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Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days (J)

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by anandjones, May 29, 2009.

  1. flatoutvincent

    flatoutvincent Well-Known Member

  2. kudo1993

    kudo1993 New Member

    hey check this out
    when i watched the intro i was like wow it does not slow.does anyone know how to make the intro did not slow?please.....
  3. finalmario

    finalmario Well-Known Member

    obvisouly they had a fast computer

    but why does anybody wanna play it on a emulator anyway?=/

    and lol gokuguy,people my start calling you the new narin XD
  4. flatoutvincent

    flatoutvincent Well-Known Member

  5. kudo1993

    kudo1993 New Member

    no i had i fast computer too but the main problem is the intro is slow.i think he used no$gba 2.6a and no$zoomer.
  6. flatoutvincent

    flatoutvincent Well-Known Member

  7. finalmario

    finalmario Well-Known Member

  8. jame

    jame Member

    Work fine on my R4DS ( install YSMenu), after I patch with ISP-Patch (Gokuguy)
  9. finalmario

    finalmario Well-Known Member

    this is all so very odd..

    why does everyone have to use YS menu for R4???

    i have YS menu but i use the R4 menu...
  10. knightmare235

    knightmare235 Well-Known Member

    You're not alone finalmario I've never touched YSMenu
  11. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    You don't have to use YSMenu. The patched game works fine in original firmware 1.18 :)
  12. finalmario

    finalmario Well-Known Member

    yeah so why do other people need it?? i only use mine for made in ore and mario and luigi rpg 3

    this game does not need it.
  13. TheStreetie

    TheStreetie Well-Known Member

    Hey .. sorry .. but does anyone know how to make it so i cant hit my friends on mission mode ?
  14. finalmario

    finalmario Well-Known Member

    that is not a mess up in the game ;\
  15. TheStreetie

    TheStreetie Well-Known Member

    haha ... yeah i know lol
  16. finalmario

    finalmario Well-Known Member

    i would like to point out something to everyone

    has anyone passed day 74?

    after i do these 3 qustions with pence(wich the anwsers to the qustions is number 3 number 2 then number 3.gokuguy found that)i dont know what to do.i tryed to find all chest but i went everywhere and i could only find 4 chest out of 7

    then there was a spot that looked like a chest would be there..

    is this a messup or has anyone passed this part?if so,how?
  17. gokuguy

    gokuguy Well-Known Member

    I cant get one to work... It seems like it would be an easy code, but i cant get it to work...
  18. finalmario

    finalmario Well-Known Member

    there HAS to be a way to make a action replay code
  19. gokuguy

    gokuguy Well-Known Member

    I messaged Narin about it, giving the link here to show him what has been done, to see if he has the time to make a quick code from the info already gathered to fix the game. Hopefully, soon, he will get on soon to see it, & possibly respond, whether he can or not (by can, i mean if he has enough time to).
  20. SamAsh07

    SamAsh07 Member

    Umm the UltraEdit/Hex Editor method is the most simple one to do people >_>
    and @ Anandjones I can confirm that the game works perfectly on DSTT upon editing the string.

    P.S. DSTT Kernel FW 1.17