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Meaning/Purpose of Life

Discussion in 'Debates' started by n0thealthy, Sep 4, 2008.

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  1. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    I thought America had no state religion? Oh wait, that was bs, sorry i forgot. America's main export people, bs!

    Hmm, that came accross quite anti-American, didn't it? Ah well, most reasonable American's would probably agree with me, or at least tell me why I'm wrong, the rest only serve to reinforce my point!
  2. Void

    Void Well-Known Member

    You shouldn't be allowed to sit at the big boy table until you learn to make more sense.
  3. elk1007

    elk1007 Well-Known Member

    How many trolls does it take to get to the center of a ban-pop?
  4. Void

    Void Well-Known Member

    I trolled you mercilessly in the other thread(s) yeah but I'm being serious here. He fails to make a legitimate argument or explain whatever flaccid point he may have. And if there's any justice, nationalistic crap would be looked down upon more than a light-hearted jab. That aside, yes; I'm a total douchebag.
  5. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    Sorry; my point was: America is trying to tell the world that it is the mighty sinless defender of the weak and innocent, when that's clearly not true. That they are a democratric nation, which I, personally, seriously doubt. And that they're not trying to take resources off other countries.

    Can I sit at the big boy's table now? ;)

    And I have nothing against individual Americans, just their foriegn policy. And governmental smugness.
  6. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    no you can't sit at the big boy's table, actually non of you can

    you all fight over the smallest of things and change subjects to shit that doesn't even matter.

    i know this will sound up my own ass and bias but i think my post about the meaning of life was one of the only intelligent post in this entire thread and not one of you had any thing to comment on it! you could of said AHHHH or mmmmmmm or i see or your wrong or.......... anything but insted you get Muppet's that have to have an argument about America. OK we get it most Americans are god fearing retards led by a retard that thinks they're god, who gives a shit let it rest and especially when it has nothing to do with the meaning of life!!!!

    if you want to debate America or foreign policy or anything else make a new thread just don't turn something that could be but i guess will never be a good discussion in to some pointless battle that no one cares about.
  7. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    You make a good point, sorry.

    But life is a pretty general concept, America is a part of our lives, so it's still fairly relevant to see different people's point of views, is it not? It is not a direct answer to the thread's topic, but then humans probably won't figure out that answer for a while yet. Getting people's feelings on the different aspects of the world we live in is an important part of understanding the meaning behind life.
  8. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    there is NO meaning, we seek a meaning because our brains crave a meaning, a purpose, something to get them out of bed. it is the same reason we created an idea of a creator. because of the way we learn and understand things or don't understand.
    it sounds boring and makes us sound insignificant but that's what we are insignificant we are a young species on a young planet in a young galaxy in a massive universe.
    there is no meaning to it.

    you may personally give meaning to your own life or rather purpose to it but on a whole as "life" the only thing that stands true is the we have to keep it going. no matter how much social bullshit anyone can throw at it are lives are still based on reproduction. if we don't reproduce we die, we die no life, no life no meaning.
  9. Void

    Void Well-Known Member

    Well that's good and all, except none of that is true at all. First of all, what is the entity of "America"? The people? The leaders? Either way, way to stereotype us as being obnoxiously patriotic, when the opposite is in fact true. Also, you doubt that we're a democratic nation? As far as modern democracy goes, we are. Our political leaders are elected, and thus, actions carried by the leaders are essentially chosen by the people.

    And also, equity: Blah blah philosophy blah hypocrisy blah opinion. I'm sorry we're discussing politics and worldly issues but if you'd like to discuss the release date of the next Halo game there's boards for that. And no, you're argument of "no one cares" is not sufficient, you don't have to come here and read these posts. I don't go sageing every thread I don't like in the anime board, I just typically don't go there.
  10. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    I actually agree with Void, this is a debate topic, we aren't changing topic, we are debating, not just the EXACT topic is talked about in debates, we stay around the subject but we aren't just still in the centre of it, debates include many things and we aren't way off topic.
  11. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    Actually, I never meant to give the impression that Americans were all obnoxiously patriotic and I apologise if I did. The entity of "America" to me, is represented by the actions it carries out under it's name. And I do doubt that America is a democratic nation by any standards. The government is taking away more and more core democratic rights from the people, like the right to free speech, disbelieve me? Read this:


    Also, what about Florida's votes in the 2000 election? Al Gore had more votes and yet you persist that Bush is not a dictator, but a president elected under the democratic system? I think you should wiki "democracy" and read what it says about majority voting.
    Even in the current election, there's evidence of freedom of political expression being taken from some.


    Also, well argued I hope you feel big, using insults to discredit someone's opinion.

    Actually, that was my point, not void's
  12. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    I agree with you too then ::)
  13. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    void I'm not going to argue with you as you've just proved to me how much of a fool you are and there is no point arguing with a fool.

    my point was is something that could be an intelligent debate has turned to politics which has no place in in a thread on the meaning of life, it has no relevance what so ever.
    i can understand it moving on to religion as it has relevance to peoples ideas about the meaning of life but i don't understand why you have to talk about politics here and suggested you move it to a new thread in the debates section so yet another thread doesn't trail off in to a different subject. which is a fair thing to say and if you can't grasp that concept and reply blah blah blah again you're again proving you self to be the fool.

    and you talk about the big boys table, well with intelligent arguments like blah blah blah you're definitely in the right place aren't you.

    and i don't know whether you know what a debate is but it is talking about "philosophy blah hypocrisy blah opinion" that's the point of it!!!!!
    but i guess you like politics so much you take ideas of how to debate from that, change the subject, never actually answer the question and tear apart what ever the other person says even if it make no sense or has any relevance just to make your self look like a big boy.
    now tell me I'm wrong

    and nice one trying to make your self good with the halo comment but sadly you suck at insults cause i don't think I've ever been that bothered by halo or any new release and i now have the only game i had an obsession about (Baja) so that will keep me from caring about much for a while but well done anyway

    come on everybody give the big boy a big clap
  14. Reider

    Reider Modereider

    Locked since people can't seem to play nice in here.

    Also, an image to share with you all that I feel is appropriate at this time, I do hope you enjoy.
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