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Mario & Luigi Bowsers Inside story USA

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by itsmyswagg, Sep 11, 2009.

  1. zettaslow1

    zettaslow1 New Member

    Hello, I'm new here to romulation, and I'd like to enjoy myself to this game with my CycloDS Evolution, But as I have tried all the patches/crackers, nothing has worked. I always get a white screen. If you would be so kind as to help me further, It would be MUCH appreciated.
  2. Gogeta504

    Gogeta504 New Member

    is there for an R4 revolution SDCH (misspelled it)??? i waited for like a week ... is there someone working on R4???? while im waiting im gonna play KH 358/2 days on my R4 =D
  3. Senshi Nick

    Senshi Nick Member

    I did that (Already had 1.54, got AKAIO 1.41 put the file and folder into my root, etc), I ran the file and got to the AKAIO menu. Then booted the rom but got a blank white screen on the bottom and a black screen on top that said "Unsupported device". Anyone else have this problem? if so, can you help?
  4. Apollooo

    Apollooo Well-Known Member

    it's works perfectly, before the save file is always corrupted , after updating firmware ,it's working!!!
  5. hatina

    hatina New Member

    does anyone know if the patch is available for mario and luigi bowers inside story usa for r4 and r4 upgrade
  6. Senshi Nick

    Senshi Nick Member

    NVM i had the wrong version of AKAIO, WOOT works great, havent seen much but this is awesome! Been waiting weeks!

    Nope srry man just gonna have to wait...... then again theres no proof of people making any progress besides people saying they were working on it, but keep your hopes up!
  7. alphakeny1

    alphakeny1 New Member

    damn, so people with regular R4s are still the only people thats screwed? :(
  8. samis

    samis Member

    anything for the DSTTi??
    been waiting for this game for ages and now i cant play it :l
  9. Eloustical

    Eloustical Member

    There is small proof. Someone posted a thread at GBATemp. Some 14 year old is trying to fix it. He says he has fixed 7 out of the 32 checks or something.
  10. lgzlink1

    lgzlink1 Member

    Has anyone found the crack for this Game? I have R4 SDHC v 1.26 tried patch still won't work???? :'( ???
    Please help??
  11. 00Davo

    00Davo Well-Known Member

    No, the R4-III Upgrade which I've got (a clone) is also screwed, by the looks of things. :(
  12. timbizcut

    timbizcut Well-Known Member

    Does anyone actually read any of the posts? I am sick and tired of reading posts asking for help when the help has already been given multiple times. I wonder how these people would go with a simple reading and comprehension test? Personally, I don't know how the moderators (who do a great job) don't lose all faith in the intelligence of humanity having to read the same questions over and over again. Especially when the answer is usually only a post or two above their comment.
  13. Khrmp

    Khrmp Well-Known Member

    Attention all DSTT users!! ;D

    I have made an important discovery! Follow these steps to play BIS on your DSTT!! :D (Well...my DSTT's real...it may not work on fake ones. try anyways.)

    1. Go to this site: http://gamewiki.jp/uploader/dsma/

    2. Download "Unofficial DSTT firmware ver1.17a07".

    3. Replace your DSTT's firmware with the downloaded firmware.

    4. Once the firmware's been replaced, get a clean M&L:BIS rom and put it on your MicroSD.

    5. Have fun! 8)

    I can confirm this works on my DSTT. I have made it to the part where you get hammers (about 45 minutes in-game!)
    I haven't encountered any problems yet. I have reset, and tried selecting Save and Quit and my file was still there and I was able to continue. Leveled up, got a 1, but it still worked wonders! The game's been running great so far!!

    Will post if I encounter anything odd.
  14. jayMASTERjay

    jayMASTERjay Active Member

    Oh my god. Khrmp, if this works, I will buy you the world.
    Post Merge: [time]1254046613[/time]
    Oh my god. Khrmp, it works. I am going to buy you the world.


    Mr. Khmrp has made the breakthrough. Say thank you, for the wait is over. His solution works for DSTT!

  15. wellthen

    wellthen Member

    Can anybody post a method to get this working on r4i sdhc, and a method which will not involve me getting rid of my existing roms/ save files already on my card?

    Please im dyung to play this game
  16. prince112

    prince112 Member

    Hey, Itsmyswagg. Please update your post 'ere.

    It works with DSTT now.
  17. billi_bilo

    billi_bilo New Member

    Genius ... thanks :)
  18. The Alpha Gamer

    The Alpha Gamer Well-Known Member

    Would the manually hex editing solution for KH work for this or have I just suggested something incredibly stupid?
  19. xlaw888

    xlaw888 Active Member

    4162 - Mario and Luigi Bowsers Inside Story (U)(Xenophobia) FIX

    How to Patch :


    1. Rename original ROM into xpa-mal3.nds Put it together in same folder with xpa-ml3.bat, xdelta.exe, xpa-ml3.crack.
    2. Execute file xpa-ml3.bat
    3. Wait until :
    Mario and Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story crack by Xenophobia
    Press any key to continue . . .

    4. Will Created a Patched ROM xpa-mal3-cracked.nds

    Tested PATCH:

    I. Acekard 2i => Worked on my NDS Lite with No Problem using Sandisk SDHC 8GB
    1. Using OS AKAIO 1.5 (With New Loader 27/09/2009)
    2. Play with Original ROM

    II. SuperCard DSONE(SDHC) => Worked on my NDS Lite with No Problems using Sandisk 2GB
    1. Using OS TTMenu_V1.17a07 Unofficial (Dualboot for DSone)
    2. Booting with OS DSTT v1.17a07 Unofficial
    Optional Booting :
    No key pressing : Booting with OS DSTT v1.17a07 Unofficial
    X-Key pressing : Booting with OS DSone SDHC V3.0 sp8
    3. Play with Original ROM

    III. EDGE => Worked on my NDS Lite with Some Problems using Sandisk SDHC 8GB
    1. Using OS EDGE OS v1.5
    2. Using Action Replay Codes with r4cce (R4 Cheat Code Editor) ver.0.86
    3. Execute r4cce, open CHEAT.DAT from EDGE Card
    4. Add Game
    5. Game Title -Anything u want-
    6. Game ID CLJE AE1362E1
    7. Game Enable Check
    8. Add Code => Code Title -Anything u want-
    9. Code List :
    52064138 E1A00005
    5206413C E28DDE22
    02064138 E3A00001
    D0000000 00000000
    D0000000 00000000

    10. File => SAVE CHEAT
    12. Delete Mario and Luigi Bowsers Inside Story (U)(Xenophobia).sav if exist
    13. Play with Original ROM and Enable Cheat

    or you can use this file Download CHEAT 090109 with Mario and Luigi : Bowsers Inside Story PATCH for EDGE

    For EDGE user, Sometimes after you Saved Game your DS will be FROZEN and you must RESTARTING and LOADING again to play.

    IV. M3i Zero & M3DS Real => Worked (Not tested by me)
    1. Using System V4.4a E52 (Europe/USA) for M3 DS Real/G6/M3i Zero (15-09-2009)
    2. Play with Original ROM

    V. CycloDS => Worked (Not tested by me)
    1. Using CycloDS Evolution Firmware v1.56 BETA 3 (18/09/2009)
    2. Play with Original ROM

    VI. DSTT => Worked (Not tested by me)
    1. Using Unofficial DSTT Kernel V1.17a07 (27/09/2009)[​IMG]
    2. Play with Original ROM

    VII. R4 => Worked (Not tested by me)
    1. Using YSMenu + Unofficial DSTT Kernel V1.17a07 (27/09/2009)[​IMG]

    CRACK Credit to xenophobia
  20. I K K E

    I K K E Well-Known Member

    If it works on the DSTT, wouldn't it work on the R4 with YSmenu?

    I'm playing the japan version AGAIN now because the english version still doesn't work on R4(which i have ).

    I hope there will be a patch soon.