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Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days (J)

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by anandjones, May 29, 2009.

  1. knightmare235

    knightmare235 Well-Known Member

    @ flatoutvincent:
    As for AR codes I really don't think a code will drop for fixing it but I am sure that there will be codes to cheat and enhance gameplay (I wish Zigbar didn't suck so much).

    @ ITMEMAVI?:
    I read something similar to what it is you are talking about, and a few of my friends told me that there is in fact a difference with acekard2i that were bought now and then. From what I read it's because the DSi is getting updates that is supposed to block flashcards and acekard2i started remaking their cards to prevent this. Hope that bit of info helps.

    @ gokuguy:
    I'm glad to see more people like you out there hopefully we'll be able to find more, proof that RomU has gamers that care about the gamers.

    On to something I came across, I heard about a mini translation patch and I was wondering if there was any truth behind it and if so is there any info on it. I'm sure people would like to know, so far I heard that it translates everything in the menu and the slot system. Just asking a question if I broke any rules or overstepped my bounds please forgive me for I mean no harm.
  2. flatoutvincent

    flatoutvincent Well-Known Member

    i need the ar code to play the game haven't played it yet and it sucks. im using NO$GBA 2.6a and ive had no luck with any rom patch etc. ive tried whats on page 1 and nothing goku tried to help me but nothing thats why i need the anit piracy patch " ar version"
  3. denkou

    denkou Member

    There is a mini patch being made. I do not know if am aloud to post the site. They are doing most of it but the story and what not. I didn't see anything against talking about a translation patch. Yes its not a rumor a person is making a translation patch but not story seeing as the game comes out in like 3 months.
  4. TheStreetie

    TheStreetie Well-Known Member

    @gokuguy... shall i still buy a AK2i then ?? if it wont work ??
  5. jeffrey4814

    jeffrey4814 Member

    this is non sense for those people trying to play the (J) version without even knowing Japanese language, stop acting "Japanese Wannabees" and just wait for the (E)/(U) version this Q3 of 2009.
  6. haseoTOD

    haseoTOD Guest

    But the firmware isn't updated since March 16.
  7. alexong96

    alexong96 Well-Known Member

    they aren't active anymore , I think.
    the last firmware is 1.45
  8. gokuguy

    gokuguy Well-Known Member

    Ben: I would hold off. I had not heard about the AK2i change. Sounds like AKAIO will have to make an update to work with new AK2i cards. I will look up more about this, & get back to you on that.

    denkou & knightmare235: There is in fact a mini translation project going on. Its actually only being done by 1 person, & they dont want help. They are doing quite well actually, & are using an official japanese page for the translation of all of the text. I have looked at the translated page, & everything seems accurate. You can find them on GBATemp in the NDS Translations & Rom Hacks section of the forums. I might put a link to their thread later.

    Post Merge: [time]1243963261[/time]
    Kingdom Hearts 358/2 days was just announced on E3 for US & Europe on September 29. When those come out, if Narin doesnt do anything about them either, & if no one finds a solution for them, ill take a shot at them. Most likely, both games will be fixable with the same string edit, since they dont have time now to change it now that they have announced the release date & have the game completed.
  9. fantasy252

    fantasy252 Well-Known Member

    which patch do i use for the m3 real card? ???
  10. meyou22

    meyou22 Member

    I have a question.

    I totally realize that M3 Simply is a dead card, but in the economy, I have no desire to buy a new one.
    I would like to play this game.

    What do you guys recommend I do?
  11. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    you may not be able to do anything. If you have a powerful computer you can try running it on No$GBA.
  12. meyou22

    meyou22 Member

    Seems like it, yeah.
    Thanks. :3
  13. Ganonman

    Ganonman New Member

    I have a dsi with acekard 2i. I tried every method i found, and no luck. When i use akaio 1.41 it freezes when i try to run KH. Did anybody with acekard 2i get it working? What did you use?
  14. RedLink04

    RedLink04 New Member

    killakev: I downloaded your file to my R4 Ultra and when I try playing it, the game won't load. I went to Multimedia, then when it loads on the bottom it says something about an error but then loads up to Moonshell. Then I try playing any of my games (including Kingdom Hearts) and now of them seem to load and will say "not support adapter?". I can't even get the YSMenu to load since everything else comes up as a bunch of coding.

    How did you get yours to play?
  15. gokuguy

    gokuguy Well-Known Member

    1. For AK2i, you must use AKAIO 1.41 PROPER. It was recently discovered that AKAIO does not work on newer AK2i cards. Try AKAIO 1.41 PROPER firmware first, then if that doesnt work, try playing on your pc, because there is no solution for the newest cards yet.
  16. KH2Freak

    KH2Freak New Member

    Yo, uh, I've tried patching it like it says, but every time I try to load the game, I get THIS:

    I'm currently running it on No$GBA and am using the ROM provided by the site. Help?
  17. Wintrale

    Wintrale Well-Known Member

    Have you tried changing the Back Up Media type?
  18. gokuguy

    gokuguy Well-Known Member

    You dont patch the rom if your using No$GBA. That emulator has been patched, on first page, to play it perfectly already, without patch. Patch probably messed it up for emulator. Redownload it, & get the new No$gba.
  19. eiyuu

    eiyuu New Member

    I've a bit of an problem, I have used the patch for R4(v1.18). I have been playing it fine until a certain part of the game, Day 353, when completing that mission and after all the text it just goes to a black screen and the bgm can only be heard...Has anyone with an R4 gotten that far in the game?
  20. KH2Freak

    KH2Freak New Member

    I didn't use it on this one. And yes, I did the Back-up Media stuff.