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Male rape (by a woman or women of course), is it an actual crime?

Discussion in 'Debates' started by Cahos Rahne Veloza, Oct 30, 2008.

  1. Vinse Anget

    Vinse Anget Well-Known Member

    Interesting, this debate is almost made redundant because, if that is the way it is worded, then you don't really have much wriggle room when it comes to talking about whether or not a man can legally be raped. We'd know if we were raped by another woman, but would be unable to do anything about it as far as reporting it as a rape, or convicting someone of your rape. So much for equality between sexes.
  2. snak3.3y3s

    snak3.3y3s Member

    Yeah you would really only be able to pursue it as an unwanted sexual assault or unwanted sexual contact but nothing as sever as 1st or 2nd degree rape.
  3. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    Whoever thinks that definition is true from Maryland state is as thick as George W Bush
  4. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    That kind of law is outdated nowadays.

    Today, the Penis is now considered as important as a vagina primarily because of pedophilia. Young boys who've been molested are often had their penises fondled by sickoes in everyway imaginable, that is why there are now ammendments in the law that include fondling a man's penis unwarranted as a grounds for rape or in the very least molestation.

    Also, the article you qouted also states that "in order for there to be rape, there should be penetration", what of anal sex, or of the anal fetishism where the fetishists enjoys putting things inside their or their victims behind?

    On that note, there was this youtube video that sparked a scandal here recently, it was about this homosexual victim who had a deodorant tube jammed up his ass by this male prostitute he hired. It was scandalous for two reasons:

    1. OK, so man to man sex is pretty obvious, some say it was his come uppins for being gay, obviously prejudistic.

    2. The doctors & nurses were fired from the hospital & had their licenses revoked for medical malpractice because as they were operating on the victim they were riddiculing & mocking him, all whilst he was sedated non the less.
  5. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    It was the gay's fault for being gay and hiring a gay, that is not rape or molestation

    And women can pin men down and get on top of them to rape them, therefore women can rape
  6. snak3.3y3s

    snak3.3y3s Member

    cjdogger I cited exactly where I got it from.... if you want to call me a liar then at least take the time to put in the research and disprove it....
  7. Renji217

    Renji217 Well-Known Member

    What?!?! Ive never heared of such a thing, probably because what kind of a guy would tell someone that he was raped by a woman. Now that I think about it, it is posible but unless your a little boy or you were saving yourself for someone, I highly doubt you would resist some chick who wanted to have sex with you. Isnt that what rape is?? When your forced to have sex with someone when you dont want to?? I doubt most guys would reject some girl to have sex with them, unless their ugly, or fat, or both....
  8. snak3.3y3s

    snak3.3y3s Member

    Cahos Rahne Veloza, The legal code notes it must be penetration of the vagina no matter how slight. Other forms of penetration come under the crime sexual assault. While you would think that rape and sexual assault are the same they are not.
  9. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    So let me get this straight? If a woman was forced by a guy to have sex or was made love to unknowingly, like when she was drugged or drunk, you call it rape.

    But if a guy (or boy mostly) was forced to have sex (oral or anal other wise) by a woman or homosexual man, knowingly &/or unknowingly it's called sexual assault?

    Personally I don't see any difference.

    Now let me expand by giving two new scenarios:

    1. What if a woman was forced by a lesbian & gave her (the woman) a penetration by a strap-on or something like it, is that rape or sexual assault?

    2. Let's say there is this really convincing effeminate homosexual who underwent a sex change operation to complete his "womanhood". Now let's say he got forced by a guy (for reasons too many to enumerate) to have sex & his "vagina" was penetrated, is that rape or sexual assault?

    Personally I don't see any difference, just some gobbledegook lawyers made up.

    Anyway, here's a link to a webpage that has listed several articles about my country's revised laws on rape, which includes an amendment that includes male &/or Homosexual/lesbian rape, for which my two examples above imply:

  10. DevilDinah

    DevilDinah Well-Known Member

    first, if a woman was forced to be penetrated/ to penetrate, i think that depends. if the woman is not willing, it's an assault by the lesbian. if she is willing, unlike in most cases, they're both doing something undecent and therefore guilty

    second, i think one of the reason why a homosexual went under the knife is to experience what women experience, so they're both wrong. it the tranny is not willing however, it will be considered as a rape

    at least, that's what i think
  11. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    But who would want to rape a tranny?! That is sick...
    "Any penetration, forced entry or sexual mounting should be considered rape regardless of gender"
    The real definition is what i've just quoted, it is common rumoured that only women can be raped but is wrong.
    And Snake.eyes that law is what I said is stupid, I believe that law exists in that state but whoever believes that is what rape means is stupid.
    And Renji I mentioned that most males would let the girl "rape" them (Think she raped them) for the free sex unless they were ugly and/or fat.
    Although male rape victims are uncommon they do exist, therefore male rape exists.
  12. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    That's why I added the for several reasons clause CJ, let me sight a few:

    1. If a man is totally wasted, drunk, stoned or a combination (you shold be aware of this yourself) anything that "remotely" ressembles a woman is therefore a woman.

    2. Being a tranny is different from being an effiminate gay. Trannies or Transvestite men only dress up to look like women & most of them are infact hideous looking because they still look manly. Effiminate gays with or without sex change operations really do look feminine both in the way their faces look as well as having curvy bodies, & in accordance to reason number one, it maybe a disadvantage.

    3. You are puzzled to the idea of men doing it with ugly trannies (using your point of view), then you should ask why there are those who are into beastiality.

    4. I don't know if you are familiar with the term gang rapists, but if you add this to reasons 1 & 2 you have what is called gang raping a gay man & this infact occasionally occurs in prison. Much worse, is because of the absence of women, perfectly straight men will rape other straight men in jail just to relieve the urges.
  13. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    Lol, doing a tranny would be worse than Bestiality! And I'd feel discusted about waking up in bed with a man, with some people it's whatever float their boat I guess, as long as they don't harm anyone that is...
    And you haven't really mentioned that women can rape men, so I decided to throw all my cards down onto the table.
    Yeah I never get fully wasted and yes Women look better but my senses aren't as badly affected when drunk, more of my emotions and tactical/intelligent decisions are effected, therefore I rant, complain and do things I wouldn't usually do.
    And I don't understand prisoners and that soap thing they do, why can't they use their hands instead of being gay and a bully?
    People who deserve to be in prisons should be isolated anyway, that is how you punish people without using corparate punishment, mental damage!

    BTW- I have had 2 pints of lager right now... So I may be a little more biased but in most control...

    Edit: Yeah, sorry if I offended anybody, beer still affects me with only a little o_O
  14. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Not everyone who is sent to prison deserves to be there, several of them maybe wrongfully accused or were falsely acused. And being prejudistic about prisoners isn't good either, you don't know everything about their stories so labeling them as such is not acceptable.

    Two women I can think off who "rape" men (as I'm not sure if it is applicable to say that) are Madonna & Cleopatra. Madonna, built on urban legend so debunkable. As for Cleopatra, I read somewhere, everynight, she would have sex with 10 or so male slaves of her choosing.

    I also haven't yet cited instances where lesbians rape straight women, the reason being how society treats homosexuality differs from country to country. Genarally the gay or homosexual male side is well represented to an extent that it's past being annoying to now being a matter of "so?" or "yeah whatever". The feminine side however is less represented. If at all there are instances where women get raped by lesbians that do occur, they get buried in the depths of forgotten or misplaced facts. But rest assured that does occur, again prison could your best source for examples. And how do lesbians rape women? You're on your own there, go check up on Wikipedia or something as there are alot of non PG-13-ish terms I can enumerate, & most of which don't necessarily need vaginal penetration, again citing the provisions in the law I provided earlier.
  15. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    I generally mean raping men but yes women can wear strap ons... :-\
  16. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Woman to Woman sex doesn't only rely on vaginal stimulation as I earlier posted, go read up will ya :)
  17. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    I don't want to understand :(
  18. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Then you're not really being open minded are you?
  19. Vinse Anget

    Vinse Anget Well-Known Member

    I fucking resent that CJD
  20. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    Sorry, i'll edit that post