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Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days (J)

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by anandjones, May 29, 2009.

  1. Nin10doWii

    Nin10doWii New Member

    Alright. I'm using an iTouchDS and this patch works. I've gotten past both of the inital save and the first bed tutorial scene. I'm currently on Day 8 (after the intro of Xion) (spoilers, sorry).

    If anything else comes up, I'll post it. iTouch rejoice.
  2. ScorpioNN

    ScorpioNN Member

    gokuguy thanks alot man!
    With AKAIO it works!!!!!!
    Thank you very very much
  3. Nin10doWii

    Nin10doWii New Member

    Wait, try blowing into your R button, the contacts might be dusty. Worked for me.
  4. Uh ... yeah... sorry about this, what do I do after that? I'm such a noob at this. :|

    NEVERMIND. @gokuguy: THANKS A LOT! it finally worked!!!
  5. gokuguy

    gokuguy Well-Known Member

    taelusramza: Glad i could help.
    ScorpioNN: Again, glad i could help.
    I have confirmed, u MUST use AKAIO firmware to play this if u use Acekard2.
    I tried my patched rom on AKMenu on my AKAIO firmware, & it froze after bed scene. Switch to AKAIO, because if u dont like AKAIO as much in gameplay (just example), u can switch it to Acekard Firmware loading within that game, instead of AKAIO loading.

    Im gonna continue the list that the game works on now, to keep others updated.

    Working on:
    R4 (patch needed)
    M3 (Patch Needed)
    Acekard 2 (AKAIO Firmware & Patch Needed)
    ITouch: (Patch Needed)

    Someone said on a past page that they got it working on EDGE. Check if they said anything.
  6. Kinnikuman

    Kinnikuman Member

    there's also a patch needed for the EZ Flash Vi correct?
  7. gokuguy

    gokuguy Well-Known Member

    Most likely, yes. Its a privacy check, so all but CycloDS so far have confirmed they either need the patch, or it wont work at all. If u havent already, try my IPS patch, it has worked for all but 1 (EDGE card) so far.
  8. Drignor

    Drignor Member

    Just wanted to put in my 2 cents. I did the hex edit described earlier using Ultraedit and it's working like a charm on my R4 SDHC running 1.25 firmware.
  9. Kinnikuman

    Kinnikuman Member

    i don't know how to do ur IPS patch or any patching really but i'll just start pressin stuff and see what happens. any instruction is appreciated :)
  10. Nin10doWii

    Nin10doWii New Member

    Kudos, GokuGuy. You've effectivly fixed my obession for the next few days. My sincerest thanks. (Also posted the link on iTouch forum, if that's ok, currently re-editing for your credit.)

    (Topic, http://www.simplepluseasy.com/forum/index.php?topic=229.msg769#msg769)
    Post Merge: [time]1243628622[/time]
    Download a tool called "Lunar IPS" and patch it to the rom.
  11. TheChampIsHere

    TheChampIsHere New Member

    I actually just downloaded it on 3 different Cyclos, and all of them are having the problem when they freeze after the main title screen. I don't know why...
  12. sephiroku

    sephiroku Member

    can someone pls upload a fully funtional KH 358/2 days in mine r4 is not working and i have the Ysmenu, i have to use this in order tyo play mario and luigi rpg 3 some months ago T_T
  13. Any way to get this IPS patch on something other than Mediafire, GokuGuy? Mediafire doesn't work on my computer. :(
  14. gokuguy

    gokuguy Well-Known Member

    Thanks, thats 2 more for the list, EDGE & R4 SDHC along with a confirmation i got from a friend.

    Working on:
    Cyclods (new firmware needed, on first page)
    R4 (patch needed)
    R4 Vol. 2 (clone) (Patch Needed)
    R4 SDHC (clone) (Firmware 1.25, Patch Needed)
    M3 (Patch Needed)
    EDGE (Patch Needed)
    Acekard 2 (AKAIO Firmware & Patch Needed)
    ITouch: (Patch Needed)
    DSTT (Patch Needed)

    On the Cyclods', did u patch them or not, because those needed an update for he firmware or something for them to work, not the patch. Look on the first page, at the first post. The link should be there.

    U dont need an already patched game, just use my IPS Patch. Get a program like Lunar IPS, & patch ur clean rom (very simple actually, just read before clicking). Easy as that. My bro uses R4, & it worked for him like a charm.

    Hmmm... I can upload it to Megaupload. Ill do that now.

    Thanks for posting that on that for others. I have been waiting to post on GBATemp, but its been down, probly from high traffic.

    Has anyone confirmed the status of the Supercards yet?
  15. Thanks, gokuguy! You rock!
  16. TheChampIsHere

    TheChampIsHere New Member

    I must've put the firmware in incorrectly. How exactly do I install the firmware because something must not be right with how I did it.
  17. gokuguy

    gokuguy Well-Known Member

    With that, i cannot help u. I know little about CycloDS. Sorry. If the firmware is working on ur card, it should be working fine. If u patched the game, get a fresh game, & try that. KH358/2D does not need the patch, or that is what i have read.
    Post Merge: [time]1243629728[/time]
    Here is a Megaupload link.

    Again, if anyone has any of the Supercards, or EZ Flashes, please state the status of the game with what card & firmware u r using.
  18. Kinnikuman

    Kinnikuman Member

    my game's downloading in a little while i should know if it works on my ez flash Vi
  19. gokuguy

    gokuguy Well-Known Member

    Working on:
    Cyclods (new firmware needed, on first page)
    R4 (patch needed)
    R4 Vol. 2 (clone) (Patch Needed)
    R4 SDHC (clone) (Firmware 1.25, Patch Needed)
    M3 (Patch Needed)
    EDGE (Patch Needed)
    Acekard 2 (AKAIO Firmware & Patch Needed)
    ITouch: (Patch Needed)
    DSTT (Patch Needed)

    EZ-Flash V
    EZ-Flash VI
    Supercard DS
    Supercard DSOne
    Supercard DSOnei

    OK, cool. GBATemp is also up, & fast again. Ill try to make a thread there to help this & them out.
  20. Kinnikuman

    Kinnikuman Member

    My download froze at 98%... I'll do it again and get back to ya'll