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Mario vs Donkey Kong: Mini-Land Mayhem Anti-Piracy Thread (Fixes Included)-Upd.

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by Halo-101, Nov 17, 2010.

  1. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    I'll check it out. Most likely I'll try the soft reset function for ease, like the one I incorporate for the moonshell in R4. Thank you.

    PS: Anything on Pictionary.nds ? Having white screen at the moment for YSMENU. Works on Wood R4 v.1.17 though.
  2. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    You will have to add the moonshel i did not add it, softrest for ysmenu bottons + the both back L+R

    But your welcome!
  3. lapatateinc

    lapatateinc Active Member

    Playing the game on emulator doesn't work well. I can't do 1-DK because it gives a black screen. On No$GBA and DeSmume... That same rom gives invisible sprites on CycloDS and DK is 'working' , so there is different AP for emulators ? Or it's only a crash...
  4. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    My youtube video to load game's with black or white screen issues - fix


    My original clearer view video - AVI 15MB



    NO$GBA 2.6a - Full Package


    firmware.bin has to be the same folder as no$gba with no$zoomer
  5. lapatateinc

    lapatateinc Active Member

    Thank you :D
  6. AP Fix
    Xdelta patch
  7. AdfroMan

    AdfroMan Member

    This did nothing for my CycloDS 1.59. The sprites are still invisible.
  8. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    A save passed the v6.6 area freeze



    v6.7 area - Rename the sav to your roms name - with .nds at the end if your file extention is enabled
  9. Hiro26

    Hiro26 Member

    This game shows invisible mini-Mario's even in the newest firmware (Cyclo DS Evo 1.6 Stable) from Team Cyclops.
  10. Boyav

    Boyav Well-Known Member

    yay, you took my exact sentence about r4i sdhc, i feel like i contributed something now :D
  11. Try it with a clean rom, run the .bat, it should make mvdk-fix.nds
  12. AdfroMan

    AdfroMan Member

    I did and when I played the mvdk-fix.nds the sprites were still invisible.

    EDIT: CycloDS 1.60 is out but it hasn't even fixed this game.
  13. n00berania

    n00berania Member

    Can anyone tell me how to patch the ROM? A step-by-step maybe? I'm confused.
  14. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    UPS Patcher, Mario vs. Donkey Kong Mini-Land Mayhem (U)


    Im not sure - it might be the AP from what i know , Are a fix from the frezzing issue

    But the offsets and hex are corrected from the (J) version of the ROM - For the (U) ROM - 100% correct offsets added , data patched over

    If it works let anyone know ? - use a backup copy of your original!
  15. richard_brooksid

    richard_brooksid Well-Known Member

    I tried this patch (successfully patched the nds file) but my sprites are still missing

    running CycloDS with latest firmware (v1.60) off a 4Gig SD
  16. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    I wounder what they meant by AP patched for the (J) ROM...

    Mario vs Donkey Kong Totsugeki Mini Land (J)

    (J) ROM Patch manual

    0X0021A66D 8F AA E0 -> 8E AA 36
    0X0021A70D 45 AA E0 -> 44 AA 36
    0X0021A7AD 1A AA E0 -> 19 AA 36
    0X0021A84D 9C AA E0 -> 9B AA 36
    The offsets where diffrent between the two Roms (J) and (U) - but the hex patch was spot on for the (U)

    Mario vs. Donkey Kong Mini-Land Mayhem (U)

    (U) ROM Patch manual

    0x00218E6D 8F AA E0 -> 8E AA 36
    0X00218F0D 45 AA E0 -> 44 AA 36
    0X00218FAD 1A AA E0 -> 19 AA 36
    0X0021904D 9C AA E0 -> 9B AA 36
  17. richard_brooksid

    richard_brooksid Well-Known Member

    The codes you listed - are they similar to VR CheatCodes? I am not sure what to do with the hex you pasted. I used the UPS patcher - should I use a different one?
  18. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    The UPS patcher is the same as the hex mentiond abouth ^ for the (U) ROM - UPS patcher don't trim the rom

    But what was fixed in the (J) rom ??, is the information i could not fined out as i don't read Jap - as i got it from the (J) rom of Rudolph Patcher....

    They are both spot for hex - just chage of location offsets
  19. thats what i did here http://filetrip.net/f22875-Mario-vs-Donkey-Kong-Mini-Land-Mayhem-%28USA%29-AP-Fix-1-0.html

    it fixed sprites for no@gba but not cyclods, i think theres an arm9 component to it too
    and the offset at 00218E6F is suppose to be 36
  20. lewis9191

    lewis9191 Well-Known Member

    Does it run on DSTT v-6.40