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Kingdom Hearts 358-2 Days

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by TirithRR, Sep 26, 2009.

  1. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    No, I don't have ym (what ever it is).
    N5 is an R4 clone, so there is a chance that ysmenu may work on it. I don't know, as I have never tried. Other users may be able to help you out further.
  2. knocked

    knocked Member

    your YM is your YahooMail just Logged in it on your yahoo messenger and it will be ok...I dont know how to use it
  3. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    I don't have yahoo mail, or yahoo messenger, or aol, or msn, or icq, or any messenger services. :)

    Just try out a few things in these topics. As long as you make a backup of what ever you currently have you won't lose anything, you can just revert back to the backup and fix anything that way.

    (backup = copy the files from your card into a folder on your computer so you have them unchanged).
  4. knocked

    knocked Member

    i forgot if it doesn't work ill buy EDGE
  5. bkesse

    bkesse New Member

    Hi All,

    I have AK2, i downloaded the latest office AK2 firmware update and followed the instructions.. BUT STILL the game does NOT work..

    Any suggestions?
  6. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    Use AKAIO 1.5.1, it is more compatible.
  7. bkesse

    bkesse New Member


    Using the latest AK2 firmware did NOT work, so I used the AKAIO 1.5.1 and it finally works GREAT

    But,, and this is a big BUT, all the saved progress for other games on the card is lost. I even backup all the .sav filed before hand, did the AKAIO thing, started a game and stopped it (used Sonic Rush), then copied the old .sav back... Still lost all progress.

    Any suggestions guys?
  8. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    AKAIO defaults to a different save file naming style.

    Acekard's official firmware is .NDS and .NDS.SAV
    AKAIO is .NDS and .SAV

    You can either change the name of your save files. Or you can go into the AKAIO settings and change the save file settings.
  9. bkesse

    bkesse New Member


    Thanks soo much for your help man,, I went in and changed the sav file setting (had no idea how to, but i figured it out) and the saved content shows up...

    Thanks again
  10. Jonez001

    Jonez001 Well-Known Member

    There were are here for!
  11. kaipie1415

    kaipie1415 New Member

    Is there any way of getting this to work on an emulator? I'm buying a DS in the next couple of months but I just want to see if this games worth buying in the future.
  12. Jonez001

    Jonez001 Well-Known Member

    I think! On No$GBA...
  13. kaipie1415

    kaipie1415 New Member

    I keep trying it on there but it black screens once you select your difficulty :-\
    I got it working on iDeaS but the sound and f/ps were terrible...
  14. Jonez001

    Jonez001 Well-Known Member

    Oh even after the patch?
  15. kaipie1415

    kaipie1415 New Member

    Yup, I'll download and patch again just incase..
  16. sinharvest24

    sinharvest24 Guest

    This GAME is AWESOME!

    need a ds to play it.
  17. Jonez001

    Jonez001 Well-Known Member

    Repeat: Ez - Flash users, update your firmwire (or kernel better said)
  18. wolfie152

    wolfie152 New Member

  19. tymaca321

    tymaca321 Active Member

    Okay im really into problemos now XD, i have a r4 (dsi) gold edition with the latest english firmware (1.9) KH doesnt work with patched rom, with manually patching, and without patch. It bassicly freezes after you get gameplay (after the scene where Roxas wakes up) i really luv it if someone could help me
  20. Kaizo18

    Kaizo18 New Member

    It works
    Thanks!!!!!! Finaly, because i have tried everything.