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longest and hardest ds game

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by s.m, Jan 5, 2010.

  1. blaza89

    blaza89 Well-Known Member

    reaching 100% completion in yugioh stardust accelerator takes up too much time i all that long......hard kingdom hearts 368/2 days on hard only because of that damn dustflier.
  2. garychencool

    garychencool Well-Known Member

    Pokemon is one of them but gta chinatown wars takes a while too. It took me like30 hiurs or so for he story alone. For 100% tough luck! Im like 80 percent now!
  3. HeartofSword

    HeartofSword Well-Known Member

    I beat everyone :p My longest game is Pokemon Pearl.
    999:99 hours of gameplay and MORE,without cheat(Well I really can't use cheat anyway cause I have the cartridge).Of course I beat the Elite 4 around the 20 hours,but I really liked the game.I have the cartridge like since 3 years ago,but I restarted the game cause I got sick of only training pokemons and not seing the storyline events anymore.Now I'm around 100-200 hours,but now I've got sick of the game.Now I'm waiting for Heartgold :D
    The hardest one is the X-Missions on Trauma Center:Under the Knife 2.They're simple sick unless you have a God-Like Speed.
  4. tool86

    tool86 Active Member

    how about trauma center? the bonus levels are just insane... i wonder what atlus was thinking...
  5. azlanshah

    azlanshah Well-Known Member

    Trauma center its hard.. other games...dementium?
  6. dancubs

    dancubs Well-Known Member

    Dementium is not hard, nor is it long. :p

    It's just really damn good. It could be hard for some, but I don't find it hard. :p
  7. MangaRx

    MangaRx Well-Known Member

    Apollo Justice is the hardest Ace Attorney game EVER! When the first case is friggin impossible and needs a guide in like 10 minutes in, IS LONG AND VERY VERY HARD!
  8. joelogs

    joelogs Well-Known Member

    as what i've heard, shiren the wanderer is extremely hard. i agree that contra 4 is damn hard. the beginning itself is annoy cuz there's lots and lots on bullets flying in the screen to hit you. i was so pissed off that i so declare to myself that i would never play this.
  9. dancubs

    dancubs Well-Known Member

    Okay, I am now convinced that Pokemon is the longest game ever. It technically has no ending, and just to finish the main "plot" takes about 30 or so hours. I'm at my 6th badge now, and I've been playing for at least 25 hours already. Hell yeah.
  10. namenick

    namenick Well-Known Member

    technically the real "no ending game" is disgaea 2...
    try it
  11. dancubs

    dancubs Well-Known Member

    If Disgaea 2 is really never ending, does that make pokemon have an ending? Answer that question, and you'll know you were wrong.
  12. iluvgtavcs

    iluvgtavcs Guest

    It wouldn't be the hardest, but if you are going for 100%, then yeah, it would.
    Grand Theft Auto: CHINATOWN WARS
  13. tool86

    tool86 Active Member

    i agree, getting 100% at GTA: CTW is just insane.... finding all stunts, cameras etc....

    another long game: harvest moon ds! it literally never ends and is just tedious...
  14. namenick

    namenick Well-Known Member

    (I like Pokemon games)
    LV max:99
    Item LV: ?
    Lv. Max
    Item Level: 60-100 (plus complete the max residents power up)
    Different ending:1
    Different Ending: many (nearly 10) "try'em all" XD

    so, I didn't say that Pokemon is not "never ending"
    But that Disgaea is "more never ending"
  15. iluvgtavcs

    iluvgtavcs Guest

    Pokemon Lvl MAX is not 99, its 100!
  16. dancubs

    dancubs Well-Known Member

    Okay. I've got a statement to say.

    Pokemon is long, but it's easy.

    I rest my case.
  17. IvanMF

    IvanMF New Member

    Etrian Odyssey (1 and 2). I wouldn't say they are the longest, but it is not short either. They are not a cake walk, and the learning curve is very weird: Very hard at the beginning, they get easier towards the middle/end of the game (at times, some floors/monsters/FOE are still really hard), and get RIDICULOUSLY HARD in the post-game. It all depends on the characters you use and how you build them, they make all the difference. Even then, some maps are just hard to navigate, because they might have hidden shortcuts (some of them one-way only) and some nasty surprises in the form of losing HP and other things like losing a Warp Wire (an item that lets you get out of the labyrinth instantly... If you don't have it and you're running low on HP and TP, you're doomed).
  18. stickmaleboy

    stickmaleboy Member

    Pretty Much. But I think no one has mentioned it mainly because the Tales of series might as well me dead outside Japan and ToH has only been released in Japan(not in english). However, gameplay wise, it is hands down, without a doubt, the BEST RPG on the DS currently. The gameplay is just too friggn' good.

    People who know Japanese (or dont doesn't matter), you REALLY should try this game its just too good.

    User Reviews: http://www.gamefaqs.com/portable/ds/review/950188.html

    Also, FFTA2 is pretty lengthy, I mean if you don't stop when the main quest is over.
  19. FakeHero

    FakeHero New Member

    Resident evil DS of course-_-
    i cant seem to beat the game under 3 hours and get the best ending :(
    i wanna unlock infinite rocket launcher though T_T
  20. namenick

    namenick Well-Known Member

    Sorry, it's a lot of time that I don't play it
    99... 100
    is not a big difference
    lv. 9999 is a big difference instead
    I try them, and I agree with you
    some enemies are really difficult
    if you are not prepared well