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King of the Hill

Discussion in 'Forum Games, Jokes & Random' started by holoflame, Jul 17, 2009.

  1. snoopigin

    snoopigin Guest

    i hack your computer through remote connection and type this for me:

    snoopigin owns the hill.

    my hill
  2. phscarface

    phscarface Well-Known Member

    I made a script and passed to yours when you hacked the computer:
    #hill is Phscarface's_1/ and nobody else.
  3. snoopigin

    snoopigin Guest

    i have my own program which does anti hack.
    stops your script.

    my hill
  4. ShyriaXil

    ShyriaXil Active Member

    i get tron to hack into your computer and make it my hill
    my hill
  5. nhi_po

    nhi_po Well-Known Member

    all computers ominously get shut down, strangely, mine is the only one on, no one knows of this, and while everyone frantically tries to fix their computers, i am left with my hill
  6. sinharvest24

    sinharvest24 Guest

    nhi_po hakuren.........................nhi

    nhi nhi



    nhi freaks out and gives me the hill ^_^
  7. nhi_po

    nhi_po Well-Known Member

    i may be freaked out, but i aint letin go of this hill..
    my hill
  8. snoopigin

    snoopigin Guest

    i tell you that there is something really cool at the bottom of the hill, you say; tell me what it is?!
    then i say, go see it for yourself... you do..

    my hill
  9. ruralmonk

    ruralmonk Member

    i throw an apple and you run off the hill to grab it.
  10. snoopigin

    snoopigin Guest

    i'm allergic to apples.

    MY HILL.
  11. phscarface

    phscarface Well-Known Member

    You guys fight each other for the hill, without seein' me comin' in low profile and take the hill from y'all.
    my hill
  12. snoopigin

    snoopigin Guest

    i throw the apple at your face and it kills you.

    MY HILL.
  13. phscarface

    phscarface Well-Known Member

    Since a apple don't kill just by throwin' on face, it hit me, but drop on floor as well....
    so nothin' have happened.......
  14. snoopigin

    snoopigin Guest

    I turn you into the wicked witch of the west and pour a bucket of water on you.

    MY HILL.
  15. Griffandir14

    Griffandir14 Well-Known Member

    I reply to your previous post with this statement, My Hill.
  16. snoopigin

    snoopigin Guest

    that does nothing, you gotta try harder if you wanna take my hill

    MY HILL.
  17. Griffandir14

    Griffandir14 Well-Known Member

    Okay, I bring my Continent Thrower Cannon (or Controwcan for short) back to the drawing board, redo the barrel, spruce up the firing mechanism, and super insulate the sucker. Meet my patented Star Thrower Cannon (or Statrowcan for short). I load up a few red dwarfs and the entire constellation of Cancer and fire the cannon at you. My Hill
  18. agunimon45

    agunimon45 Active Member

    Fine, then I kidnap Rydia from FF4, force her to summon Bahamut, then I kidnap a hume from FFTA and make him summon Mateus and then find the stupid ****ing item that allows me to summon Zordiark and destroy the stupid hill. Then I kill all three of them and pile them on each other to make them a hill of dead espers and scions. I stand on it and shout out loud, "MY HILL OF DEAD ESPERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"(No offence to espers that are sitting in front of the computer, reading this instead of practice fighting.)
  19. qiehebat

    qiehebat New Member

    I revive them and they mega flare you to death.

    my hill
  20. sinharvest24

    sinharvest24 Guest

    *Judgment* Alexander kills all the esper's and i stand atop Alexander and yell-

    MY HILL!!!!!!!!!!