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Met a nice girl who likes retro games...worried...

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by personuser, Mar 3, 2011.

  1. tehuber1337

    tehuber1337 Well-Known Member

  2. personuser

    personuser Well-Known Member

    Actually, she is taking Japanese and French at the same time, so maybe she does.

    I respect her privacy...besides, based on the things she's been telling me about herself, I'm thinking she might actually be on this forum and silently ROFLMAOing because I'm actually worried about this.

    Still don't know if she pirates though. This time we were talking about retro games and I told her that I liked Gekibo for the TG-16 (An expensive and rare HuCard released only in japan) so it's a win-win for me. If she says something like "Oh, I should try that in ootake" or "can you emulate that?" then I know she's a fellow pirate. If she goes to look it up and says something like "wow that's expensive, do you still have it?" I can just lie and say I sold it and my old PC Engine to help pay for my electric drumset.
  3. Devon

    Devon Well-Known Member

    Hang on hang on, so this is someone on the internet? Or you know her IRL? Red Flags going off all over the place here.
  4. personuser

    personuser Well-Known Member

    OK, it's a little complicated.

    My Dad's friend goes to a karate class, and so does she. She looked like a nice girl, and Dad is always trying to find friends for me, so, he told her to contact me (and she did) We talk through email right now but we'll probly get together soon IRL because we're really close to each other as far as location goes. I have met her IRL before though, just not for long before she went back to karate.

    I don't know where she hangs on the net besides facebook, so I considered it a possibility that she might actually be on here or one of the other forums I go to, which would, of course, make the subject of this thread completely void.
  5. Devon

    Devon Well-Known Member

    I made the mistake of assuming this was a "OMG I want to date her" thread and actually decided to read the first post.

    Just ask her stuff, man. Where did you get that? When did you play that? Did you download that, watch it on Youtube or get a physical copy? She'd probably be happy to answer since you're showing interest in her interests. Girls love it when you ask them questions. Or at least they used to, shit.
  6. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    Who's going around changing the attitudes of women?!
  7. Devon

    Devon Well-Known Member

    I'll tell you, Lady Gaga is fucking DANGEROUS man.

    Oh, and since Beyonce started singing that shit you better believe you'd come home and find ALL your shit in the box to the left.
  8. personuser

    personuser Well-Known Member

    She said she hates modern music and "following the crowd" and doesn't want to "be a lemming" like all of her friends are now. Overall she really likes the 80s and earlier 90s and the music (mainly rock like queen, sex pistols, Led Zeppelin, etc) and video games within that time period. She also likes anime and video games musics from all times and also PC RPGs like Diablo, though.

    I don't get lady gaga anyway. It seems she puts more energy, time and thought in her damn weird music videos than her damn weird music. Don't get me wrong, weird music can be good, but gaga is just...boring.
  9. theunderling

    theunderling Well-Known Member

    Hey,you better watch Seph doesnt take her off your hands-he likes that kind of music.
  10. Littlekill

    Littlekill Well-Known Member

    when you see her, tell her i said hello
  11. darkrequiem

    darkrequiem Well-Known Member


    She sounds like she wouldn't exactly be against piracy.
    Also, by being anti-mainstream, she's following a different crowd, but ah well.
  12. dark saiyan

    dark saiyan Active Member

    ask cap'n hook or peter pan what to do you dumb fuck what are you like a superstar hannah montana much? SHE'S like 9...

    xD im a pirate wtf dude xd im laughing my ass off here hahaha
    Post Merge: [time]1299253957[/time]

    dude are you 9? serieusly my 1st post was before reading it all ...you never met her?????????? and you think about her caring if your a pirate man comon man when you see her you shouldnt ask ''do you care that i download illigal stuff?'' you should ask '' sho lishen up i like heard this rumer that shex is all like fun sho what about it? oh btw this guy told me my lips tasted like *whats ur fav fruit?/banana* he told me my lips tasted like banana wanna taste?

    oh and dude that one totally worked for me ;)

    ~~ dark saiyan~~
  13. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    Hi, hi, just a question, question. What the fuck are you trying to write?
  14. tyson_rss

    tyson_rss Guest

    I don't think she'd get mad if you opened a folder of retro games, and I know for a fact she wouldn't tell her mom about that...even though I don't know her, it seems unlikely.

    Girl-"Hey mom, I met this really nice boy that likes to play retro games like me. But there's a problem. He pirates these games and downloads them. I don't wanna get in trouble. He's a bad man now."

    Mom-"Oh sweetie. I'm sure no one cares, it's okay."

    Seriously though. Even though you can get into trouble downloading retro games...I doubt anyone would say anything about it. Let alone care.
  15. personuser

    personuser Well-Known Member

    She plays NES games on a PC emulator that her dad got for her. Topic void. Thanks everyone :D
  16. doughboy

    doughboy Guest

  17. personuser

    personuser Well-Known Member

    She doesn't actually know how to get games too :D

    I got her some old commodore 64 game based off a book she liked and she thought that was really cool.

    So...who knows?

    Her mom doesn't trust me though and she wants us to go out to eat together before we meet up and hang out. We're going to a pizza shop in a few weeks.
  18. doughboy

    doughboy Guest

    I remember the Commodore 64, The Simpsons Arcade was on that I think :I
  19. personuser

    personuser Well-Known Member

    yep, it was. not...the best port, though :p Still solid. The DOS version was better but still kinda sucked.
  20. darkrequiem

    darkrequiem Well-Known Member

    Sounds like a stuffy mom. Wait.....a simple pizza dinner was planned weeks ahead? o.o