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Lego Harry Potter Years 1-4

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by mian95, Jun 23, 2010.

  1. salkj1

    salkj1 Member

    i tried turning off soft reset and it still doesnt work btw i have an R4
  2. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    Use Wood R4.......
  3. broman

    broman Active Member

    Re: Lego Harry Potter Years 1-4 - Acekard

    I have an acekard and have updated to 1.17 - intro starts - gets to harry potter screen with gnome and locks up - any suggestions (if someone knows for sure what works, please explain detailed how to fix this) Thanks
  4. i0ink

    i0ink Member

    excuse me but disabling soft reset doesn't fix us version
  5. m64m

    m64m Well-Known Member

    No one ever specified it fixing the (U) version, so stop trying to blame issues on this forum. It fixes the (E) release, and it's only for Wood R4 1.09 users.
  6. i0ink

    i0ink Member

    oh sorry i was just mentioning it and i am using wood
    also is eu in english
  7. I K K E

    I K K E Well-Known Member

    You're right. It's great new games work first on R4.
    But in my personal opinion: i like the original R4 firmware better.

    Sure, it works and i'm happy with it. But i think the old firmware LOOKS better.
  8. Rvdl

    Rvdl New Member

    Version 6.20 is released and they stilkl haven't fixed it.
  9. kenny6457

    kenny6457 Well-Known Member

    just someone upload it prepatched
  10. kieran-123

    kieran-123 Well-Known Member

    ive never had that problem myself...
  11. m64m

    m64m Well-Known Member

    One of the guys that works on the revisions posted this, after someone complained about the white screens:
    "Harry Potter AP isn't fixed yet."

    I wasn't aware that it had any to begin with. :/ This is a big let down. I'm going to try to find something about the LHP AP issue.

    EDIT: From what I've read around the net, it has no AP. I guess we're just going to have to keep playing to waiting game.
  12. neogetz

    neogetz New Member

    The back of the game's box claims it has AP in it.
  13. m64m

    m64m Well-Known Member

    I think it's a bluff. I can't find any topics on major rom sites about AP in the game, and on Wood R4, all they have to do is turn off soft reset. Not much of a patch, is it? :/

    DSTT users, our chances just got a lot worse. Quote from the main extinfo/infolib updater:

    "pretty much every new game will make either black screens or -4 error because the DSTT doesnt have an autopatcher

    u noobs better pray theres no AP because it aint getting fixed any time soon, read the red writing on first page

    dam crappy shovelware"

    Doesn't seem like the nicest guy. @.@


    EDIT: Found that infamous 'red writing' from the first post.

    "We do not do requests
    so do not post asking for fixes
    If its not in the list below dont moan because its not working
    Asking or Requesting will cause the fix to be delayed"

  14. broman

    broman Active Member

  15. i0ink

    i0ink Member

    hey guys so i got the E version and it turns out it has english so i waited 3 days for nothing,
    any way i have wood r4 and i turned off soft reset and cheats but the game still occasionally locks up and freezes anyone else have these problems
  16. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    Use AKAIO.
  17. kenny6457

    kenny6457 Well-Known Member

    how do i turn off soft reset?so i can play lego harry potter?
  18. m64m

    m64m Well-Known Member

    I don't have an R4, but I'm assuming the firmware has a button, or checkbox to turn it on and off. Keep in mind, this solution is ONLY for Wood R4 1.09.
  19. WarioEmpire

    WarioEmpire Active Member

    looks like I'm gonna have to get ANOTHER acekard and hammer smash my DSTT. It's becoming dead as a doorknob, the original team is somewhere in china lolly-gagging and laughing at how smart they are for selling tons of cheap flash carts they never planned to support, and the ext-sav-infolib updater is a snob because he think's he's god just because he can fix games for the DSTT.
  20. Tomoka

    Tomoka Well-Known Member

    okay...i have to admit.... i laughed my ass off....but there are TONS of people who write custom things (OS's, FW's other things) so that means he's no GOD.....