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Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days (J)

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by anandjones, May 29, 2009.

  1. 1nferno

    1nferno Member

    This is what i did to get KH 358/2 days works on my R4ultra with 8 gb sd :

    1. Download and patch the game, then put it in my micro sd
    2. Delete all the firmware files & data that I used before in my micro sd
    3. Download the r4ultra v1.54 from http://www.r4ultra.com/download.htm (I downloaded Kernell v1.54 ENGLISH)
    4. Download the AKAIO v1.4 from http://gbatemp.net/index.php?download=4775
    5. Extract both firmwares to separate folder after the download finishes
    6. Open the r4ultra ENG_v1.54 folder then copy all the files (the files, not the folder) to your sd
    7. Open the AKAIO v1.4 folder then copy all the files (the files, not the folder) to your sd
    8. Put the sd to your r4ultra and plug it to your nds
    9. Turn on the NDS, when R4 menu show up, instead ofchoosing the games directory I select the AKMENU4.nds
    10. AKAIO menu will now appear, then I select the KH 358/2 days rom from there and play the game.

    That's what I did. Hope it works on you.
    If it still doesn't work I really don't know what to do.
    Maybe you can backup all of your sd data to your PC then format the sd, and try those steps again after the format done.
  2. TheStreetie

    TheStreetie Well-Known Member

    Thanks alot mate ...

    im doing the long slow format ... hopefully it'll work ...

    im using 7-zip to exract .... good move ?
  3. Sasuke181

    Sasuke181 Member

    M3 real with IPS is working :D:D:D:D
  4. 1nferno

    1nferno Member

    yes it is. I hope it will works.
    If it still doesn't work Im sorry. :( Hope someone else can help you. ;D
    Good luck :)
  5. TheStreetie

    TheStreetie Well-Known Member

    it still dont work .... the word loading goes from blue to red ... then does nothing

    it doesnt work for other games either
  6. gokuguy

    gokuguy Well-Known Member

    I regret to say that i have no other ideas for you Ben besides getting a new flash card, one that has nothing to do with R4 (or its clones). If you do get another card, get an Acekard 2 or Acekard 2i. Its a great card, & you can still use your sdhc micro sd.

    I just wanted to let you see something from the comments of the AKAIO 1.4 download...

    "well on my ak2i it seems to be running great... until you try to load a game.... it goes blue loading... then red loading and just sits there... "

    You might need a more previous version of AKAIO.
    That is 1.3 Final Fix. Try that.
    Post Merge: [time]1243786803[/time]
    Get AKAIO 1.4 firmware, & extract the 2 contents to the root of your sd, while still having your DSTT firmware as well. When you load your DSTT, dont choose KH, choose the AKAIO firmware, or akmenu4.nds. The AKAIO menu will load, & from there you should be able to play a patched KH without any problems. If that doesnt work, try AKAIO 1.3 Final Fixed from the post above.
  7. TheStreetie

    TheStreetie Well-Known Member

    Tried it .... Failed ... where shall i buy my AK2i

    i just want it working on my DSi ... will it work with the AK2i ?
  8. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    Are you using the 1.55 Beta firmware? You have to to play Kingdom Hearts.
  9. MilesPeyton

    MilesPeyton Member

    I edited the .nds file on a hex editor, and works fine on my acekard 2i, until after the cutscenes in the beginning. After that, the screen goes black and the music keeps looping.
  10. gokuguy

    gokuguy Well-Known Member

    Someone has tested it, & said that it does work on AK2i on DSi with AKAIO firmware.

    Here are a few links to good sites for getting AK2i.
    http://www.kickgaming.com/acekard-ak2i-p-374.html $34.95
    http://www.gaingame.com/acekard-2i-flash-card-p-6002.html $29.99
    http://www.gamebygame.com/index.php?target=categories&category_id=184 $23.00
    http://www.gamezway.com/acekard-2-ak2-i-for-dsi-dsl-idsl-ds-and-ids_p103.html $18.50

    I have never ordered from these sites, but these are partner sites to GBATemp.net. I trust them. If you wish, ask or look up which site has the fastest shipping, best service, ect. from GBAtemp.
    Post Merge: [time]1243796010[/time]
    I guess we need someone else to also tell the status of the compatibility of this game with the AK2i.
    Are you using AKAIO firmware for your Acekard 2i, MilesPeyton?
  11. ShinStrike

    ShinStrike New Member

    Thank you very much gokuguy for the patch. It's working just fine for me and the steps are also pretty simple and straight-forward, for me that is.

    I'm using DSTT (Kernel 1.17) and I made sure to test out before patching and the same thing happened, black screen after selecting difficulty mode. Now it's running. ^^ It's just too bad I can't get to playing it much yet since I have exams in 2 days time. T_T

    Also thanks to Adnandjones for the list of compatibility. It really made my day.
  12. gokuguy

    gokuguy Well-Known Member

    Updated: May 31, 09, 2:04 GMT -5:00 Eastern

    Confirmed Working on:
    CycloDS (new firmware needed, No patch needed)
    Acekard 2 (AKAIO Firmware 1.41)
    Acekard 2i (AKAIO Firmware 1.41)
    M3Real (M3 Sakura v.1.35)
    R4 (v.1.18)
    R4 Vol. 2 (clone) (v.1.18)
    R4 SDHC (clone) (Firmware 1.25)
    R4 Deluxe (clone) (AKAIO 1.4(manual load))
    R4i (clone) (AKAIO 1.4(manual load))
    R4 Ultra (clone) (AKAIO 1.4(manual load) or AKAIO 1.3 Final Fixed(manual load))
    N5 (N5 Firmware v 1.30)
    G6 Real (G6DS Real firmware v4.3f x45)
    EZFlash V (Kernel 1.90 openbeta11)
    EZFlash VI (Kernel 1.90 openbeta11)
    Supercard DSOne (SuperCard DS ONE OS 3.0 SP7)
    DSTT (Kernel 1.17)
    DSTT Fake (AKAIO 1.4)
    EDGE (No Patch Needed, Newest Firmware)
    ITouchDS (ITouch v3.2)

    Supercard DSOnei

    R4 Real (For now)
    M3 Simply
  13. aguirre

    aguirre Member

    First of all, thanks to everyone for their great efforts in making this game playable for so many of us!
    My question is: Is there any solution in sight (e.g. somebody working on it) for the M3 with the latest .35 firmware? It´s running on nearly every other system but sadly not yet on the M3. Would be great if anyone could help!
  14. aivan

    aivan New Member

    Yeah, I am using the 1.55 Beta 1. I suspect the problem is that the Card is trying to create a .sav file and just ends up hanging. I checked on the Cyclo forums and someone else had a similar issue, they said placing a working .sav file would allow the game to run. If anyone would be kind enough to share their .sav file I'd be highly grateful.
  15. gokuguy

    gokuguy Well-Known Member

    For M3 users, & possibly for R4 Ultra/R4i users.


    Its a blank save i created with my AK2, it should help. Just rename it to the exact name of your game, without the file extension. If it helps any of you M3 or R4i users that cant get it to run on certain firmware (ex. AKAIO on R4i), please say so, & Anandjones can post it on the first page.

    For people testing this on R4i with AKAIO firmware as a substitution, rename your save like this (not this exact name)

    *name of game*.nds.sav

    AKAIO makes & reads saves with the game's file extension, which is always .nds. Remember this if using AKAIO & have to use this save.
  16. Ryousha

    Ryousha New Member

    I patched everything it works up after the opening. Which really sucks cause it keeps replaying the Opening on my No$GBA!

    What should i do?
  17. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    You don't need to patch it to make it work on No$GBA.

    Download the clean ROM. Download the no$GBA v2.6 that is in the first post of this thread, no$gba 2.6 (Patched Version).That's all you need.
  18. flatoutvincent

    flatoutvincent Well-Known Member

    marafi were did u get the frimware at? or were can i get it need instructions
    Post Merge: [time]1243795081[/time]
    tirthrr can u post link to clean rom
  19. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    The clean rom is the version you download from Romulation.net No patches, no nothing... just the ROM.
  20. flatoutvincent

    flatoutvincent Well-Known Member

    k ill try it wish me the best with the rom and the emulator on page 1