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King of the Hill

Discussion in 'Forum Games, Jokes & Random' started by holoflame, Jul 17, 2009.

  1. deltakilla

    deltakilla Member

    *tickles sayu till she faints*
    my hill
  2. RomRomPawnch

    RomRomPawnch Well-Known Member

    -Hill is overrun by gingerbread men!-

    Gingerbreadmen's Hill
  3. Don9aldo

    Don9aldo Well-Known Member

    *Directs sarcastic comments at Gingerbread men until they leave the hill in frustration*

    My hill.
  4. deltakilla

    deltakilla Member

    don9aldo's corpse...check
    my hill.... nipaaa ~~
  5. RomRomPawnch

    RomRomPawnch Well-Known Member

    Nipaa Spam? We lost... unless...

    -soundproof headphones-

    My hill!
  6. Don9aldo

    Don9aldo Well-Known Member

    Turns out it was a drug induced stupor... I wasn't actually killed.

    *Breaks a vial of anthrax over Hobo's head*

    My hill now.
  7. RomRomPawnch

    RomRomPawnch Well-Known Member

    -eats a cup of lifenoodles-


    -my hill-
  8. PeachMilk

    PeachMilk Well-Known Member

    I'll show you my bra strap.

    My hill.
  9. Don9aldo

    Don9aldo Well-Known Member

  10. deltakilla

    deltakilla Member

    *smacks dons head with bat*
    with that homerun ..this hill is safe
  11. PeachMilk

    PeachMilk Well-Known Member

  12. bellsarc

    bellsarc Well-Known Member

    I fly above the hill into the clouds and bring back a lot of birds to chase PeachMilk away.

    My Hill... And the tasty birds
  13. Xx_Sayuri_xX

    Xx_Sayuri_xX Well-Known Member

    *Sprays Bell with a small squirtbottle*

    My hill.
  14. doggy-dj

    doggy-dj Guest

    hires a trained assassin to get the hill....but no then its his uuummmmm i um IMMA FIRIN MA LAZAed him so....its MY hill
  15. ricapica

    ricapica Active Member


  16. doggy-dj

    doggy-dj Guest

    gets a lend of Medusa's head a turns you to stone ......4!!!!! (kicks you inta space) MY HILL (puts up forcefield!!) MMWWWAHAHAHA MY HILL
  17. Don9aldo

    Don9aldo Well-Known Member


    *Whacks her off hill with cane*

    My hill.
  18. doggy-dj

    doggy-dj Guest

    oh hi....um...person ive never met before
    comes back with a mudkip and whaks him in the head...that wasnt very effective :p oh well ive got a snorlax .......zoom zoom ZZOOOOMM BBBBBBBOOOOOOOOOMMMMMM
    my hill
  19. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    You broke rule-you must say "my hill" at the end of each sentance.

  20. doggy-dj

    doggy-dj Guest

    r u on his side now!!!!WWWHHHYYYYYYYY meh im still gunna RRROOOAAAMMMM free on the hill though......or i can edit!!!