The PC because it is SOOOOOOOOOOOO much more versatile and is compatible with so many more programs. Plus most programs are made to be run on Vista.
vista sucks, Xp is better, i'll have to wait for windows 7 to come out before i do some testing with games from 1992 to 2009, (stellar 7 to the new splintercell)
Well, I got a macbook about 8 months ago. Its not as bad as some make it out to be. Partitions can be made to have games, even if they don't run as good as a desktop. My Mac was a present and I'm quite satisfied with it and each one has pros and cons.
Personally I've never had a MAC but I've been on other peoples and I've got a PC and I think PC'S are much better as they are more compact, faster you can put them on your lp and carry them around rathher than straining your neck to see the screen. So if I had the choice, PC and I see in the poll lots of people agree as I voted PC in the poll (Obviously!).
you are talking about laptops VS desktops, not PC vs Mac. Both PCs and Macs are available in either form factor.
i like pc better than mac but it dosent matter to me but just dont fall for the mac dont get viruses thing cuz they can and they do.
I choose PC, the programs are MUCH better and a MAC is nothing they say... YOU NEED A SPECIAL SITE TO DOWNLOAD PROGRAMS FOR A MAC!
pc but i feel sorry for Steve jobs idea if seen there movie "pirates of silicon valley" you'll understand
In my old school, they had Macs. It pissed me off, the word processor was Pages and I couldn't use that file format at home. They weren't compatible with most software and they are like 2x more expensive than PCs. They were better off with Linux.
It's uncommon, I wouldnt say rare. Ignorance is a much bigger problem for macs than windows; A lot of mac owners think that macs are immune to virii, and thats why they fall victim in most cases.