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King of the Hill

Discussion in 'Forum Games, Jokes & Random' started by holoflame, Jul 17, 2009.

  1. Amidamaru1234

    Amidamaru1234 Well-Known Member

  2. k4ylan

    k4ylan Guest

    Blows your hill into a bajillion pieces, which rearrange themself into another hill off in the distance
  3. Griffandir14

    Griffandir14 Well-Known Member

    I bring out the big guns, I save the life of several world leaders and the UN passes legislation that the said hill shall be forever known to the world as Griffandir14's Peak, My Hill
  4. rocklee823

    rocklee823 Well-Known Member

    *Lee inputs "your hill" into scribblenauts
    it therefore is now mine
    MY hill
  5. k4ylan

    k4ylan Guest

    *K4ylan tries to control hill, but cannot due to awesomeness of Scribblenauts. Instead he builds a bigger awesomerest hill over there and claims it as
  6. Amidamaru1234

    Amidamaru1234 Well-Known Member

    dissolves you with my nano rifle stolen from mars
  7. k4ylan

    k4ylan Guest

    Drops a cloud, which crushes your body with its cloudy goodness
  8. Griffandir14

    Griffandir14 Well-Known Member

    I drink all the water from the cloud My Hill
  9. k4ylan

    k4ylan Guest

    You die, because clouds aren't made of water, they're made of love....a deadly poison

  10. johncarl

    johncarl Well-Known Member

    stop fighter over my (syupid) hill
  11. Amidamaru1234

    Amidamaru1234 Well-Known Member

    gets the Ouendan squads to dance to help me take over the hill
    (the song would be bacon - HALCALI)
  12. nhi_po

    nhi_po Well-Known Member

    I use proper English grammar.
    It is my hill.
  13. Amidamaru1234

    Amidamaru1234 Well-Known Member

    psshhhhhhhhh, grammar on the internet is lame
    pokes you because you are using lame grammar
  14. nhi_po

    nhi_po Well-Known Member

    i throw forks at you
  15. haseoTOD

    haseoTOD Guest

    Breaks your neck, slits your throat, beats you to death, throw you off a cliff, spits at you, gives you the finger.

    mY HILL.
  16. nhi_po

    nhi_po Well-Known Member

    i drag you to my hell
  17. Griffandir14

    Griffandir14 Well-Known Member

    and while you're away at your hell, well, My Hill
  18. rocklee823

    rocklee823 Well-Known Member

    I throw something at you...
    my hill
  19. Griffandir14

    Griffandir14 Well-Known Member

    I also throw a heavy, blunt object at you, in the end of said confrontation of heavy object throwing, I end up the only one left on the hill without a concussion, the property therefore reverts to the only one left with a claim on said hill, me.
    My Hill
  20. k4ylan

    k4ylan Guest

    Without understanding your long post...I claim it as