hmmmm another Beat Em-Up game? PS3 sure are into Beat Em-Up game >.< -Devil May Cry 4 -X Blade -Infamous -Bayonetta -God of War 3
I am not been following the big 360 Vs PS3 fights but I do have a qustion to this post. as your list shows Beat Em-Up games. Besides shooters what else does the 360 have?
360 has plenty of non shooters like: Street Fighter 4 Fable Prototype (which I have heard is better than Infamous) also has Devil may cry 4 Lost oddessy bunch of attempts at RTSs I'm not proud of FF13 is for both Oblivion was for both but was on 360 long before ps3 we got Brutal legend coming out not to mention tons of sports games but what console doesn't have that Banjo and Kazooie Prince of Persia Mortal Kombat VS DC Marvel ultimate alliance Point is how dare you suggest it has nothing other than shooters!!! it actually has alot of games that are on the ps3 as well. Post Merge: [time]1243649398[/time] arcoding to, PS3 isnt as overprice as everyone else though (that including me) Nintendo Wii - $249.99 Xbox 360 Elite - $399.99 Xbox 360 Pro - $299.99 Xbox 360 Arcade - $199.99 Playstation 3 (80GB) - $399.99 LG Blu-Ray Player - $299.99 Sony Blu-Ray Player - $299.99 Samsung Blu-Ray Player - $399.99 [/quote] who the hell buys the 360 elite? I don't even need most of the memory I have with the pro. -.- Post Merge: [time]1243646145[/time] imo ps3 isn't so good for multi player games at least not as good as 360. Post Merge: [time]1243642846[/time] Quote from: ultra on Monday May 11, 2009, 07:01:31 PM it's very heavy, big and power hungry. the amount of heat coming out of this thing is like a pc. then why doesn't it do as much as a pc or more?
haha why is so many people criticizing the PS3 haha basically for me its just if you like it buy it, if you think your gonna enjoy it get it, if you don't like it, then don't get it, and plus both xbox 360 and PS3 are pretty much the same systems, they both have potential, they have their cons, and pros, and well their both GREAT systems, just get whichever one u like the best, and enjoy it =D
Put Linux on it and it does. (also note that putting Linux on the PS3 is actually Sony approved, unlike microsoft, who would probably have a coronary (or instigate a lawsuit, if you tried to put Linux on their beloved xbox).
when did this turn into a ps3 vs 360 war anyways? thought it was supposed to be just about ps3. -.- Post Merge: [time]1243645688[/time] I agree but this post is meant to be about the ps3s problems
Got a few points there: SF4 both and PC Fable's nothing special according to reviews If anyone could ever think that Prototype is better than inFamous, they haven't played either and are little kids who love gore. FF13 is coming out on PS3 first, then they are redoing the engine so they can actually fit it and all it's discs into a 360 box Oblivion on PS3, launch game (one of the best), no Horse Armour and the expansion pack for free Brutal Legend for both (it's gonna rock irregardless, check out the IGN preview just put out today) Banjo isn't all that great a game compared to say Banjo-Kazooie for N64 Next two games are on both Marvel: UA is on every console under the sun of the current generation (and the PS2 because EVERYTHING is) There really isn't a huge amount of variety between the two consoles games, but when he said there were a lot of shooters on 360, he probably meant the exclusive titles (Halos and GoWs). While if you look at PS3 exclusives, you've got variety as there's games like Valkyria Chronicles that are classics but noone will have played, while there's titles like (as much as i hate the incoming flaming) CoD that aren't the best games but are huge sellers and are very popular across the PSN. Which btw owns Live as it's FREE and doesn't make you select a certain area of online play (i know about the underground, casual etc. system for it's shitty matchmaking). Those Gamerpoints as well, that's just pointless as a lot of people just get games like King Kong to quickly get 1000 points for very little reason. Man I love Ranting at people...
As a PS3 and PSP owner, I have to say, Remote Play is VERY dodgy. Sometimes it works perfectly, other times I get "connection timed out", etc. Also, I think most of us want a games console for the games and no-one can argue with the current and upcoming games lineup for the PS3: -Uncharted -Heavy Rain -God of War III -Killzone -Resistance -Ratchet & Clank Future -The Agent (RockStar exclusive announced at E3) -Buzz (for the family/casual gamers) -inFAMOUS -Gran Turismo 5 -LittleBigPlanet -MAG -Metal Gear Solid 4/Online -MotorStorm -Ninja Gaiden Sigma -SingStar (again, for the casual gamers) -Valkyria Chronicles -White Knight Chronicles Plus, there are all the multi-platform games too. Personally, I would take the PS3 exclusives over the X360's any day. And, of course, the added media features are a welcome bonus.
This is exactly why threads like this should never be allowed... It's fine to whine if you actually OWN a PS3, but far too many fanboys poke their heads in and start spreading nonsense around. It gets ridiculous... My only problem with my PS3 to date is that it's far too restrictive in terms of PSN content, meaning no awesome little indie games on there. Which is a shame, since I'm growing affectionate towards the indie and homebrew community since I (very recently) played StillAliveDS. As for Remote Play, I hate that it kills my PSP's battery. If it didn't, I wouldn't need to download any PSOne classics, since I own all the good PSOne games in disc form.
i'm not sure how the wiimote is, but, according to the guys that are making this item, and the demo i seen from E3, its 1:1 motion, and it was pretty damn good in the Demo already. I think it'll sell pretty well. I would also have to say that a lack of "mods" or custom firmware is due to Sony learning from their mistakes with the PSP and its' firmware. I think the only problem that i see with it is the whole backwards compatability issue. I'm not so concerned with the price, or the games' price. but the compatability really jerks me, cuz my ps2 aint gonna last forever, and not every gamestop still has in stock the nice Fat ones with the expansion bay on it (since I play ffxi on the pc and ps2 from time to time, mostly pc though). would be nice if my ps3 had ps2 support so I didnt have to worry about it. and I agree, while it may run warm/hot, it runs very silent.
1. No money --> No support. The Wii has the same problem. 7. Mine plays DivX, XviD, H264...blah blah blah any AVI file and even the shoddy .mpg files, as well as .mp4 and other weird iPod formats. 8. No other console can open a text file either. 10. Mine has 4, and it's probably because I've had mine for...ages now.
problems....mine has no backwards compatibility.....It get's too dusty at times....the games are a tad expensive....hmm what else? Online support maybe? but then again, online gaming for the ps3 is free...