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Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days (J)

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by anandjones, May 29, 2009.

  1. gokuguy

    gokuguy Well-Known Member

    Get M3 Sakura 1.35 firmware, then patch the KH game with my patch, & play.
  2. traninator

    traninator New Member

    I tried patching the game with LunarIPS, like you said. I saved it on DSTT and it stopped after starting a new game. Does it matter what firmware I use? It says on the first post to use kernel 1.17.
  3. RedLink04

    RedLink04 New Member

    Uhhh quick help with the R4 Ultra again. I applied the IPS Patch, I ran it with all the loaders I could find in the _aio folder and the akmenu4.nds in the menu, and the only one that worked for me was the akmenu4.nds under the ak2loader in the aio folder. However, I still freeze at the bed time scene. Didn't forget something did I?
  4. sparkytom

    sparkytom New Member

    sorry for the bother but how do i get this to work on the M3 perfect (the flash cart in the 2-slot) i have version 36a of the manager and updated firmware and i got the game to show me the opening scene where roxas and axel talk and then when it goes to day 7 the game freezes up.
  5. gokuguy

    gokuguy Well-Known Member

    sparkytom: If you havent already, you need to patch KH rom with my patch, to bypass that point. If you have, try a manual firmware, like YSMenu or AKAIO firmware. With AKAIO, you wont need a patch. M3 Perfect has not been tested and/or reported working yet, so i cant give any promises on compatibility. If you cant play M&LRPG3, most likely, you cant play this either.

    RedLink04: Download the AKAIO firmware from either my Mediafire link (which is back up) or my Megaupload link. It has the newest loader, in which fixes KH on its own, without my patch. All you do, is when you open up your R4 Ultra firmware, click the first ak2loader.nds that should be in the _aio/loaders folder, ***not the root***. When the firmware loads up, just choose a Clean Rom of KH, & have fun playing.

    traninator: The firmware is the most important part in the process of playing with the patch, so yes, it does matter which firmware you have. Depending on which DSTT you have, you should either get DSTT firmware 1.17, or DSTT firmware 1.17 with fake killer disabled. If you need fake killer disabled for a fake DSTT, look on gbatemp on how to make the firmware.
  6. lloydw1567

    lloydw1567 Member

    hey guys, long time no type. i seem to have a small problem; i have been playing the game almost non-stop and i've reached day 321. however this is the problem, when it says day 321 and the text dissappears, it goes black and nothing happens. is this a last ditch effort of the system to put on a security lock? or can i fix this. if it's ben answered allready, show me the page number but if not could you please help??? thanks:)
  7. sparkytom

    sparkytom New Member

    could u tell me how to use the firmware with my M3 perfect? everytime i load it the upper screen goes blue and the bottom screen goes green. Coudl you send me step-by-step instructions? Or maybe type them out?
  8. KingZion

    KingZion Member

    Just thought you might wanna know, but here's a vid of the Nintendo games conference featuring Kingdom Hearts 358/2 days here
    Just watch from the 3:40 mark
  9. gokuguy

    gokuguy Well-Known Member

    lloydw1567: This is a new problem to me.... It sounds like that is a problem with the rom. I would recommend trying a new rom first, & just rename the save to the new rom's name. Please tell what card you are using, so i might have more solutions if they are needed.

    sparkytom: As I said, you are the first to speak about M3 Perfect here, so this is new to me. What is making it go to those screens? If its the firmware, try another one. If you tried AKAIO, try YSMenu. If YSMenu, choose AKAIO. If it is the game, I cant help with that, because I have never whitnessed anything like that before.
  10. deola11

    deola11 Member

    im having RedLink04's problem gokuguy but no affence but da 1 u sed the akaio4.nds on the root doesnt work at all it just says unsupported device and when i try the same name but in the _aio and then _loaders it works but frezzes when roxas wakes up HELP goukguy plz!!

    EDIT:my card is an R4i Ultra FOR DEFINET
  11. gokuguy

    gokuguy Well-Known Member

    Possibly, because you have to use the ak2loader.nds file instead, maybe you still need to patch the game. Patch it, & try it again.

    EDIT: Hmmmm.... I thought of something else as well. Try checking the Rom Settings for KH, to make sure the setting for AK2 Loader is AKAIO. Do this by getting onto the AKAIO firmware, before choosing KH, go over it, & Press "Y" twice, which opens the Rom Settings. If it is set for AKMENU4, change it to AKAIO. AKMENU4 option does not work with the bypass.
  12. deola11

    deola11 Member

    wont let me load the ak2loader.nds i tried loading it but nothing it just stays on the R4i Menu
    it doesnt freeze or anything just doesnt load it plz help gokuguy
    Post Merge: [time]1244571767[/time]
    how long am i going 2 have 2 wait my man goku 4 u 2 reply
  13. cerealkiller99

    cerealkiller99 New Member

    In the new firmware AKAIO (with Mario Paper background), -I got a R4i/Ultra-
    I founded how to set cheats, but when I try to load the game I got a black screen with "Unsupported device."

    Edit : Same with all other games !

    deola > Be patient, gokuguy is not a machine...
    We should be grateful to him for his help...
  14. lloydw1567

    lloydw1567 Member

    okay well i have an r4 deluxe, but i have been using the ysmenu to emulate the original r4 to play it. hope that makes a difference.

    sooooooory!!! it was a false alarm, tried it again and it worked fine. thanks for helping though!
  15. garra113

    garra113 Member

    Ummm I have an R4i(Which only works for the DSi of course) and I am just wondering but is it possible to play this game currently? I only downloaded the software Here

    Please help a fellow player out. :D
  16. traninator

    traninator New Member

    @gokuguy: Now that you mention it, I've never checked to see if my TT is a fake (to be honest, I don't know how :-\). Are there risks in doing so?
  17. lightdarkess

    lightdarkess New Member

    couldnt fin the nds file wasnt there hen i downloaded it
  18. gokuguy

    gokuguy Well-Known Member

    garra133: Yours is not an R4i, it is an R4i-SDHC. Big difference. I believe with the patch, it is playable on R4i-sdhc. Check the list on the first page. R4i & R4i ultra are the only ones that have had many problems that i can remember.

    tranator: If you are talking about putting DSTT firmware 1.17 onto your card without knowing, then yes, there is a big risk. If you have a fake card, & use 1.17, it will brick your card. You have 2 choices.
    1) Look on GBATemp.net to find the solution to finding if its a fake or real card. or
    2) Just go ahead, get 1.17, & get the custom file that has the "card killer" disabled. Even if this way doesnt help any, it wont hurt it either.

    deola: show me what site you get your firmware from, & ill see what i can whip up. Possibly, i could get YSMenu working on it.

    cerealkiller99: Tell me exactly what R4i you have, or better yet, give me the site that they have on the box to go to for firmware. The actual R4i, which has its own custom works, so far cannot play KH, because it wont use other firmware, & it also wont work on its own firmware.

    Unless you are trying to get the rom already patched somewhere in this thread, you wont find the rom here. Go onto the plain old Romulation & get the rom there. If you cant do that, just search through all of the pages, to find where either knightmare or I uploaded the rom.
  19. garra113

    garra113 Member

    gokuguy: Thank you so much. I never knew there was a big difference between the wording that comes after R4i. Thanks alot again. It works ^_^. I am enjoying this game right now
  20. lightdarkess

    lightdarkess New Member

    does it matter which r4 it is?