Ahh... Linux, how we missed ye in this Mac vs PC debate, which is turning into an Mac (OSX) vs Windows debate. Yes, I do admit Macs look awesome, and they put a lot of attention into the user experience. But, like others have said before, there's the matter of also insanely awesome pricing, and the fact that you can't tweak/ upgrade it as easily as PCs. In the end, though, I'll stick to my triple boot of Linux Mint, TinyVista, and Windows XP SP2. No, thank you, Apple.
I seem to be quite an exception in this thread... But I'll come out and say it anyway. I'm using an intel mac, and I'm very happy with it. I use dualboot to boot into windows if I need to game a little, but the pool of applications available for the Mac OS is increasing. Not to mention more and more games are getting ported over. (Pro street for example) I agree with everyone who makes a big issue out of compatibility, but I guess I'm just used to it. (Besides to be honest I quite prefer the Mac OS to windows. Personal preference.) Each to his own, and I'm quite happy using my mac to game, and edit movies and photos. I noted someone earlier in the thread making a statement that their mac hung ever so often; and I beg to differ. As I said, each to his own.
I think Mac OSX is better than Windows, but the compatibility issue is what makes people use Windows.
you can get a right click mouse easy for the new macs, and there is bootcamp which is basiclly another PC, but the MACS are DAMN expensive
of course, when Macs didn't have the right click, they used the crtl button and click which was the same as right click on windows. Now they just made the ctrl button into a right click, but PC's are very different from Mac's.
That's pretty cool, I was wondering how long before someone'd implement something like that. macs are just...different.
omg i thought i was the only one that thought it was weird about the right click thing. i actually thought i must have understood wrong but nope, no right click but i did figure out the control + click method i do love the leopard dock thing so i got the rocket dock made by a couple of mac people which works surprisingly well with xp sp3. their notes are funny they say the rocketdock is a peace offering from the mac community.
Same for me as well. After using a PC for so long it was hard for me to get used to a Mac. So I got rid of it. Not being able to just right click on something was just too damned frustrating. I thought I was the only one that felt that way.
I'd take a PC over a Mac any day. Macs are way overpriced for their specs, and that's enough to turn me off. Yes, the fanboys can say we're "paying for the experience", but still, it's expensive. The only reason why you would buy a Mac would be : 1. You are desperate to fit in, 2. You want to look cool, or 3. You genuinely want to try them out. I fell
MAC is Better than PC MAC got a better resolution, no virus (so we dont hv to spent our HD to anti virus, spyware, malware..God their soo much) And the appearance is the BEST Why you WILL love mac, find out here.. http://www.apple.com/getamac/whymac/
Yeah, I love an OS that you can't go buy any games for, because they're not MAC compatible. That really makes me want to go buy one.
You can use "Crossover" and "Crossover game" to open windows app and game You can install Windows in beside with your MAC too.. i play Ragnarok OL (RO) in my macbook i think today mostly game support 2OS, Windows and MAC !!
Very few support MacOS actually. Since Macs now use x86 hardware they can natively run windows and windows games.
I had a Mac. I also had Windows for said Mac. The windows program made the Mac run so slow, I thought it crashed the system. All my experiences with Mac are awful.
wow that was so strange.. maybe you should upgrade your memory to 4GB, so Mac not become slow I Hv a wonderful time with my MacbooK than my Pc