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longest and hardest ds game

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by s.m, Jan 5, 2010.

  1. olliebot

    olliebot Well-Known Member

    Def TWEWY. I have about 65 hours on it and still no where near beating it 100%.
  2. sandman1264

    sandman1264 Active Member

    Personaly i think it's pokemon platinum (i't's so long because you get addicted)
    it took me about 70 hours to beat the elite 4.
    i know have 200 hours on my clock... So sad... :eek:
  3. agxthesorrow

    agxthesorrow Well-Known Member

    i said suikoden tierkreis it took me about 16 hours to complete it. without getting all the 108 stars. a hard game? well i would say complete all the ace attorney games together in 1 or 2 days that is though.
  4. p4tman

    p4tman Guest

    My longest game would be out of suikoden or final fantasy 3 clocking in around 40 - 50 hours.

    Hardest would definitely be twewy it's hard to beat on normal.
  5. burningowl

    burningowl New Member

    No one says Tales of Hearts yet?

    I played 50 hours + minigames and sidequests, not to mentions all the spirlink and spirmazes...

    and the UNKNOWN difficulty sets up the enemies 4 times tougher.

    last but not least, the final (optional) boss has one and a half million of Hit Points =.=
  6. JynxJester

    JynxJester Well-Known Member

    DS cartrages are all made from the same pastic and are made the same size.
  7. teheezin

    teheezin Guest

  8. JynxJester

    JynxJester Well-Known Member

    Well mah boy, if they are all the same, none of them could be harder or larger.
  9. teheezin

    teheezin Guest

    Gosh =.= his asking abt the game.. not the cartridge itself .. by hard he means the difficulty of the game..and by long he means the duration spent to finish the game
  10. pokecynth

    pokecynth Member

    so true :)
  11. namenick

    namenick Well-Known Member

    you can do unlimited farming
  12. that3d-trapezoid

    that3d-trapezoid Well-Known Member

    Etrian Odyssey - Less than 2 hours in and the games has me struggling. Sort of.
    Disgaea DS - A really broad game. Maybe a bit TOO broad.
    Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire of The Rift - Lacking on real difficulty, but it'll take you over 100 hours to complete the game.

    One a sidenote...
    The World Ends With You - If you know your way around, the game's easy. 'Cept battling Panthera Cantus on Ultra Hard capped at Lv1, which teeters towards impossible.
  13. iluvgtavcs

    iluvgtavcs Guest

    Tetris DS, duh
  14. dancubs

    dancubs Well-Known Member


    Need For Speed Pro Street. Damn you hydraulics mini game.
  15. iluvgtavcs

    iluvgtavcs Guest

    I totally agree
    f you hydraulics
  16. dancubs

    dancubs Well-Known Member

    I mean, why the hell was that put there? It feels so out of place. But to be honest, I thought the idea of it was cool at first. But when I got to the point where I have to actually finish one event of it, I put the game down. For a couple weeks now, I haven't been playing pro street.
  17. iluvgtavcs

    iluvgtavcs Guest

    exactly. Theres too many f'ing buttons to press at once.
  18. lopolativo

    lopolativo Well-Known Member

    i dont know why youre all complaining about FF 3 + 4 and Suikoden =="
    suikoden took me only 10hrs with 100% ff3 not really hard but took a good 15hours and ff4 when i played the gba version took me 10 hours, and ds took me around the same time o_O
    longest is FF tactics a2 because i find it very addictive and disgaea :D
  19. zangief

    zangief Well-Known Member

    longest probably be FFTA2. ive had like 70 hours already, and i feel like im still not halfway through, maybe because i play all sidequests the game has. got bored over it and played another game instead.

    hardest would be Contra 4, without a doubt. felt great after i beat the game though.
  20. g@l1h

    g@l1h Well-Known Member

    Hardest one for me maybe Trauma Center.
    Try to play that using a mouse instead of a stylus.... kinda unbeatable.