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King of the Hill

Discussion in 'Forum Games, Jokes & Random' started by holoflame, Jul 17, 2009.

  1. cookieninja100

    cookieninja100 Active Member

    *chuck norris kicks* my hill
  2. Corriger

    Corriger Well-Known Member

    Using Chuck Norris is cheating. You are kicked off the hill.

    My Hill
  3. muddymaster

    muddymaster Well-Known Member

    hmm, what to do?
    oh yeah!
    *presses button*
    *hill flies to the moon*
    your hill
  4. Corriger

    Corriger Well-Known Member

    *flies down and stomps on muddy's face*

    Stupid little...

    *erects Millenium Tower*

  5. muddymaster

    muddymaster Well-Known Member

    *flies to the moon*
    MY HILL!
  6. Corriger

    Corriger Well-Known Member

    *blows up the moon*

    No one's hill...

    *massive tidal wave comes towards Millenium Tower*

    ... Crap.
  7. cookieninja100

    cookieninja100 Active Member

    *still holding a giant boulder he used to start a tidal wave* eh i hope no1 is goin to get hit by this wave *on the other side i see corrigers tower and muddy* uh......damn
  8. muddymaster

    muddymaster Well-Known Member

    *hill falls and floats on the ocean*
  9. Corriger

    Corriger Well-Known Member

    *falls face first on hill*

    ... ooowwwwww...
  10. muddymaster

    muddymaster Well-Known Member

    *rolls corriger off the hill*
  11. Lthrbelt777

    Lthrbelt777 Active Member

  12. K-N

    K-N Member

    *pushed belt off the hill*My hill
  13. Zamrullah

    Zamrullah Artist in Training

    *give hero neko dinner*
    *ask politely*

    My hill!
  14. K-N

    K-N Member

    hmm...tasty..your hill..
  15. Zamrullah

    Zamrullah Artist in Training

    *give hero more*

    my hill!
  16. K-N

    K-N Member

    hmm...more tasty...more hill to you...
  17. DECADE5

    DECADE5 Well-Known Member

    °°Takes Zamrullah' Teddy and throws off the Hill. Zamrullah jumps after Teddy°°

    My HILL!
  18. Corriger

    Corriger Well-Known Member

    ... My Hill.
  19. mr snow

    mr snow Well-Known Member

    *throws porno tape down hill*

    *Corr chases it*

    ^^ My hill!
  20. Corriger

    Corriger Well-Known Member

    *doesn't chase it*

    Not Corriger.

    My hill.