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Kingdom Hearts 358-2 Days

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by TirithRR, Sep 26, 2009.

  1. Jonez001

    Jonez001 Well-Known Member

    After I finished Miles I gonna play this game ^^
  2. Yardi

    Yardi Member

    the game is awesome but lags sometimes. and when i finally beat the game just before i could save it froze and didn't response can someone help me?
    BTW I'm using DeSmuMe.

    Thanks in advance
  3. Jonez001

    Jonez001 Well-Known Member

    Use No$GBA better compability.
    Also you can use your save file :p
  4. csfreak50

    csfreak50 New Member

    It works for the updated wi-fi R4i firmware(s), FINALLY now I can play KH ony my lunch break
  5. tymaca321

    tymaca321 Active Member

    Dude, your deffffffff.... a livesaver :D
  6. Jonez001

    Jonez001 Well-Known Member

    RC12 is good!
  7. kalphite

    kalphite New Member

    Im sorry if the solution has been posted before but I went back several pages and can't find anything. The game just sits and "freezes" after I select difficulty, Im using Cyclo DS firmware version 1.56
  8. tymaca321

    tymaca321 Active Member

    Again im in the problems, its now the first real mission with axel on day 14. The game loads and then just freezes :(. I skipped the cutscene but i dont think thats the problem, (im now gonna try to let it play) edit: yup just as i thought, it has nothing to do with it :p. Any thoughts about this?
  9. alleni12001

    alleni12001 New Member

    Well what emulator are you using. For me I use both no$gba and desmume and they both freeze but when i get to a certain point then i change the speed to 9 then it un-freezes but its only on the desmume
  10. tymaca321

    tymaca321 Active Member

    i dont use a emulator......
  11. Jonez001

    Jonez001 Well-Known Member

    Ez Flash users who are having a problem please PM me!
  12. tymaca321

    tymaca321 Active Member

    Im pretty sure after 40 times replying yourself EZ users get your drift XD
  13. Jonez001

    Jonez001 Well-Known Member

    That is true but you have people who read the first post or the last one only so...
    I did 40 already? :eek:
  14. luster_shade

    luster_shade Member

    does it work on R4 already?
  15. linkandzelda

    linkandzelda New Member

    Hello, I have an R4i running on DSi 1.4. I followed the manually patching and the game seems to work except for when i die... I get a white screen with the music still playing quietly in the background for about a minute, then the music goes away... Could it be a DSi thing with 1.4??? Or does anybody know a possible solution for this problem that i could try?

    Thanks in advance
  16. klaimore

    klaimore Well-Known Member

    It worked like the week it came out.
  17. masterbender

    masterbender New Member

    is it working on r4 already??
    Post Merge: [time]1268037451[/time]
    wHIch is the firmware???
  18. Coolguy10

    Coolguy10 Member

    I am going to try Tirith's hex code edit for TTDS and will post if it works or not
  19. sylar1000

    sylar1000 Well-Known Member

    Wouldn't it be easier just to try it, then post to say that it does or doesn't work? Instead of posting saying that you will try something, then will post if it works?
  20. Coolguy10

    Coolguy10 Member

    I guess, and it WORKS YAY!!! Tirith has found a solution for TTDS