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Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by manaseater, Jun 15, 2010.

  1. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    I wish they had stuck with the art style for Twilight Princess really. I don't really care what people said, Twilight Princess was fun when played on the Gamecube. It was solid LoZ action, albeit a weak story, but honestly, how many times can you save the princess while mixing it up? Personally, I feel the cell shading should be completely ditched at this point.

    It was cool when it was original with Wind Waker, it was okay for the DS games since they were somewhat forced to go with a simpler art style to work with the DS's processor. When they created something as gorgeous as Twilight Princess though, and then revert back to cell shading, it kind of pisses me off. They don't have to appeal to kids with every title they make. A more serious LoZ world was a really awesome change, and it would have been great to see it come back again.

    As long as they make it work though, it should be great. I just can't approve of the art style. Honestly though, it looks kind of dull from the single trailer out. I look at it and just see a slightly changed Wind Waker. :/
  2. Kresn1k

    Kresn1k Active Member

    i´m gonna need a lot of money.
    3DS with OoT, Starfox, MK, AC, and whatever else I need (e.g. screen protection, a pouch or something, that stuff)
    the new xbox 360 design (my girlfriend doesn´t play VG, only watches anime & still she said: looks soooo sexy, elegant and cool, buy 1 hon.)
    a wii (hopefully the black one) might softmod so, i´ll need a external HDD.
    the new TLoZ.

    ....damn, that´s a lot of bucks, besides, here in mexico, this things are sold twice the original price (e.g. wii is like $4000 mexican pesos -like $400 dollars- the ps3 is aprox. $800 dollars, the nds lite is like $180 dollars or so, the dsi xl is at his lower like $350.... all the stuff i want might worth here in mex aprox: 3Ds.- lets say $250 on US, in mex like $500, the new xbox design like $700 in mex, a new wii $400, 3 3DS games, lets say $60 each in mex= $180, TLoZ SS like $100
    all will be like: $3800 bucks.....
    I better start selling myself as an escort or something..... geeze.
  3. Usoppu

    Usoppu Well-Known Member

    You're ignoring the main purpose of the trailer; to show off the mechanics, new control methods for different items etc.

    Anyway, I like the mix of cell shaded/realistic graphics, just look at how delicious and vibrant the environments are. Much better than TP.
    WW was by far the best looking Zelda game. IMO they should of made the game completely cell shaded again, just with adult link instead maybe.

    Fuck all the people who hated WW's graphics.
  4. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    WW's graphics were great. That one time. I found TP's graphics to far surpass it for more then one reason. Cartoony isn't always better. Some of us actually enjoyed a Link that didn't look like he just crawled out of an animated kids show.

    I realize the purpose of the trailer, I was just commenting on the art style used and the fact that it disappointed me. They really aren't pushing the Wii to its limits, they're leaving it in a graphical safety zone. If anything, I thought a new LoZ game would be the game that would convince Nintendo to push the Wii's hardware to its limitations.
  5. Usoppu

    Usoppu Well-Known Member

    The character and monster designs in TP were really no better.

    It does with its controls. Why do graphics need to pushed to the limit, to make it look more realistic?, has Zelda ever been about realism.
  6. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    Controls aren't really a limitation in my opinion. They could have easily just mapped it to the retro controller and told people to use that. That is just innovative, not limit pushing.

    After TP, it seems they could have easily gone for another realistic approach with that art style vs reverting back to the art style that is more commonly used for the DS anymore. Like I said, a darker LoZ isn't a bad LoZ. Also, since when do good graphics imply it has to be realistic? If you drag it out of context, yes, that works. Otherwise, it really doesn't. Gears of War has great graphics, but nothing is realistic about that game.
  7. Usoppu

    Usoppu Well-Known Member

    I said 'realistic' because you mentioned how 'cartoony' WW was.

    Sure, I agree a darker tone graphically isn't exactly bad. But for me, what they did with cell shading was much more aesthetically pleasing. I'd love more of the same when it comes to WW's graphics, it doesn't mean it has have some kind of cartoon like story or anything.
  8. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    That is the problem. They're afraid to experiment even a little with LoZ. About the only thing that has changed since its creation is how it has been portrayed graphically. Though, like Pokemon, if it ain't broke, don't fix it.

    I'm actually surprised they're trying cell shading of any sort after the poor support Wind Waker received from a lot of people because of the art style. For me, WW is one of my favorites because of the awesome sailing and exploration. WW wouldn't have been the same without cell shading. I've just enjoyed them trying a new art style pretty much every time since the N64.
  9. Usoppu

    Usoppu Well-Known Member

    Here's some screens

    Pic 2
    Pic 3
    Pic 4
    Pic 5

    Looks great. I love that background blur effect in some of the screens, like a painting.
    I can't see how anyone can fault these graphics, and this was just a tech demo so you can bet the final product will look even better.
  10. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    I never said it looked bad, I just said I was disappointed that they went back to the safety of cell shading.
  11. timmy1991

    timmy1991 Well-Known Member

    I'm not really a big fan of cell shading, and while I think they should have done the graphics like Twilight Princess, they really did a great job with it. I might not like the cell shading too much, but I am going to have to buy this game, just because I am a die-hard zelda fan.
  12. toffster92

    toffster92 Well-Known Member

    exactly what I was about to say.
    I'm not trying to pick a fight or anything but for all of you guys griping about the graphics and stuff, you have to remember that the screenshots you see are from the DEMO version of the game.
    They still have plenty of time before the scheduled release date to fix and polish up any areas of the game.

    For me personally, I could care less about the graphics. What I look for in a Zelda game is gameplay and a good sense of action.
    While graphics enhance the experience of the game, the real backbone of any Zelda game is how the gameplay works.
    Hell, OoT was and still is considered one of the best games in gaming history, and the graphics were only sub par compared the the ps's at the time.

    SO to get back on topic, I am REALLY REALLY REALLY looking forward to the new Zelda game...
    even though it means that I have to bust into my savings to buy a Wii...
  13. SoulSin

    SoulSin Well-Known Member

    Kinda looks like a dress.