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Lufia: Curse of the Sinistrals (U) Anti Piracy Thread

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by LuckyTrouble77, Oct 13, 2010.

  1. kinghopy

    kinghopy New Member

    Is anyone else encountering the issue of the emulator crashing in Gratze Factory at the part where u pilot the tank and first exiting the room on no$gba?
  2. lindalove

    lindalove New Member

    Umm. guys Ive tried the clean version on No$cash and its not working.. Ive tried No$zoomer and I still get the same white screen ! ! ! Does it really work cuz its not working for me.. so if it doe then what am I doing wrong.. (I dont think I am tho)
  3. meganova

    meganova Well-Known Member

    It works if you're running it through the BIOS method.
    Read through this thread for more details.
  4. blazekz

    blazekz Member

    Thank you! I tried it just now and it's going through the intro right now~ I went through a few versions thinking that it might not work but when I got to the VENOM version it worked so I was very excited!!
    Thank you so much!!~ Now I can finally play the game that I've been waiting to play~
    You've made my day! :D
  5. crowned_clown

    crowned_clown Member

    Doesn't work on the DSTT...has that error code -4 thing pop up, anyone gotten around this?
  6. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    Check for the latest files from Retro and Pong. I believe this has been fixed by now.
  7. firekingster

    firekingster Active Member

    Does this work on the new EXT,INFO,SAV TTMENU?

    Almost every game works
    I haven't checked Lufia though

  8. Fennyariel

    Fennyariel Well-Known Member

    I just tried running this on both No$GBA and DeSuME. It doesn't run at all on No$GBA and as for DeSuME not only can't you save your game the sound is in slow motion and has this horrible echo.
  9. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    It can be ran though no$gba2.6a with gba bios enabled + UseCrypt=1enabled in no$zommer.ini file - then played though no$zommer - but sill slow , not as bad as DeSuME

    Noise supprestion can help abit in no$zommer
  10. Fennyariel

    Fennyariel Well-Known Member

    I tried what you said and it's still bad.
  11. 1alter1

    1alter1 New Member

    FYI, the un-patched version will not function on the DSTTi. Downloading the patched version now. Hopefully, I can get it working properly.

    Update: Nope, it doesn't work. Creates the save file and then crashes mid-load.
  12. Silgon

    Silgon Member

    I'm having this same problem. Can anyone help with this? would gladly appreciate it :)
  13. Dreamerx3

    Dreamerx3 Active Member

    Does the patched rom work for Original R4 v1.18? You only put YSMenu and I was wondering, since I have a R4 v1.18 myself, if it worked.

    EDIT: Just tried the patched version on Original R4 v1.18, white screen when you start up. Didn't try the hex version.
  14. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Why are you using that very million year old dead firmware , Backup you games and saves format your microsd chip and upgrade to WoodR4 v1.17 - that will play your game very well on R4 original


  15. Dreamerx3

    Dreamerx3 Active Member

    I didn't bother trying that because I've tried v1.18 ENGLISH, but apparently only Chinese firmware works on my R4, so I didn't bother to download ENGLISH Wood, I'm pretty sure there wasn't a Chinese file.
  16. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    It also has lot's of language files to chose from - wood R4 should work on r4 as long it's not a clone type - they is a new one for clone r4s Wood R4iDSN v1.17
  17. Dreamerx3

    Dreamerx3 Active Member

    I've checked, there wasn't Chinese, so I'm pretty sure the other language files wouldn't work on it.
  18. Duncan Idaho

    Duncan Idaho Well-Known Member

    it does not works with the latest stuff
  19. Silgon

    Silgon Member

    About the Gratze Factory crash when you get into the tank and go into the next room, the only workaround i have found is to download desmume and import the save file (so you don't have to do the whole game until that point again) and do the whole dungeon in desmume (including the boss) and when you get to save in the exelcion(or whatever it is called) then export the save file so that you can use it in no$gba, of course doing this means having to deal with the "slow-motion" that desmume seems to have while playing this game (took me over an hour just to kill the annoying boss). I believe that the next few rooms after the you first enter in the tank has some kind of problem that causes no$gba to crash(not sure about this but I've done some research and there seems a lot of people with this same crash).
  20. gamerace19

    gamerace19 Well-Known Member

    Hmm, I cannot seem to get it to get past white screen in either desmume or no$ and i have full package no$ people said to use the gba bio startup thing but that white screens for me too.