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Mad as all Hopper!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by ChibiGamer, Aug 25, 2007.

  1. Adnan1992

    Adnan1992 Well-Known Member

    Are you guys always teasing Chibi? Its a bit mean ???
  2. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    They just do it because I do it, but I'm allowed, I'm important.
  3. Adnan1992

    Adnan1992 Well-Known Member

    :p i give up
  4. The last time I checked nephew means boy, and a niece is a girl.

    and as for girl gamers i am one as well. 28 years old, female, and my daughter who is about to be 8 is a gamer as well. when she gets home from school she gets her homework done the rushes to her computer that i built her to go play the emulaters that i put on the computer. she has been gaming now for 3 years now. thats why i had to build her, her own pc to get her off mine. she has emulators for nes, snes, gba psx, n64. i love sneaking up behind her when she into a game and scare the poo out of her. cause she gets so into her games that the rest of the world doesn't exsist.

    And to be honest i think this person is correct...

    I think starting an all girl gamming forum would be best though. not something just for girls to gripe on. most gamer girls real gamer girls are big tomboys, and most likely don't have a lot of other female friends. and me being a girl not having any female friends you get accused of a bunch of inapropriateness. and me personally i don't trust a lot of other females. any girls that i have come accross have benn sneaky, far from truethfull, and munipulitive. pure scandeless. I have known a lot of guys that are that way too. including my hubby(he's on thin Ice) but i digress. but i think an all girl gamer forum would be a groovy idea
  5. ChibiGamer

    ChibiGamer Well-Known Member

    You would be correct in that. :D

    [quote author=fallen_angel4155]and as for girl gamers i am one as well. 28 years old, female, and my daughter who is about to be 8 is a gamer as well. when she gets home from school she gets her homework done the rushes to her computer that i built her to go play the emulators that i put on the computer. she has been gaming now for 3 years now. thats why i had to build her, her own pc to get her off mine. she has emulators for nes, snes, gba psx, n64. i love sneaking up behind her when she into a game and scare the poo out of her. cause she gets so into her games that the rest of the world doesn't exist. [/quote]

    LoL. My family does that to me too. Specially when I'm playing a game like Silent Hill. My Daddy is the worse with that. But I don't live with my family anymore so now I just freak myself out. :p Over active imagination is my problem. ;)

    And FINALLY I'm not the only girl poster welcome my fellow gaming sister! By our powers combined we can whip these gamers boys upside and down the other. ;D

    [quote author=fallen_angel4155]I think starting an all girl gamming forum would be best though. not something just for girls to gripe on. most gamer girls real gamer girls are big tomboys, and most likely don't have a lot of other female friends. and me being a girl not having any female friends you get accused of a bunch of inappropriateness. and me personally i don't trust a lot of other females. any girls that i have come across have been sneaky, far from truthful, and manipulative. pure scandalous. I have known a lot of guys that are that way too. including my hubby(he's on thin Ice) but i digress. but i think an all girl gamer forum would be a groovy idea

    I've always tended to have all male friends, but I'm well liked by both sexes. And I just like people period, doesn't bother me what sex you are. For the longest time I couldn't find people as interested in games or sports or other such "boyish" activities, as I was. Meaning female people. :) I've gotten use to duking it out with mostly male population in the things I'm interested in and I've gotten quite comfortable with it. And yeah, I'm a big tomboy so I guess I just help instill the idea that girl gamers have to have boy like qualities in order to want to play games or such nonsense like. I'm sorry that most girls you have come across have turned out that way. My sister felt the same way and still does to a point for the longest time. I never judge anyone. And I completely don't compare new people with how old people acted in the past.

    Truthfully I probably started it. xD And I don't mind! I like it. It's fun and I don't take it seriously at all.

    And that is the end of my rant. ^^
  6. hen

    hen Active Member

  7. dlambert

    dlambert New Member

    Hmm... No girls on the internet. Ya thats so not true. They just don't go on gaming sites so much. Now check MSpace.com or those other sites, tons of girls. I have 4 sisters and they live for MySpace. Plus they like gaming, not as much as me of course but they play occasionally. So as for 38% or what ever of girls on the web, nope its much higher than that now. Oh, nd no I'm not a girl just so u know.
  8. feliroy217

    feliroy217 Member

    Hey!! I'm a girl and I owe a Pink DS! That does not make me less of a girl! Its just a color! Jeeezzz... I like pink and I'm as girly as you can get BUT I love games also! I love technology and I love messing with my PSP and DS. I am by no means a tomboy at all! I'm more into getting the newest technology on my DS and PSP... and I'm pretty damn good at it! Better than my boyfriend. I get all the games from him off here and he plays them and I join him.

    So Chibi you are not alone! I think there should be an all girls forum!
  9. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    Do you really need an all girls forum? Us boys don't need a dedicated forum, we don't mind sharing. :)
  10. ChibiGamer

    ChibiGamer Well-Known Member

    :D You boys don't mind sharing because at last count there is only like 5 of us girls :p

    Rock on for liking pink Feliroy217 and kicking your boyfriends butt at games ^_^

    There is so nothing wrong with being a girlie girl, I just like teasing my Mom about it because it always makes her laugh. :)

  11. Lalas

    Lalas Guest

    I'm a girl. My DS is the old-school silver one that I got the day it came out. I'm not really hardcore gamer, though..."heavily addicted casual gamer" fits the best, as I can't say I'm actually good at the games I play, but I play play more than enough to make up for it. Give me a whole day for me to do whatever I want, and ~23 hours of it would be on my computer or DS or both at the same time. Then of course I'd spend the next day passed out or something.

    At the moment, I'm neither a girly girl nor a tomboy. You see those loser-ish guys that just sit at the back of the class that no one talks to unless they need homework help? That'd be me, right there. Except, not a guy and with less acne. ;)
  12. feliroy217

    feliroy217 Member

    Steph I was joking... I don't mind mingling with the boys. But maybe some girls need other women to motivate them and come out of the "closet". When I first got on here... I did not dare write in the forums because I thought you boys would tease me! But ever since Chibi said she's a girl was like Ok cool! There are more of us! Maybe just maybe more girls would be involved in here if they see other girls socializing.

    Let me introduce myself...

    22 years old, live in Florida(used to live in NYC), just graduated from college in May and just withdrew from graduate school(I was taking up guidance counseling but there is no money in that field) and will now pursue a field in computers or something with databases.
  13. Reider

    Reider Modereider

    Oh, we'll tease you, but only because you called Seph "Steph" :)

    And we hope to see you post more, activity is always nice.
  14. ChibiGamer

    ChibiGamer Well-Known Member

    Rock On! That made me feel really good that I had something to do with someone starting to socialize and take action! Even if it's just in a forum filled with thousands of boys. :)

    And about the teasing, They tease me all the time but I seriously think I started that. It's fun and no one means anything by it, I think that's how they let you know that you are completely welcomed and liked here :D

    I really just like uniting people. I like making people laugh and I am silly beyond anything. This environment is congruent to that and so yeah, thanks guys. For making this a place even a girl can feel welcomed in. :-[

    And I think Steph works out better than Seph anyways :p *giggles*

    Commence with the teasing!
  15. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    Well it was either that or making weird monkey sounds.

    And for that you shall burn. :D
  16. ChibiGamer

    ChibiGamer Well-Known Member

    Monkey sounds are acceptable too! And sooo cute, Let me pet your monkeh! :eek:

    You know you love me. :-*

    And you know I was just teasing and didn't mean it anyways. :D

    And if you actually are brave enough to try well.... Sucks to be you :p
  17. nomercy

    nomercy Well-Known Member

    And become even hotter? ;)
  18. feliroy217

    feliroy217 Member

    Oh my goodess! I can't believe I called you Steph! :D I'm sorry!!! How could I do that to the person who has ran this site and provided me so many hours of fun!
  19. ChibiGamer

    ChibiGamer Well-Known Member

    *sneaks in quickly and quietly and pets your Monkey*

    *giggles happily*

    *sneaks back out and gives you a hug along the way*
  20. feliroy217

    feliroy217 Member

    The monkey looooves being pet Chibi!

    Thanks for the hugs!!

    :hugs: back!