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Mac or PC?

Discussion in 'Debates' started by Born2killx, Feb 4, 2008.


Mac or PC?

  1. Mac (Apple Computer)

    0 vote(s)
  2. PC

    0 vote(s)
  1. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    PC is the hardware which linux runs on, so your statement makes no sense.
  2. CloudBoy101

    CloudBoy101 Well-Known Member

    ^ True, you would have to say Linux is better than Windows, but I haven't had the chance to use Linux so I couldn't judge.
  3. duderedux

    duderedux Well-Known Member

    Gaming: PC

    Lifestyle stuff(unless you have a gaming lifestyle), Portability,School,Work:Mac
  4. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    Sorry, my bad! I meant Windows.
  5. ominous

    ominous New Member

    I find pc more user friendly then the mac and if does offer alot more.

    Though I do use my computer primarily for music production and it still works perfectly fine for me.
    I also don't connect that computer to the internet so its stream free of any potential garbage.

    MACs are good for a/v as mentioned by cloud, but $$$, when I start to make more money off my music I might
    consider it, but as for now I don't see why dropping 5000+ on a new g5 quad is necessary when I can get the same for 1500 on a pc
  6. 4ds

    4ds Well-Known Member

    mac is suitable if u want to do designing work for it but overall ppl would prefer pc especially there are more programs and software that runs well with it not to mention if mac have any hardware problems u got to send it back to the factory and the price is almost equvilent in buying a new one(or a decent pc lol)and mac is super expensive.but most of them have good design though :D
  7. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    4ds, please read our [rules] regarding use of proper English, we don't allow use of abbreviations such as 'u' or 'ppl' here. Also you don't have to send a Mac back to the factory if you have more than a basic knowledge of how computers work. I've fixed Macs before
  8. Roshi

    Roshi Well-Known Member

    I have a Macbook, I don't have a desktop comp although I'll use a PC for it. Not biased either way.
  9. Supasly

    Supasly Guest

    PC owns Mac hands down. Macintosh has more capiblity problems then Windows Vista and that is very sad...
  10. pc's will always beat macs, mainly because microsoft owns 51% of apple
    macs are good for people new to computers, with their easy-to-learn GUI
    but pc's are much more modifiable so you can get that personal feel, and there is much more you can do with it because of such.
    I used a mac in elementary school so its not like I've never seen one.
    and as for linux, its a gamble. ubuntu, backtrack etc are alright, but it can be very complex.
  11. bhatooth

    bhatooth Well-Known Member

    you cant compare a n00b to a pro
  12. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    Microsoft does not own 51% of apple.
  13. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    Windows is the common choice for normal user where they just want to run some apps and play games, while Linux is for people who know what to do with thier PC not just running some apps and play game. Mac is aim for people who need high end graphic processing power like graphic design company.
  14. I know they did at one point, whether they still own apple I do not know, although I don't see any reason why they'd sell apple other than possibly holding an even stronger monopoly...(lol, they also tried to buy yahoo recently, but yahoo wanted $53 Billion and microsoft was only willing to pay like $40 billion or something)...kinda like that U.S. vs microsoft case in 1998 or 1999...
  15. CloudBoii12

    CloudBoii12 Well-Known Member

    PC!!!, except mac's have cool programs...
  16. donieCaren

    donieCaren New Member

    i'd rather choose pc because i love it..user friendly but i want also to try mac...hahahhaa :D
  17. dmac154

    dmac154 Well-Known Member

    im used to pc and i like its setup, but i still want a mac, just to have bragging rights to say that i used both
  18. makewin2

    makewin2 Member

    pc. I've gotta stick with the stuff I've used since I was 4. Macs are just strange. When I first saw one I was freaking out asking myself how the hell it worked when it didn't have a computer. I was around 7 when I saw it and it just looked like a monitor. Besides, a mac would screw up my desk arrangement
  19. Nouta90

    Nouta90 Well-Known Member

    Haha macs are a waste of metal and plastic.
  20. BloodVayne

    BloodVayne Well-Known Member

    I'd choose a mac if it comes down to work/productivity/coolness factor, though unfortunately they're too damn expensive here. So it's PC for me.