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Legalize Marijuana

Discussion in 'General News' started by damanali, Oct 19, 2009.

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  1. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    mikeac just showed how much he knows about marijuana. Its not addictive and it is NOT dangerous under recreational use. Even under heavy use, there isn't much effects. If you aren't of age, there is a chance it could effect the development of the frontal lobe. That's why if it were legal, there would be an age limit.

    Marijuana if legalized would be safer because it wouldn't be laced by anything, because it would be maintained by the government.

    God, typing on a PSP is painful.
  2. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    You MUST be high typing on that P.O.S.

    I hate entering my name on those things-even my 3 initials are a freaking PAIN!

    ...as for what mike said-we have all that security for train depots-and guess what?

    9 trains covered in graffiti every morning-and rare they dudes get caught.

    I really think if you change the plant so it's not easy to reproduce and have it at a secret location and then ship it out ONLY when needed THEN it's possible.

    Otherwise I can only see issues...

    One thing is for sure-knowing australia this won't happen-one family group will stand up and say no.

    They always win.
  3. Mcoupe69

    Mcoupe69 Guest

    haha i agree, ill be right there with *them :p

    didn't really feel like reading everything on the post so i'm not sure if any of the issues i'm gonna mention have been brought up but meh, im high and i'm feeling lazy and snazzy :U

    my take on the whole issue

    i started smoking bud when i was 19 going on 20 (late bloomer) so its been about 4 years now.
    1. anyone who says its addictive .. 2 sides- sure if you have an addictive personality of course your going to want to keep smoking smoking smoking and it might consume some of your other healthy daily activities but overall it is in no way shape or form something that your body needs over time (unlike coke/pks/heroin etc) but yeah.. id say i smoke a decent amount .. couple fat bowls a day maybe a blunt with some friends.. but if i run out and i'm strapped for cash .. i can live just as normally than i do with it (not doubled over with withdrawls)
    2. Do I think it should be legalized ? of course
    The simple facts are .. yes of course atm it causes crimes to spur and all that jazz.. but seriously .. I don't know exact data or anything (look it up and prove me wrong ;) but the amount of money our damn country spends on incarcerating(spelling? meh) kids/grown ass men/women for the possession or selling of marijuana is just rediculous ..

    This is my *opinion* - If the green baby were to be legalized - overall crime in our country would drop significantly (of course there are still going to be crimes related to other hard illegal drugs but an overall significant drop would be seen) I mean how rediculous is it when you think about how many people die every day just over some dumb dispute involving weed.. A friend of mine was shot down and killed.. 2 bullets to the head.. all over a half track of bud (1.7 grams) they just wanted the money and the bud too i guess.. cant imagine what those fucks were thinking (either way they are paying for it atm) But damn..legalization if it were to happen all over the US things would be a lot better

    Do i think it is going to happen any time soon? i like to stay optimistic but in these times.. of course it's not going to be legalized.. not any time soon .. theres just too much shit going down nowadays.. and its not on the governments hot list.. maybe if nader ever won an election it would happen haha but we all know thats some stupid pipe dream

    Otherwise i'm done rambling.. bottom line.. marijuana isn't physically addictive .. no documented deaths related to marijuana.. no lung cancer.. just layed back chillen..
    and we got Alcohol and Cigarettes..both extremely harmful to your health.. legal

    *shakes head :/ (although i consume and partake in both.. dont hate) word

  4. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Mcoupe69-Good point-now we have an actual user to back up the point...

    But..it's not so much a problem in australia-so maybe just in america prehaps...

    Australia's has managed to controls this preety well-so it's not this stuff that's our problem-just booze and people popping spiked drinks.

    Hence why I don't club XD
  5. Mcoupe69

    Mcoupe69 Guest

    one of the exact reasons why i dont either :p
  6. phscarface

    phscarface Well-Known Member

    This is the end of the world... Marijuana is for those S.O.B.'s that don't have anything to do. You that use it just give money to drug dealers to buy huge weapons like here in my country, the dealers buy browning .50/.30 ak-47, m-16e1/a1/a2 they got balls to kill cops( that don't even had a beretta or glock), then hire 8-16 year old children to work for 'em. Countries like my Brazil is f**ked by those richies cock-a-roaches. Legalizate it will just make the governament earn some extra cash.The rich country buy it from america latina. Just like diamond that come from Africa
  7. Mcoupe69

    Mcoupe69 Guest

    there wouldn't be any sketchy drug dealers to buy weed from if weed wasn't illegal.. thus marijuana smokers would not be fueling that whole weapons scene you are talking about

    I am sorry to hear about the bad scene over where you live

    But its pretty damn ignorant of you to call us out and make it sound like we are deliberately trying to mess up your country by purchasing weed..

    And I have plenty of shit to do.. don't inaccurately classify us pot smokers as jerks just because your country is having certain problems

    Everyone always wants to blame everyone else..

  8. 1prinnydood

    1prinnydood Guest

    @phscarface, wow what a crock of crap you sell. Brazil has no known export market for cannabis, you guys self fund your own gangsters. Legalisation of cannabis in Brazil could help allot to reduce your gangs. A stable government would probably help too.
  9. KiraSTRiKE

    KiraSTRiKE Well-Known Member

    Stable government? Good luck with that.

    I can't stand blanket statements like that, not harming people, peaceful people.. For growing a plant.
    Thats all I want, for this issue, is that so much to ask for?
  10. stirgo1212

    stirgo1212 Well-Known Member

    im from Holland and its legal there. If you're in the streets you smell weed and it smells better than cigarettes trust me.
  11. Oteupaiecona

    Oteupaiecona Well-Known Member

    I smoke cigarettes, drink alcohol and smoke pot.
    Of all three, the one that is illegal is the one i find is less harmful to me, and doesn't make act like a jerk when i have too much.
    Why are the other two legal and the one not?
    The only reason i can find is that pot can't be taxed like the other two.
  12. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    i don't know.....in canada, it is legal to have medical marijuana and it's a multi-billion dollar industry.

    i don't see any benefits from it...i just find the smell irritating and the people who use it are all idiots anyways (at least the people i know...)

    i'm no fan of drugs......even for medical purposes.....in california it is legal to sell medical marijuana a dispensary.....or so i've heard from the documentary "super high me".......though i'm not sure of it now....correct me if i'm wrong........ i mean it is considered a "soft-drug"......but i still don't like any aspect of "medical marujuana" or any mind-altering substances........
  13. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    I don't really now what to say to reply to this.

    There's benefits for it, some people use it as a pain killer, and by their accounts, it works better than anything else. If you read a lot of people's posts in this topic, we've smoked pot before (well, me, Void, KiraStrike, Mcoupe, dragneon, Oteup. These are the people I'm sure that smoke(d) pot). We're not stupid, in fact we've made the most intelligent posts in this topic.
  14. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    i wasn't referring to anyone on here....i mean the people i know.......everyone that i know who smokes pot is just plain stupid!! as in leave your wallet at the crime scene stupid!!XD

    i don't know about the "benefits" but if it does something, then let them do it.....i can't and won't stop them........i'm not gonna go out and burn all of the weed fields and facilities in the world!! i just don't think it should be legalized........that's all.....it doesn't bother me if someone says that they smoke it......good for them! i don't.........that's the difference!!XD

    i'm not doggin on anyone.....i just don't like the thought of pot being legalized..........for medical purposes or not! my opinion and no one will sway it!!XD

    you have yours and i have mine that's it!!!!!
  15. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    I know, I'm sure you're aware that just because the group you know are idiots doesn't mean that everyone who smokes marijuana is too.

    kk, if you need any swaying, we all listed why we think it should be legalized. And KiraStrike brought up a point and I really can't reply with anything.
  16. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    not everyone who smokes it is dumb, yes i know......

    this issue has been brought up countless times on the ballots and it's always an overall run in the ground......i mean........i don't know......not many people support it in the US at least....
  17. Oteupaiecona

    Oteupaiecona Well-Known Member

    Do you take Tylenol when you have a headache?
    That's a drug.
    If you where in terrible pain, say, your broke your leg, would you take Xanax?
    That's a drug.
    Every pill or medicine you take is a drug.
    A man made drug.
    Pot is a natural plant.Why do you think it is worse then Tylenol?
    So, you don't mind people doing it, but since you don't do it, you think it should remain illegal.
    A bit selfish there, don't you think?
    If the majority of the people now decided they don't like videogames, do you think it would be fair for them to make them illegal?
    They would have no problem if you played them.They would just prefer that you had to do it hiding from the law, and subjecting yourself to be imprisoned or paying a fine.
    Does that sound fair to you?
    I'm not trying to sway your opinion.You are entitled to it.
    I'm just trying to understand your thought process, as from what i understand, your reason for wanting pot illegal seems to be simply because you don't use it.
  18. Mcoupe69

    Mcoupe69 Guest

    i don't mean to pry at this.. because i know you really are not trying to give us a bad rap or anything, you are just trying to state your own opinion on the matter but..

    in regards to your last statement in that post.. goverment surveys have shown over 83 million people over the age of 12 have admitted to smoking pot at least once in their lifetime, and over 12 million had admitted to having smoked within a month of the survey.. i would also be willing to bet that out of those 83 million a hell of a lot still do.. trust me *many* people support it in the US.. fact remains, many do not :/
  19. Hypr

    Hypr Well-Known Member

    So? May I ask you why then what those 'stupid people' are doing is your business?

    This is one of the reasons why I find many people's opinions on this topic, such as yours, flawed. Your opinion is based on a small group of people you know, topped with what negative feelings you have towards them, which is probably based on their personal matters which should not even be your business in the first place.

    Try this for an idea: don't even worry about them. Unless they interfere with you on a daily basis, there should be no need for you to get caught up in their mess.

    Let me ask you this, if pot was legalized for medicinal purposes, how would that affect your daily routine? Unless you live with a roommate who is a pot smoker, there should be no reason for you to worry about it.

    I'm a pure non-smoker myself, but I can care less if people smoke cigarettes or pot. Because I can just go elsewhere and mind my own business. If people want to smoke pot, then that's their choice, and nobody should even bother giving a shit about it.
  20. Mcoupe69

    Mcoupe69 Guest

    alright i think we have all made our points, lets leave ace alone xD
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