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Mario & Luigi Bowsers Inside story USA

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by itsmyswagg, Sep 11, 2009.

  1. Eloustical

    Eloustical Member

    Does it work? I would test it myself, but the link says it has reached its limit on downloads.
  2. harima1585

    harima1585 Member

    yea is there any patch out there that let me play this game on my r4. or should i abandon all hope that there will be a patch for r4 user?
  3. Articuno92

    Articuno92 New Member

    Could i play the game on my Nintendo DS Lite with R4
  4. jayMASTERjay

    jayMASTERjay Active Member

    Hey again everyone. :)

    Just to let everyone know, I found something that may be of interest to some of you, especially Sythian who seems to know what he's talking about.

    Scouring around the net, I found the latest version of an unofficial DSTT software - V1.18A - and have tried running it.

    Now, this is the interesting thing; the package comes with a file called 'R4menu.nds'.

    Booting the game in the DSTT menu gave me a freeze. However, when running in the R4menu.nds thing, - which seems so similar to YSMenu - it opened, patched or unpatched, and I got to the same part where you must choose a file, but the buttons won't register.

    I sincerely hope this helps. I think DSTT users may be getting closer to playing this game.

    This is a working link of the file - http://www.megaupload.com/?d=Z0UYFP3T

    Get back to me, do some tests, do anything! Just keep us updated while you're doing it. :)
  5. kpng

    kpng New Member

    I dont know why my earlier post was deleted. Anyway, I have some interesting news for R4 users. Like most of you I have tried without success playing this game using R4. I caved and bought the game itself (yes I paid good $$$ for this game). To my shock and disbelieve it is still crashing and freezing at the fight scenes !!!!!

    However, it works FINE if I use it on a different DS system that has NEVER seen the downloaded version of this game. I reset the other DS by removing the battery but it is still freezing! What the heck did the downloaded ROM do to my system. Now it can't even play the store bought game!!!!

    Any thoughts? Please help. Thanks.
  6. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Keep it on topic, we deleted the 30 other pages for this reason.
  7. Sythian

    Sythian Well-Known Member

    I would say that the R4 is outdated as far as updating firmware and getting fixes made up for it. But I do need to agree with Eloustical that while it may not play this game, or even a couple of other games. The fact that it still runs all the old games means it does still do it's job and is still a reliable card, just so long as you don't plan on moving too far into the future gaming with it.

    Anyway can we move this back on topic now in relation to Mario and Luigi in general? I'm curious as to how this R4i patch went since it means people are getting somewhere and that's a damn good start.

    *EDIT* Ok Sorry, posted before checking the post to stay on topic. All done now :)
  8. VongolaTempesta

    VongolaTempesta Well-Known Member

    did Mario and Luigi P.A.T. have to be patched
  9. Eloustical

    Eloustical Member

    ^No, I don't think so.
  10. Omega_2

    Omega_2 Strings Cat

    Also, there should be another patch to try, like this one:
    MIRROR of what might be the first post: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?wjznwlzejlz
    You NEED the Xenophobia dumped M&LRPG3(U) rom for this, though.

    No, it worked fine from what I could remember.
  11. Corruptor72

    Corruptor72 Member

    hmm i unpacked the rom with dslazy and i cant find the language file...
    i found one called font but i tried transfering it but it dint work
    (i'm trying to switch the language witht he japanese and english)
  12. Firefrog

    Firefrog Member

    I couldn't find them either when I tried (used dsbuff), but I did switch some files which in turn turned the Save Select screen (bottom) small. I was trying to transfer files from the Eng. rom to the JP one, so far there wasn't any success, well... maybe once and the game loaded fine but the text didn't change, it only got rid of the "Saving. Do not Power Off." text.
  13. Admiral_Lindsay

    Admiral_Lindsay Well-Known Member

    That's what happened to me when I tried to make mine work (it was un-patched), but I don't have that version that you posted.
  14. timbizcut

    timbizcut Well-Known Member

    Hey dark_saru, it might not have anything to do with having already tried a rom version. I found a lot of original games would lock up on my DS lite before I had ever used a flashcart. Some of the worst offenders were Fire Emblem, Locks Quest and Viva Pinata. I haven't checked to see if people are having probs. with the original version of MLRPG3 but I wouldn't be surprised if this was the case.
    Post Merge: [time]1253238231[/time]
    Could someone who is playing a working version post one of their save files up. I would be interested to see what would happen if I use it on my R4. I realise if this does work I still probably won't be able to save any progress but I would just like to see if it would let me play at all. Thanking you kind people in advance
  15. pluvse

    pluvse Member

    so is any one going to make a R4 patch??
  16. timmy1991

    timmy1991 Well-Known Member

    there's a lot of people who still use the R4 (yours truly included) so someone will probably come out with an R4 patch within the next month or so... or this may end up being like star wars jedi alliance, and not work at all
  17. neorez

    neorez Member

    Is there a better A.R code for the Edge Users? I was battling a boss, and the game froze. I noticed it happened a lot during this certain part in the game. The part is during this time:

    During the first sage, and you go inside bowsers Energy hold. After I kill Wisdurm, the battle ends. I also noticed it happened three times during a battle in the energy hold.
  18. jaspieleung

    jaspieleung Active Member

    Yea....I've been playing Partners in Time ~ Hopefully they will have a patch for it or a firmware update ~

    Keep me updated ~ Thanks ~

    Jaspie ~
  19. granville

    granville Well-Known Member

    If you are referring to the cheat database update on GBAtemp, that is just the same code from the original patch. I've checked it in R4CCE with the original code. The code is identical, except for the last line which was deleted due to being unnecessary- D2000000 00000000. This line was originally repeated twice.

    In other words, it still doesn't work, the code is the same. It's just for people who have cards that support the cheat. If you use the cheat on R4, DSTT, or any other non-working card, it won't do anything at all. It'll act like the code isn't enabled at all.

    I'll test for the lulz and to humor everyone though.

    EDIT- Nope doesn't work. The cheat info even says it only works on cyclo and ak2.
  20. SkimGuy

    SkimGuy Active Member

    I have YSMenu with unupdated firmware, and I get as far as the choosing a file screen too, so I don't think there's any progress.
    Unpatched - Gets to "Choose a file" screen
    Patched - White screen on start up