyway, and it clears most stuff.
  10. vegas223

    vegas223 Member

    Post Merge: [time]1269485238[/time]

    Also i belive he is talking about the research chemical called mephedrone, youtube it. ive tried the stuff and its pretty fun
  11. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    yes it is but all recreational drugs are.
    if your going to take them at least take something a bit safer and that doesnt make you stink all week
    Post Merge: [time]1269546795[/time]
    what is the world coming to

  12. vegas223

    vegas223 Member

    any drug, even meth or crack, can be used at a responsible level, its when you start to abuse the drug that it becomes a problem and not a recreational tool. I think all psychadelic drugs shold be legal and all other stuff put away, psychadelics are the tool to opening your mind up.

    I also think it shold be worldwide law that every person be put through a DMT journey, it will change your life.
  13. nex26

    nex26 Well-Known Member

    lolwut? These man made drugs are designed to be addictive and so cannot be used at a 'responsible level', as you put it.
  14. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Much agreed, I often laugh at weed smokers who think it can be done responsibly...

    Wait...that does have any addictive qualities in it...oh well drugs are drugs I'd say.

    [me=hYpNoS]throws away pescription medication to prove his point[/me]
  15. snebbers

    snebbers Well-Known Member

    I don't take pain killers or anything. I've become quite conscious of factors that would make me unwell too.. I hate the thought of swallowing pills, capsules, needles, snorting.. etc.

  16. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    I used to be a sickly kid who took that crap all the time, now I just tough out anything...unless it might kill me NOT to I'd avoid it.

    Why take anti-biotics for 3 months over a damn flu just because your own immune systems are piss weak-tough it out...it worked once I managed to hide my symptoms from those around me...now I am pracitally invincible especially to the cold (since i work outdoors it's VERY useful :) )
  17. nex26

    nex26 Well-Known Member

    I said 'man-made', which weed isnt... Weed can be taken at a responsible level and is much safer than alcohol or tobaco.
  18. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    weed is less addictive than tobbaco.
  19. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    but its smoked with tobacco
  20. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    not usually.
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