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Lady gaga

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by jaimyinthahouse, Apr 4, 2010.

  1. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    shit music and looks like a man in drag
  2. dee292

    dee292 Well-Known Member

    yes i like her
    she makes good music:p

    my telephone ;D
  3. sokka101

    sokka101 Well-Known Member

    oh nice
  4. trimbletown

    trimbletown Well-Known Member

    I don't like "its" music. I hate most things that aren't metal
  5. jaimyinthahouse

    jaimyinthahouse Well-Known Member

    I hate metal ;O
  6. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    jonathon ross even said on tv last night she was a man and he'd seen her cock.
    she wouldnt be half bad if she didnt dress the way she does, how can anyone take the music serious when its dressed like that
  7. jaimyinthahouse

    jaimyinthahouse Well-Known Member

    she's a fame monster.
  8. LilPrincess

    LilPrincess Member

    Or a alien!:p
  9. jaimyinthahouse

    jaimyinthahouse Well-Known Member

    :eek: lady gaga is the best musisian of the world!@!!!
  10. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    im hoping thats sarcasm
    best musician in the world is definately not lady gaga, shes not even in the top 10000
  11. Jonez001

    Jonez001 Well-Known Member

  12. jaimyinthahouse

    jaimyinthahouse Well-Known Member

    Omg everyone hates gaga:O

    She is populair and I love her!,, I also go to gaga's performance in holland ;D 15 may!Can't wait(L)
  13. rock91

    rock91 Well-Known Member

    Lady Gaga is like shit....................stinks
  14. hmfan

    hmfan Well-Known Member

    Lady Gaga has an idiotic name in my opinion. but I see her as the modern day Madonna...
  15. rock91

    rock91 Well-Known Member

    comparing gaga with madona is like comparing obama to a fish :p
  16. hmfan

    hmfan Well-Known Member

    what kind of fish ^_^
  17. rock91

    rock91 Well-Known Member

    tuna XD ...I preffer hering thou

  18. hmfan

    hmfan Well-Known Member

    lol okay compare and contrast Obama with a tuna... kinda hard... they are both slimy, scaly and disgusting when caught... They both have a yellow streak... but I guess Obama is more intelligent than Tuna. I can't really say anything more without getting political with it.
  19. mikebrown123

    mikebrown123 New Member

    Post Merge: [time]1270576052[/time]
  20. rock91

    rock91 Well-Known Member

    if tunas could talk the would be like ''FUCK YOU OBAMAAAAAAAAA''