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Know your members: Xx_Sayuri_xX

Discussion in 'Know your users' started by athemoe, Jun 13, 2011.

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  1. NYman

    NYman Well-Known Member



  2. FireKuraWolf

    FireKuraWolf New Member

    Why do I always think that, when someone popular gets a KYM, they already had one?
    Such as You, Tarik, Toffee, etc...
  3. Xx_Sayuri_xX

    Xx_Sayuri_xX Well-Known Member

    'Cause you can't read the list on the first post? :3
    Or you're a stalker and alreadyknow all this stuff about us!


    What? No, you're my son.

  4. NYman

    NYman Well-Known Member

    *ignore* How dare you to call me cute-looking.

    You're my mom, fuyu's my podna, then... Who's my brother and my father AND my sister?

    Do you like rap?
    Post Merge: [time]1308437229[/time]
    Do you like it? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uBwJtTiXzr8
  5. Xx_Sayuri_xX

    Xx_Sayuri_xX Well-Known Member

    You're adorable~!

    You don't have a father. You have another mum.
    Brothers and sisters? You don't have any.

    Eh, it's okay-ish.
  6. NYman

    NYman Well-Known Member

    I think you're beautiful. :] Objections?

    What's your last name?

    What do you think of me?
  7. DSfanforever

    DSfanforever Well-Known Member

    do you like sushi?

    what do you think of hentai? do you like it more than real sex??

    who do you like more Apple or Mycrosoft?

    Ipad or Windows tablet?

    Icetea or coke cola?
  8. Xx_Sayuri_xX

    Xx_Sayuri_xX Well-Known Member

    It's delicious. Nomnom

    I think hentai's kinda weird, but I'm not gonna judge anyone who does watch it.



    Ice tea.

    Uh, yeah.

    Same as yours, son.

    I think you're fucking adorable.
  9. NYman

    NYman Well-Known Member

    You even said 'fucking'... ;_;
  10. Xx_Sayuri_xX

    Xx_Sayuri_xX Well-Known Member

    Oh, I'm sorry...
    I shouldn't swear in front of children, it sets a bad example.
  11. NYman

    NYman Well-Known Member

    Oh really? I swear all the time.
  12. DSfanforever

    DSfanforever Well-Known Member

    do you like superbad?

    Are you a fan of zelda, mario nintendo in genreal?

    Do you like raywillamjohnson?
  13. Xx_Sayuri_xX

    Xx_Sayuri_xX Well-Known Member

    I don't believe I've seen it.

    Yeah, I like Nintendo. They kinda sucked since the Wii though.

    What's that?
    Bad Nyaman! Wash your mouth out with soap immediately!
  14. NYman

    NYman Well-Known Member

    But- But- *washes his mouth with soap...*
  15. DSfanforever

    DSfanforever Well-Known Member

    This is ray willam johnson:


    do you like star wars?

    what do you think of my avatar?


    do you think ash should be with dawn?

    what do you think of sonic X?
  16. Xx_Sayuri_xX

    Xx_Sayuri_xX Well-Known Member

    Ah. I already don't like him.

    I've watched maybe half of one of the movies.

    It's okay.

    Yay! Pokemon's cool.

    ... No.

    It's really annoying. =_=
    Now don't swear again, okay?
  17. NYman

    NYman Well-Known Member

  18. DSfanforever

    DSfanforever Well-Known Member

    how old where you when you had ricohet?

    you can't be as old as yuji's mom from sexual persuit
    can you?
  19. darkrequiem

    darkrequiem Well-Known Member

  20. Xx_Sayuri_xX

    Xx_Sayuri_xX Well-Known Member

    He was born just a few weeks ago.
    His mother and I are so proud of how quickly Nyaman has grown!

    Why, how old is she?
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