I feel loved now But I have to say that not everyone loves me I know a few people are unsure when they are around me, I guess that might be due to the fact that I'm not exactly like other people and so I would be deemed spontaneous and unpredictable. I prefer honesty Just like a majority of people. (Well I hope they prefer honesty, because I have been with them >_<) If I had to contribute to that, I would think that I am 'falling' in love with someone. But I know I already have a love of them, and I have a love of my close friends. But... I think I am getting there... If I am already then I am in denial. Hah, I'm so simple... Or I guess really complex if you look at the other side of the coin. Allkratos. I like the word cosmos, and I like the fact that you use an expansive amount of vocabulary. That's slightly random I know. This will probably sound really... Mushy.. But, we can safely see that I'm quite affectionate... Regardless when I go for walks out at night, and if it's a clear sky, I do find myself looking up at the sky and just speculating on them. I always think to myself. "This is lovely, if only I had someone to share this with." Amazingly I never get upset with that. I would feel guilty for dragging someone out in the middle of the night, albeit if it is rather romantic. The question I always ask myself, if I was in a relationship that was progressing well, would they like it? I guess I'm what you call a Helpless Romantic. And I have a huge heart.
You know a thought really is an incredible thing. Built pyramids, empires, culture, society, madmen and damn fine people. Hands were just there to be the general labor. Sorry to chime in, but I read the posts and the topic seemed intriguing. And I figure the general rule to thumb is that a little bit of nothing is a whole lot of something, and karma is only a curse if you become a curse. You just hope that the good thoughts outweigh the bad ones most of the time. Probably common sense enough, but opinions differ. So it's nice to get some other perspectives.
That hurts...I spent an hour revising and editing out some of the bad stuff from my original post My spelling sucks, and I hate using the spell check due to my insanly horrible net speeds that make me do this too often... [me=hYpNoS]bashes his head agaisn't the wall[/me] Wonder what was gonna be said...maybe another "you screwed up your post" ? Agreed. Just simple will power keeps people alive, plus a bit of a wake up call (I was gonna say one but...it's a bit of an extreme one when it involves a loaded gun and a suicidal person...).
^ there, you just misspelled insanely and against lol. that's ok, it happens to everyone. i'm no good at english either, i have little vocabulary. i don't even know the word stereotype haha how stupid ^___^ no need to sorry, this is an open forum. and btw, that's really deep, i don't know if i heard that somewhere before but that's a good one. @snebbers i do hope you will get over with this soon, i know you will ;D
But I was born in australia, and the only language I speak is english. THis is embaressing... Anyway, people just need to look at themselves, stop being selfishand say "no matter what crap I go thru, if I quit life now I'd have wasted everyone else's time trying to get me this far"
This seems to be a rather interesting topic.....let's see....i myself is not a completely selfish but i do happen to be so sometimes...i have a friend that's always saying he has no reason to live that he should die...i'm like WTF you have no reason to live..bah..then i asked him why is he trying soo hard in school why study soo much..he couldn't fcuking answer...i mean he's like in the top ten in class and he says he has no reason to live...yet he still tries soo hard...why not just give up...i tell him all kinda shit cause he's just acting depressed and should really fcuking grow up...but he's my friend and when i tell him them shit he's like "wad eva dude"...sigh i have no meaning to life...i have no purpose...i simply live to play games...it's truly is what keeps me going (seriously it is) i'd like to believe that there's more to my life but i know that there's nothing i'd like to believe that the earth will be destroyed and left inhabitable in 2012 but i know that we're just gonna keep evolving until something starts to make sense i'm the kinda guy that doesn't get worked up if i fail my final exam cause i'd like to believe that there is a reason for the stuff that's happening in life but i know there aren't any. i wish i knew what happens when i die.............................................................................life get's me so angry and sad (angry for being born into this life and sad for actually living life) (i'd like to go on an on about life but you guys can care less about what i have to say.....it's a sad sad life........)
Why not post it? This topic is for everyone to talk about their thoughts, feelings and perspectives, after all.
Aww I never thought you would even think of a depressing rant...but then again your still human, no matter how awsome you are
Well.. It's your choice I guess. You're welcome, by all means. We should enjoy life while we have it. All I feel like doing these days is talking about it. I've already gotten what I wanted out of my life, so I'm pretty much bored with my own life. This is why I talk, sparingly mind.
Ever heard the saying "Funny people aren't usually all that happy"? A lot of comedians (Robin Williams, Jim Carrey, Hugh Laurie, John Belushi, Phil Hartman, and Chris Farley among others) have suffered from some sort of depression. I know with some, especially Robin Williams, you can see a sad look in his eyes.
I think everyone has a piece of sadness in them.. Maybe these people just have more than others.. :/ I kinda feel sorry for them. If only they had what they need. Some of the best poets suffered from depression, they made some really beautiful pieces. People just look at the words and think it sounds good though, while in fact there is a lot more meaning behind it.