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Know your members S.I.R

Discussion in 'Know your users' started by jadster 1996, Sep 6, 2010.

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  1. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    I want to be secluded from the world
    Man are dumb fucks
  2. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    aw is somebody in a bad mood?
  3. Soluri

    Soluri Well-Known Member

    I was worse yesterday ::)

    Now you really can't remember that I was the one who guessed your middle name?
  4. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

  5. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    Guess i'll just have to ask the same questions again tomorrow :p

    Are you usually moody?
  6. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    No. I have homework. And lots of it.
    That's why I'm not in a good mood. Cause I'm in a study mood.
  7. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    You want to try downloading a 4GB game with a speed of 5kb/s, that is reason to be moody :p

    Do you want to play FFXII enough to download a 4GB game at 5kb/s?
  8. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    I'm downloading an 8gb game at 0.2kb/s.
  9. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    wow.........no wonder your in a mood. :(

    Would you choose a 1969 ford mustang GT, a supermodel girlfriend, every computer/console with every game EVER or superfast free broadband forever?
  10. Soluri

    Soluri Well-Known Member

    So why you're not making your homework?
  11. Rysio

    Rysio Well-Known Member

    Will you do my homework?
  12. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    The last one
    I'm doing it. It's online.
    Yes, Mastah. I'll do yours before I'll do myself.
  13. allkratos

    allkratos Well-Known Member

    What game is 8GB?
  14. Rysio

    Rysio Well-Known Member

    ...you will?
  15. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    I also got a 2gb game and a 6gb game downloading.
    Yes :p
  16. Rysio

    Rysio Well-Known Member

    Borderlands is really good. No, it's damn awesome!
    What class will you pick?
  17. allkratos

    allkratos Well-Known Member

    You are on a PvP server Stan.
    Gundrak is a PvP.

    Try Kozgoroth or something like the name.
    I am there now.

    Okay now the question is: Why did you like to use female avatar on Facebook.
  18. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    I'm a male. Need I say anymore?
    There are classes?
  19. PeachMilk

    PeachMilk Well-Known Member

    Does Mister Hypnos' and my raping of the infidels on chatango make you uncomfortable?

    Willing to give msg a peanut butter smack?

    And then lick off all that delicious peanut butter?

    Random fact about yourself?
  20. Griffandir14

    Griffandir14 Well-Known Member

    Does having a goat as an avatar ever make you want to eat a can?
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