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Love Plus Translation is on work

Discussion in 'Emulation News' started by kesadisan, Sep 6, 2009.

  1. liu

    liu Member

    where can i change that setting? i found nothing on desmume
  2. HeartofSword

    HeartofSword Well-Known Member

    Damnit you came first than me XD
    I've been waiting for tis game too ^^
  3. meganova

    meganova Well-Known Member

    Config -> 3D settings
    Under the drop down menu.
  4. liu

    liu Member

    nah, that setting don't exist on my desmume. I have already download desmume 0.9.6 for mac. Here are the menu under config: saves, rotation, interpolation, gap, edit controls, edit joystick control and view.

    I tried no$GBA emulator in windows, and it worked fine, with wonderful graphics and normal fps (90-100). Is there something i miss in desmume 0.9.6 for mac?

    I reallly want to play this game.

    Thank you
  5. meganova

    meganova Well-Known Member

    That's the different between Mac and Windows version of DeSmuMe.

    Are there any Frame Skipping option?
  6. hoanglong

    hoanglong New Member

    Any idea about the releasing time? Maybe a few more years?
  7. 6Toushiro9

    6Toushiro9 Well-Known Member

    They will not set an exact release time. But it would be out in a few years/months.
  8. liu

    liu Member

    Yes, there is.


    Where should i choose?
  9. hoanglong

    hoanglong New Member

    Well, as long as the translation still on work, I can wait.
  10. meganova

    meganova Well-Known Member

    Try the '1' first, you should be able to see some changes to the game speeds.
    If nothing happens, try 2-3, though I'm not really recommend it since some game are not very stable to play at higher frame unless you have a good PC.
  11. liu

    liu Member

    Your suggestion worked! But i think it can go untul 54 fps with frame skip 3, and my macbookpro become hot (80 C)! After opening screen, then desmume 0.9.6 freezing, and i forced it quit. I think it is not good idea.

    I am giving up with this software. I tried to install no$gba emulator using darwine port, and it is working beautifully, but this emulator can't be rotated. What emulator do you used to play love plus?
  12. meganova

    meganova Well-Known Member

    Since No$gba doesn't have an option to rotate by itself, several addons was made to support this function, such as No$Zoomer.
    If you managed to get that addons work on Mac, then you should be able to rotate the emulator, as well using other functions that available for this addon.

    Just put No$zoomer in the same place with your No$gba, and run it.
  13. liu

    liu Member


    i already did it like your instructions, but there was a problem. after no$zoomer loaded no$gba (for the very 1st time), then it asked where the love plus ROM located. Then no$zoomer loaded love plus ROM, and there was only a sound on no$zoomer, it seems it had been working with no video. I have tried on the other ROM and on windows XP too, exactly the same problem had occured.

    Any suggestions?
  14. meganova

    meganova Well-Known Member

    Try using the full package of No$gba instead,

    Do you mean a blank screen on both screen?
  15. liu

    liu Member

    I tried that full package, and has the same result.

    Yes, there's blank screen on both screen, but i can hear the sound.

    any idea?
  16. meganova

    meganova Well-Known Member

    Not sure, but maybe your PC lack of required memory to run the emulator and caused it to run in a blank screen, with a sound.
    Did you play it on a good pc? I mean on Xp.

    It should run normally if you manage to run No$gba without problem.
    - Run No$zoomer(from the full package), not no$gba since it will load no$gba directly when it's in the same folder.
    - and then it will ask a rom.

    Try checking the 3D Renderer, see if it was set to 'nocash'
  17. liu

    liu Member

    I am playing on good pc, Intel dual core E2180 with 2 Ghz, 1 GB RAM and 128 internal VGA Intel chipset. no$GBA running normally withot any problem.

    There is not 3D renderer, where can i find it?
  18. meganova

    meganova Well-Known Member

    It was located at No$gba settings, under the Emulation Setup tab.
    Try deleting both of your no$gba & no$zoomer .ini files as well.
  19. kieran-123

    kieran-123 Well-Known Member

    any news on the english patch on this game guys? :p
  20. meganova

    meganova Well-Known Member

    Go here.