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Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days - Day 258 - Leechgrave

Discussion in 'Game Help' started by mikeac, Oct 10, 2009.

  1. hahahahaha

    hahahahaha Well-Known Member

    I defeated Leechgrave with only a few cures(After about 7 tries...). Block when the tenteclaws attack, kill them, and when all are dead Leechgrave will be unconcious for a while. Then spam your limit break until he wakes up, repeat.
  2. Shades09

    Shades09 Well-Known Member

    Well, like everybody else said, pack plenty of cure and curas. A good tactic is to attack and kill 3 out of the 4 tentacles and then attck the grave. It may take time and practice to perfect this but it'll get the job done. :) Also if using this tactic watch out for the claws that com out of the grave. They deal HEAPS of damage.
  3. klaimore

    klaimore Well-Known Member

    To kill the tentacles easily, run in a circle and the tentacles will pop from the ground. Use thundara then. And try using Final Limit on the grave if you have a chance. I'm stuck on this as well but I nearly killed it once.
  4. Arron_zero

    Arron_zero Well-Known Member

    dis boss is really easy, well all the bosses in the game r, juz gotta knw wat to do

    1stly, find a spot in front of him tat where ure nt in attacking range of the boss. move him, wait fr him to swipe at u, quite easy to get the timing as his arms come out when the coffin is swinging towards u, jump out of the way, wahck him back 2-3 times depending on ur gear...repeat. if purple mist comes out run away n wait den go in agen or if u dun give a damn ignore it. he fires purple bullets juz block em. its actually real easy since those claw swipes gt really short range. easy battle, juz real long. gotta be patient.

    hopefully u'll have no prob wif dis guy anymore xD
  5. MoriSenpi

    MoriSenpi New Member

    i defeated leechgrave by getting my life down enough for limit break then i killed all the tentacles and use limit as soon as he goes down