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Kingdom Hearts 358-2 Days

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by TirithRR, Sep 26, 2009.

  1. NdsGamingFreak

    NdsGamingFreak Well-Known Member

    use r4 CCE by yasu or any cheat code editor and delete cheat files that you dont think your gonna play that game and the cheat should appear also another option is make ur rom games shorter that would help too.. hope that helps good luck
  2. Pokemoness

    Pokemoness New Member

    I'm trying to use it with no$gba, and I'm really disappointed as it lets me choose the difficulty and then goes to a black screen. :(
  3. babyxan

    babyxan New Member

    Thanks so much!! Love you guys!! Everyone included...! This works on my R4i SDHC previously on v1.54 and now with this addition its way cooler! Thanks again! Especially YOU > 1nferno < Cheerxx!
  4. vEnom_2008

    vEnom_2008 New Member

    After doing the Manual Patching procedure that was explained on the first post this ROM worked perfectly fine on my r4i Gold v 1.4 which is being used on one of the very near launch date NDS.
  5. tt7

    tt7 Active Member

    for the ackard 2 i just got the newest official firmware and it is working fine
  6. klaimore

    klaimore Well-Known Member

    I already know that. Mario Kart cheats come up, even if they're at the bottom of the database. Do I needa change the ID?
  7. AlexxRyann

    AlexxRyann New Member

    I tried using a clean rom, a patch that comes with the rom and the prepatched rom posted here. None of them work. I'm using the latest YSMenu on R4 with DSTT v1.17a12. Please help? I really wanna play this game, and so does my friend.
  8. knocked

    knocked Member

    Can I use it with my N5 w/micro SD?
  9. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    Probably, try it.
  10. knocked

    knocked Member

    i already try it but it only says turn off and reinsert and sometimes it stops in LOADING...
  11. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    Well, the N5 is an outdated card, and even during it's early life I don't believe it was very good.
    You could try doing an arm7 patch on it (after doing the anti-piracy patch).

    Take a look here for some arm7 patch programs.
  12. knocked

    knocked Member

    can you give me the link to download ARM7? and teach me how to use it
  13. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    Follow the links I already gave you, it has all the info.
  14. knocked

    knocked Member

    i cant understand T_T :(
    Post Merge: [time]1266637634[/time]
    Now it dont give me the Game it stocks on a BLACK
  15. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    Just download the arm7fixa

    Read the readme.txt file

    Take a game which you know works on your card, name it donor.nds
    Put it in the same folder as arm7fixa.exe
    Drag the Kingdom Hearts game onto the arm7fixa.exe
  16. knocked

    knocked Member

    Now it dont give me the Game it stocks on a BLACK
  17. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    You may have to get better card or buy the game. Sorry.
  18. knocked

    knocked Member

    cause i download akio or something but can we talk in the YM??add me [email protected]
  19. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    AKAIO is for the Acekard.

    You may have luck with Ysmenu.
  20. knocked

    knocked Member

    can i add you in your ym so we can reply faster