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King of the Hill

Discussion in 'Forum Games, Jokes & Random' started by holoflame, Jul 17, 2009.

  1. hi1116

    hi1116 Well-Known Member

    *I poke the sh*t out of you then you die*

  2. smashbrosmk

    smashbrosmk Well-Known Member

    *is resurrected, then poke infects you*
  3. Priom

    Priom Well-Known Member

    Priom pats neko softly, good kitty gives Priom the hill

    My hill
  4. MiseryLC

    MiseryLC Guest

    * tells Priom someone bought him a drink at the base of the hill

    My hill
  5. doggy-dj

    doggy-dj Guest


    My hill.
  6. Mr.PowPow

    Mr.PowPow Well-Known Member

    *Slams hammer into your back, causing you to tumble down the hill*
    Catchya laters =3
    My hill
  7. smashbrosmk

    smashbrosmk Well-Known Member

    *throws a virtual cookie*

    MY HILL!
  8. Mr.PowPow

    Mr.PowPow Well-Known Member

    *Pours food in the cat bowl*
    You sir, are defeated!
    My hill~
  9. smashbrosmk

    smashbrosmk Well-Known Member

    *eats the food, then spits up a hair ball next to you so you can clean up*

  10. Mr.PowPow

    Mr.PowPow Well-Known Member

    *looks at the hairball with dazed eyes*....
    ......did you just.....put that on my carpet...which I JUST cleaned? P....p.....p...POOOOWWWW!
    *slams hammer onto the ground and creates a volcano of fiery doom*
    My hill~
  11. MiseryLC

    MiseryLC Guest

    * Eats your bacon... You get depressed and comit suicide

    My hill
  12. Mr.PowPow

    Mr.PowPow Well-Known Member

    *slams hammer on the top of your head and watches as your head explodes*
    My hill
  13. Priom

    Priom Well-Known Member

    "Steals hammer,shuts the mouth off"

    My Hill
  14. Mr.PowPow

    Mr.PowPow Well-Known Member

    *steals Fayts sword and slices you into pieces*
    My hill
  15. Priom

    Priom Well-Known Member

    "says:sorry were you trying something I was looking at the ground graps back sword starts slashing"

    My hill
  16. Mr.PowPow

    Mr.PowPow Well-Known Member

    *inhales and swallows sword from your hand*
    ....urgg...thats gonna hurt on the way out....
    My hill
  17. Priom

    Priom Well-Known Member

    your mouth is shut so u can't eat the sword

    My hill
  18. Mr.PowPow

    Mr.PowPow Well-Known Member

    *picks up hammer and pushes the button on the side of the hilt that says "Super-fun-mega-happy-death-ray*
    .........*huge dazzling special effects light up the hill*
    My hill~
  19. Priom

    Priom Well-Known Member

    *the hilt was a trap Mr.powpow gets trapped in his dreamworld*

    My hill
  20. Mr.PowPow

    Mr.PowPow Well-Known Member

    *Teams up with Meta-Knight to embark on a quest that takes up lots of pages and escapes the dream world, the proceeds to spit in Prioms eye*
    Now you have herpes
    My hill~