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Losing the will to play ...

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by MindFever, Mar 18, 2010.

  1. YungPhil

    YungPhil Active Member

    The majority of games and
    I especially love games that make me get angry and throw my DS
    Shin megami tensei The World Ends With You and Final fantasy Tactics A2 only games ive completed
    And i got lyk 30+ games all rpg just ready to start continuing
    Also just got ragnarok and Legend of zelda yesterday played ragnarok
    Now today playing Legend Of Zelda
    Now im playing The Wizard Of Oz just got it...
    Lool i really need to stop
  2. DragonQuester

    DragonQuester Well-Known Member

    Wow I have the exact same feeling as you... Its a great game, I just didn't seem interested in it and for Spirit Tracks I felt this way as well
  3. Wrathian

    Wrathian Member

    Haha...Had the same problem, Except with 43 Games x.x... And I couldn't take it, Drove me crazy!
    I love playing all games though, Currently playing HeartGold xD
  4. Mcoupe69

    Mcoupe69 Guest

    I made a topic similar to this a while back..

    Totally feel you on this one man.. story of me and my ds's life haha

    A.D.D. ftw xD
  5. MindFever

    MindFever Well-Known Member

    ADD ?? i dont think this has anything to do with A.D.D. ... it has nothing to do with concentration,since i allways have my attentioned very well focused ever since i was small.
    Plus these "Syndromes" or "Disorders" are often treated with controversial medications...and the clasification and rehabilitation programmes that require certain medications are frequently suggested by the same people who sell these medicines.
    I saw a comic book where it said a story about a "bad boy" who couldnt study (thank god i never had this problem). And then you can see smiley pills and medicines who tell the boy to ask his parents to let them help him. And then the boy takes the medication and is the most popular person in school,everybody likes him and his parents are proud.

    This was the single most sickening thing i ever saw. Modern psycology oftenly condemns medical treatment for people in the development phase.All the "troubles" can be cured by family interaction and time - but let me tell you this.If you are a parent who has no clue how to help your child and made some mistakes, what would you prefer to hear from the doctors: 1) Your child needs limits and has weird concept of life,ultimately reflecting on you as a parent and probably making you feel guilty. OR 2) All your child's fault are the cause of some under-studied condition that needs 1 magic pill and doesnt make you reevaluate your parenting "techniques". Plus,these drugs for A.D.D. and other similar disorders, often DAMAGE and bring to massive organ failures.Kids died from "unknown" causes of liver failure...
    I often found out that kids with these problems has abusing parents (not necessarily physical abuse!) or their parents had other priorities that conflicted with the best interests of their kids.
    Is there some kind of condition like that? sure it is... but not every single symptom should be categorized so radicaly.

    There...that's my laic opinion that can find support in reality. Please,correct me if im wrong.
  6. Wrathian

    Wrathian Member

    Ahh, It's not a Disorder of Anytype, It's just...Well you get overwhelmed and you wanna play this,
    but then your minds like ehh then this, then its like wait no... this and then that,
    after a while its just like, SCREW IT
    I quit, and yeah, What you need to do,
    Is Delete the games off your R4, And put one ONE on at a time, JUST ONE and play it til you beat it, If you mess up or get frustrated
    take a break til tomorrow then try again, if that game doesnt do it for you, time to move on.
  7. Mcoupe69

    Mcoupe69 Guest

    damn bro i wasn't expecting a psycoanalysis of my response , i was just summing up my problem in a nutshell heh :p

    but everything you just said, i agree with , society today is too fixated on solving problems with magic happy pills, we are breeding Future Drug Addicts of America :/

    Saw an article in the paper the other day about how the pentagon is worried about the rising amount of prescription drug abusers in the US... No shit they should be worried .. they are the dumbasses throwing every kind of pain med at our vets when they come back with even the slightest injury

    Well doc a peice of shrapnel nicked the side of my elbow in iraq.. ok son here is a prescription for roxycodone 30mg .. now don't take more than you are suppose to because they are habbit forming there sonny lad.. Ok doc.. instant addict

    ^ all my view on the subject .. hopefully none of you see any of that as poking fun at our medical system or our troops.. i know that heavy shit goes down every day and the meds are very useful to some but really.. it all sucks

    Its hard to put blame on a single group or whatnot but whatev... America has a problem.. I will admit myself that I even share this problem, I currently abuse pain meds like a dumbass, its hard shit to get out of man.. like an endless life sucking hole :I

    well i digress, ima go play bakugan battle trainer lol :I
  8. SuprJoinT

    SuprJoinT Member

    They are quick to give out pain meds, I get 150 of those 30mg Roxy's a month, but I really got hurt at work, so it is a legit injury, now I need them everyday...
  9. Mcoupe69

    Mcoupe69 Guest

    know how you feel man, started on roxy30s as well , the damn things are sucking the life out of me and a couple of friends as well, so hard to quit without the ever so stressful rehab option :/ been there once for alcoholism .. kinda wish i had the pk problem back then .. now I have my drinking under control to the point where I don't feel the need to ever and only do it like once or twice a month for small get togethers and what not.. but jeez.. when you don't have roxanne in your system it feels like you are dieing :/

    Sry for turning this thread into a drug drama club btw

    <3 u moderators ;)

    4giv mehhh
  10. SuprJoinT

    SuprJoinT Member

    dude, suboxen has worked wonders for all my friends....google it of ya dont know what it is..
  11. MindFever

    MindFever Well-Known Member

    Oh ,im sorry! i didnt mean it in that way ... i should've explained that these were my after-thoughts of what you said.
    Excuse me,please :)

    Im glad we are on the same lvl of understanding though...
    Post Merge: [time]1269321799[/time]
    So back on the topic... who else thinks it's the flashcart's fault of us being so picky regarding games ? :)
  12. Mcoupe69

    Mcoupe69 Guest

    one more thing regarding my take on your topic

    I think a lot of people will agree that its simply just that we flashcart users as a community have access to any game we want

    and that to me just makes it so damn hard to choose sometimes
  13. bobafett1136

    bobafett1136 Well-Known Member

    The XBOX has WAY more hardware problems than the PS3 just so I can get that clear, and the library for the PS3 is insanely cool.
  14. MindFever

    MindFever Well-Known Member

    Well i dont have XBOX... but i wonder,why should i settle for the "lesser of two evils" ? If both machines are not that great in the design, i wont buy either of them.

    I am planning to buy me PSP 3004 or 2004 (the 2000's can be moded easily,no?). But i was wondering,since i presume you are into Sony consoles.Is PSP 3004 truely hackable? I mean,can it be soft-moded without problems? What would you suggest ?
  15. bobafett1136

    bobafett1136 Well-Known Member

    The 3000 IS NOT hackable. There is one way to do it with ChickHEN but that takes about 8 hours because it always freezes and only works about 5% of the time, so don't even bother with it... Get a 1000 or a 2000. :)
  16. super_pastafari32

    super_pastafari32 Well-Known Member

    happened the same to me when i was trying to end the whole megaman ZX series.... if you don't want to end the game just leve it becuase it could end by geting you crazy and you will wanto to play-no-more-in-your-life and that's sad...
  17. MindFever

    MindFever Well-Known Member

    Hmmm... good point. It is kind of true.I sometimes left a game unfinished and then returned to it a few weeks/months later. And i enjoyed it better and finished it. Yep,this aint such a wrong thing to do too
  18. darky000

    darky000 Well-Known Member

    It is HACKABLE. I got a PSP 3000 series and hackers are still taking a crack on it up to now. The freezing is a bit annoying giving you a fifty-fifty chance of actually getting past the official firmware but it is a one time frustration (8 hours??? don't exagerrate much, it only take seconds), they have already updated from GEN-B up a feature with recovery mode that won't delete the ChickenHEN when the PSP is turned-off. Updates are still coming so expect more from it.

    I play 2 games at a time, sometimes 3, to switch between games when I get stuck or bored from one game. Keeps me going because I get to feel new experience every time I play the game I played a few days ago.
  19. MindFever

    MindFever Well-Known Member

    Good point.I did that for quite some time,and it does good for your gaming,i agree.

    Oh man,i realy am considering of buying myself a PSP 3004 because of FF VII and other cool stuff... But i am still not 100% convinced though. Why should i change it soon if it aint hackable that much.Also all firmwares that are shipped with the PSPs after October 2009 cannot be downgraded to the hacked firmware (softmod),which sucks quite alot. Too bad there is not "flashcart" for the PSP in the form of a UMD disc where you stick in it the SD card :)) I know it sounds ridiculous,but you know what i mean...

    Also, DS will be getting Golden sun DS and has Suikoden Tierkreis ... thanks for the info ,dude
  20. mrkurtis

    mrkurtis Member

    i suffer from this problem, resulted in downloading over 100 psp games