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King of the Hill

Discussion in 'Forum Games, Jokes & Random' started by holoflame, Jul 17, 2009.

  1. jadster 1996

    jadster 1996 Well-Known Member

    ding dong,play boy delivery service
    *goes inside while alex is distracted*
  2. alexong96

    alexong96 Well-Known Member

    Am not perverted.

    *shotguns jack spades and tosses remains of the body in the fire*

    Ahhh....the warmth is somewhat relaxing.

    MY HILL!
  3. jadster 1996

    jadster 1996 Well-Known Member

    *Comes out as a zombie and kills alex*
  4. alexong96

    alexong96 Well-Known Member

    *protected with armor and blows jack away and jack turns to ash*

    MY HILL!
  5. jadster 1996

    jadster 1996 Well-Known Member

    *Is revived from ash into a ho-oh and blows alex and his armor then burns him*
  6. alexong96

    alexong96 Well-Known Member

    *armor heatens and undamages alex. touches jack's face and burns him. finally, shotguns him to death*

    MY HILL!
  7. evannick

    evannick Well-Known Member

    everyone fell asleep
  8. k9112009

    k9112009 Well-Known Member

    Actually it's mine now.
  9. redoperator

    redoperator Well-Known Member

    ... what you don't know is that the hill was a trap, and its made of C4!!!...

    *blows up the hill and plants flag in the crater

    my hill
  10. miros

    miros Well-Known Member

    Pistol whipped gavilatius in the jugular and jacked the hill/crater.
  11. redoperator

    redoperator Well-Known Member

    i have god mode bee-ach

    my hill

    *see a big headed old white guy with white hair pointing at me...

  12. dhanash

    dhanash Well-Known Member

    well gav is gone
    so its
    my hill!
  13. k9112009

    k9112009 Well-Known Member

  14. alexong96

    alexong96 Well-Known Member

    *k9 didn't read the rules, thus this is now...*

    MY HILL!
  15. k9112009

    k9112009 Well-Known Member

    I have no time for rules! I shall sing a melancholic song...to make you fall of the hill so its MY HILL!!! MINE MINE MINE!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!
  16. Blade5406

    Blade5406 Well-Known Member

    k9 became a dog

    My Hill!!!
  17. k9112009

    k9112009 Well-Known Member

    Blade became dull, rusty and useless.

    MY HILL!!!
  18. miros

    miros Well-Known Member

    k9112009 sees the world in only black and white...the racist punk. He is playing the color game and there for has to resign his position of king to miros for being awsome at life and everything else that is grand.
  19. alexong96

    alexong96 Well-Known Member

    That ones fake
    *fake hill deflates and turns into a sticky substance that miros is stuck to*

    *sticky substance hardens*

    the real hill is right over there...
    *goes to the REAL hill*

    MY HILL!
  20. evannick

    evannick Well-Known Member

    uses excavater to move the hill to somewhere near me