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Mario & Luigi Bowsers Inside story USA

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by itsmyswagg, Sep 11, 2009.

  1. jose_2_19

    jose_2_19 Member

    To all the people whining about dont work ys menu, only follow the instruction jhon 591 gave in his topic.

    1.use an original r4
    2.use a formated microsd 1gb or 2 gb in fat 32
    3.extract the r4 kernel to the micro sd
    4.extract the ysmenu file into th micro sd
    5.extract an unpatched copy of m&l bis to the micro sd
    6.turn on the ds/dsl/dsi
    7.select the cheat code link
    8.check the patch in the cheat codes (only the patch, nothing more for now)
    9.go back to the main manu and start the game
    10.when you save a new game, now you can use the CC, but only one by one if you tried to use more than one the game dont run.
    11.i select one CC save the game with the effect of the cc save turn off the ds, go to cc menu cancel the previous cheat and put the new and so on and on and repeat the process if you like to use the cc, if not the way i do is W/O the cc and use the cc for my little boy.
    12.and last follow this simplified instructions or go to the post of jhon 591 and follow the instruction if you dont wanna follow the instruction wait for a patched game or kernel that works or buy the game is the only option you have. ENJOY

    PS i already finish the game and is very nice the ending
  2. ashley_surferboi

    ashley_surferboi Well-Known Member

    ok ysmenu does work with r4sdhc i just did it by accident at one point during the patching instead of firmware u select to make .nds file and then load the ysmenu.nds into its own seperate folder on the root of the sd
    u must of course have ttmenu on the root in a sperate folder to ysmenu
  3. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    They are many R4 sdhc cards around some of diffrent types, luckey that you have one that work's and witch firmware it's using!
    Post Merge: [time]1257798349[/time]
    Glad to hear!, gose to show that it dose work for the right card, like mine!
  4. mr snow

    mr snow Well-Known Member

    okay got it working but M&L:BIS still isnt working. could it be the rom from the site?
  5. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Just to be sure try both versions

    Download this one and use as is

  6. ridiculosity

    ridiculosity Active Member

    So R4 clones will never be able to play this game?
  7. iveson

    iveson Member


    Looked through posts can anyone help I have a NDS Linker is there a patch or firmware upgrade for this to make the game work
    Thanks for your help
  8. mr snow

    mr snow Well-Known Member

    yeah thats the one im using. pokemon MD:EOS isnt working either. do i have to update to the new ysmenu?
  9. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    You could give that a try!, but it should work without dought, It works for me and overs!, why not you.
  10. mr snow

    mr snow Well-Known Member

    the actual ysmenu works fine but i keep on getting the same error code:
    [Rom loading failed]
    disk errcode=-82
    please reset system

    and its always on the same games. M&L:BIS and PMD:EOS.
    Is there something im not doing like patching the games or something?
  11. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    The M&L:BIS should work fine with ysmenu and no patch, I am wondering if it's your card genuin oy fake

    It dose work for mine 100%, I do not know why you get the error code, Are you using a 2gb microsd card in your R4, it may cause problems if you are using a bigger card
    Post Merge: [time]1257882204[/time]
    Try formating it again, and use my new link abouth
  12. mr snow

    mr snow Well-Known Member

    by formatting you just mean putting it on the card right and yes im using a 2gb
  13. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    I mean put it in your card reader, Click left on the letter drive it is using on your pc "removable disk", and see format on the list then format it in fat32.

    Be sure to backup your games first.

    Then drag and drop in all files from the rar arcive to your sdcard, then just place your games in games folder
  14. mr snow

    mr snow Well-Known Member

    reformating it now. well you learn something new everyday. lets hope this works.
  15. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    You sure do, I was like that when i got my pc for the first time, but anyone soon dose lern!

    Vista can be slow at formatting, but XP is super fast at it.

    If its a genuin R4 it should, let not hope its a clone

    If all fails, do the same format again and go back to your old kernal!
  16. mr snow

    mr snow Well-Known Member

    formatting worked!!!!! thank you thank you!!!!! i cant believe it was that easy. thanks for all the help.
  17. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Very glad to hear!, Hope you now enjoy your games, also many more old ones will also now work

    both: bean 10
    final fantasy cc echos of time
    many more old ones the would not work befor without patching them

    The problem may have bean that you where coping files over files!
  18. mr snow

    mr snow Well-Known Member

    no i didnt have the card formatted to fat32
  19. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Well it worked!, So that dose not matter.
  20. sephiroku

    sephiroku Member

    For last Time IT DOESNT WORK

    Just Upload a Fixed rom and thats all

    i have a original R4 because i ued Ysuto to play THIS SAME GAME and is the only game since last year that require Ysmenu Ysuto whatever. I finish the japanese version and I can make this load of crap work

    so Last Time UPLOAD A FIXED ROM and noo the 1st post link doesnt work ><